Is The Big Villain Crazy, Really Made The Empress Into A Puppet?

Chapter 126 If The Young Master Does Not Dislike It, We Will Stay Here For A Few Days

Nangong Junchen watched this scene as if he were watching the fire, and couldn't help but feel a little funny.

It is not so much that Luo Qingluan is a high-ranking Qingluan saint, a daughter of impeccable luck, it is better to say that the other party is just a little girl.

Getting angry and losing your temper, speaking insincerely, is there any difference from acting like a spoiled child.

He also saw that Luo Qingluan was showing his hatred for him at the moment. This sign was not very good. After all, he wanted to subdue Luo Qingluan. How could he distance himself from Luo Qingluan?

So he spoke at the right time.

"It turned out to be related to Zhou Muyang."

"Zhou Muyang practiced the evil art of the Ten Thousand Flowers Divine Canon, and he also possessed the power of blood curse to harm women. I would kill one person like him. Don't say that he is a subordinate of my Nangong family, even if it is another force. people, I can also kill them."

Nangong Junchen's face was full of justice and sternness, which attracted Luo Qingluan and Luo Nihuang, and invisibly resolved the quarrel between them.

"Miss Qingluan must be angry about her childhood, I can understand."

Nangong Junchen sighed timely, "Who doesn't have a past? But why cling to the past? This senior, you don't need to blame Miss Qingluan. If I were her, I'd be worse than her."

As soon as these words came out, Luo Qingluan's heart trembled slightly.

Why cling to the past.

If I were her, I'd be worse than her.

Nangong Junchen understands me, he knows my thoughts, and he finds a way for me to go down and resolve the conflict between me and my aunt.

Luo Qingluan felt very uncomfortable. Previously, he actually made trouble unreasonably, and humiliated and resented the other party. He was really heartless.

Luo Nihuang didn't have these thoughts of Luo Qingluan, she only felt that the breath that made her tremble slowly disappeared, she undoubtedly breathed a sigh of relief, a polite smile appeared on her face again, and said, "Young Master Nangong is like this. Reasonable and reasonable, the old man deeply admires. Speaking of which, Qingluan was also trying to avoid the turmoil in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, so he had a little intersection with Zhou Muyang, but now Qingluan has recognized the true face of this person."

"Speaking of which, I would like to thank Young Master Nangong for eliminating the harm for the people."

"And the old man also heard the remarks of Nangong when he was discussing Taoism in Taixuan Ancient City a few days ago. He was enlightened and made a breakthrough in his cultivation. Speaking of which, this is all thanks to Nangong."

Luo Nihuang kept her posture very low, showing an expression of intention to make friends.

She felt that it would be good if Qingluan could get on the line with Young Master Nangong.

Looking at the arrogance of the 100,000 mountains outside, compared with the Nangong Junchen in front of him, it is almost 108,000 miles away.

Appearance, temperament, temperament, or how they treat others, which one of them can be compared to Young Master Nangong?

There is really no comparison and no harm. Those people who want to marry Qingluan in the future have no door, so they will die as soon as possible.

At this point, Luo Nihuang couldn't help but have an idea, wouldn't it be wonderful if Qingluan married Young Master Nangong?

Luo Qingluan's mood slowly calmed down.

Aunt Nihuang is right, Nangong Junchen is indeed reasonable and considerate of others.

And they should really thank Nangong Junchen, first for Zhou Muyang, and secondly for their own and aunt's breakthrough.

If Nangong Junchen didn't kill Zhou Muyang, I'm afraid that Zhou Muyang would continue to harm other women, maybe even she would be poisoned by the other party.

Now that this crisis has been lifted, her Taoism has recovered logically, and her cultivation has been further improved.

The credit of Nangong Junchen is indispensable here.

"Qingluan, you and Young Master Nangong are the same age, so you can learn and communicate more." Luo Nihuang smiled.

Luo Qingluan gritted his teeth and said softly, "If Young Master Nangong doesn't dislike it, we will stay here for a few days. It just so happens that I also have some questions about my practice and want to ask Young Master Nangong for advice."

She naturally descended down the steps of her aunt.

However, this sentence seems to have all kinds of courage. After she said it, she seemed to have collapsed. She was both powerless and had a lot of expectations in her heart.

"Ding! The daughter of luck, Luo Qingluan, took the initiative to show her love to the master and rewarded her with 300 points of luck."

Hearing the system prompt, Nangong Junchen couldn't help laughing in his heart, it seems that his words played a big role.

Perhaps the same as Luo Qingluan's resonance, this girl's attitude has also been reversed 360 degrees.

Since Luo Qingluan took the initiative to show his love and wanted to discuss and communicate with himself, he naturally couldn't ask for it.

Nangong Junchen smiled and said, "The beauty took the initiative to invite, how can I refuse?"

Although the words were a little picky, the eyebrows and eyes were decent and there was no blasphemy, which made Luo Qingluan feel comfortable.

After all, Nangong Junchen calls her a beauty.

"But the two of you may have heard that I have a feud with a force called Guiyoumen. Their strength is not bad, and they may come here to find trouble."

Nangong Junchen reminded with a smile, "We, the Nangong family, will do our best to be responsible for the safety of the two of you, but sometimes there will be some negligence, so please forgive me."

In the words, they all reveal thoughtful consideration, as well as an attitude of indifference to Guiyoumen.

Luo Nihuang and Luo Qingluan felt that Nangong Junchen's actions were impeccable and naturally had nothing to say.

They are sure of their own safety.

Moreover, the person who dares to provoke a hundred thousand mountains is probably not born yet.

Except for Nangong Junchen, of course.

"Young Master Nangong, you don't need to care about us, we will be responsible for our own safety."

Luo Nihuang said politely, "I just hope Young Master Nangong doesn't think we are troublesome here."

"how come?"

Nangong Junchen shook his head with a light smile, "It's a great pleasure to have friends from afar? You are my guests, and you are already in my humble house. How could I be troublesome?"

After finishing speaking, Nangong Junchen summoned Elder Nangong Wuque and ordered him to arrange a palace for Luo Nihuang and others to live in.

And he specifically instructed to arrange the palace near the mountain and the water, and his words showed the importance he paid to Luo Nihuang and others.

Luo Nihuang and Luo Qingluan are naturally very useful.

The shadows of Baihe Tianjiao being killed before also dissipated. After all, they are the Qingluan clan, and the Baihe clan is just an affiliate of the Qingluan clan. What are you afraid of when a Tianjiao dies? One sentence can solve this problem.

What they are more gratified at the moment is to make friends with geniuses like Nangong Junchen.

After all the arrangements were made, Nangong Junchen excused himself and left.

From the point of view of Luo Nihuang and Luo Qingluan, Nangong Junchen is obviously busy with family affairs, which is normal.

The two went to the palace with Elder Nangong Wuque.

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