Is The Big Villain Crazy, Really Made The Empress Into A Puppet?

Chapter 132 The Son Of Luck Is Bold, Is It Okay To Visit Deliberately?

"You don't need to be polite to me."

Chen Wan'er waved her hand, and suddenly said again, "Come with me to see Young Master Nangong. After all, this is the territory of the Nangong family. Our Chen family wants to develop here without the care of the Nangong family."

"I'll take you to meet Young Master Nangong. It's a familiar face. In the early stage, the two elders helped you develop the industry here. In the later stage, you will be on your own."

As Chen Wan'er spoke, she turned and walked in the direction of Nangong Junchen's residence, "Come with me."

"Okay, Miss Wan'er."

Lin Zhan said this, and his heart was already churning with killing intent.

Lin Zhan didn't expect to face Nangong Junchen so soon, which was beyond his expectations.

However, he also knew Chen Wan'er. Once Chen Wan'er decided, it would be implemented quickly and resolutely.

For example, now, Chen Waner obviously wanted to cultivate "Chen Fan", so she brought "Chen Fan" to see Nangong Junchen.

It's just that Chen Wan'er would know that this Chen Fan is actually Lin Zhan.

"Nangong dog thief, you must have never imagined that I would appear in front of you in this capacity."

"If I shoot suddenly, can you stop it?"

Lin Zhan's eyes were full of ghostly shadows, as if he was pregnant with endless killing intent.

This is naturally his disguise. With the experience of the past few days, he believes that no one will find his abnormality.

He Lin Zhan is now Chen Fan.

A quarter of an hour later, Chen Wan'er took Lin Zhan and met Nangong Junchen.

At this time, Nangong Junchen had just finished browsing the system mall and was planning to polish the Dayan Dharma body. He didn't expect Chen Wan'er to bring someone over to see him at this time.

Chen Fan.

The young master of the Chen family, the son of Chen Wan'er's third uncle.

From Chen Wan'er's introduction, Nangong Junchen learned the identity of the young man in front of him.

The third uncle of the Chen family has passed away, and Chen Fan wants to share the family's worries and contribute his strength, which is normal.

Nangong Junchen looked at Lin Zhan quietly, saw the cautious look of the other party, and couldn't help but smile: "Master Chen Fan, I'm not a man-eating beast, why should I be so nervous? Since it's Miss Wan'er's family, then I will The Nangong family will naturally take good care of them."

"Many thanks to Young Master Nangong, Wan'er will be relieved if you have the words of Young Master."

Chen Waner knew that Nangong Junchen was giving herself face, and while thanking, she gestured to Lin Zhan to thank Nangong Junchen.

Lin Zhan hesitated for a moment, but still had a cautious expression on his face, and said respectfully, "Thank you, Young Master Nangong, for taking care of him."

"Well, no need to be polite."

Just as Nangong Junchen said that, he suddenly noticed a hint of hostility. He paused in his heart, and a playful smile appeared on his face.

This Chen Fan is a bit interesting, it seems that he hates himself very much.

Is it also a man who covets Chen Wan'er's beauty?

Nangong Junchen can understand this. With Chen Wan'er's beauty, she must be a man who likes this.

He didn't care much, but when he inadvertently saw Chen Fan's Luck Tower, the smile on his face became more intense.

The 77th floor air transport tower.

This is interesting, this luck is too bad.

This level of luck has almost caught up with a daughter of luck like Chen Wan'er.

Is this son going to lead the Chen family to turn over completely?

Or, or some other reason.

Nangong Junchen always felt strange, since he had doubts in his heart, he couldn't help but have a plan to explore.

"Miss Wan'er, listen to you, in the future, will the Chen family's property in Beihuang be handed over to Young Master Chen Fan?" Nangong Junchen asked calmly.

"Yes, young master, the main business of the Chen family is still in Taixuanyu for the time being, and my focus will also be there."

Chen Wan'er explained, intentionally or unintentionally, with hints, "People outside said that I, Chen Wan'er, leaned on the big tree of Young Master Nangong, should I follow their wishes and open the Chen family's property to the south? What about the domain core area?"

There seems to be an element of teasing in the words. After all, after the frank conversation with Nangong Junchen a few days ago, Chen Wan'er's "ambition" has become a bit bigger.

Of course, it's more open.

"That's a good idea."

Nangong Junchen clearly felt that Chen Fan's hostility towards him was increasing, and he even had a little cold killing intent.

The Chen family expands the industry, according to reason, the family children like Chen Fan should be happy.

The other party's reaction was not like this, but increased his hostility towards him. Could it be because Chen Wan'er showed her closeness to him?

Interesting, is this the jealousy of men?

"Young Master also thinks this is a good idea?"

Chen Wan'er's eyes flickered, as if she had been approved by Nangong Junchen, with a look of anticipation on her face, "If the young master supports it, Wan'er will arrange to do it."

"Being a neighbor with the Nangong family in the future, and often hanging out with the Nangong young master's house, is also a good enjoyment."

A faint blush appeared on Chen Wan'er's face, standing at the door of the Nangong family equally, knocking on the door of the Nangong family was also one of her future goals.

Of course, to say these bold words, she can be said to have mustered a lot of courage.

After all, she and Nangong Junchen are more in a subordinate relationship now. She, Chen Waner, only clings to the power of the Nangong family, but she also strives to achieve a certain degree of independence.

Nangong Junchen was like watching the fire, and saw Chen Fan's obscure killing intent in his eyes.

This Chen Fan's reaction became more and more interesting.

The luck is against the sky, and he has murderous intentions in his heart.

This seems to be exactly how a child of luck should behave.

But how could it appear on Chen Fan? Could he be a potential son of luck?


A figure naturally appeared in Nangong Junchen's mind.

Shouldn't this Chen Fan be Lin Zhan's son of luck?

His eyes flickered and he had a playful smile on his face. Is Lin Zhan really so courageous? Come alone, not afraid of death?

This is questionable.

But how can the actions of the son of luck be comparable to that of ordinary people?

Thinking of this, Nangong Junchen felt that this Chen Fan was inseparable from Lin Zhan, the son of luck.

It's really wonderful, it's incredible.

I was still thinking about how to find Lin Zhan, but the other party actually came to the door by himself.

How can it be worthy of the other party's deliberate "visit" without harvesting the other party's wave of luck.

Lin Zhan, who was on the opposite side, also felt that Nangong Junchen was spying on him intentionally or unintentionally.

He was extremely vigilant in his heart. When he saw Chen Waner intending to get close to Nangong Junchen before, he couldn't help but feel a little murderous in his heart.

Although these thoughts were well hidden by him, what followed was Nangong Junchen's scrutinizing eyes.

The Nangong dog thief really can't have any carelessness. If you don't cover up well, you will most likely be found by the other party.

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