Is The Big Villain Crazy, Really Made The Empress Into A Puppet?

Chapter 139 Chen Wan'er Escaped From Death And Completely Surrendered, With Appropriate Rewards

"Master, are you right by my side?"

"Well, I'm by your side. Let's make a move, mobilize the power of the soul, and move towards the front."

Nangong Junchen's voice sounded again.

It all seemed like a dream, Chen Wan'er was confirmed by Nangong Junchen in a trance and confusion, and a great power rose in her heart.

She immediately activated the power of the soul, guided the power of the soul-suppressing pill, and rushed forward without hesitation.


An endless roar seemed to spread from the fog in front, and the hurricane swept through, breaking through countless fogs in an instant, crushing the entire illusory space directly.

At the same time, Chen Wan'er's eyes opened, and the cold light jumped, shooting out like a long sword.


Chen Wan'er's domineering soul force moved forward in an instant, like a long sword unsheathed, bringing a fierce power.

This power was completely beyond Lin Zhan's expectations, and instantly slammed into Lin Zhan's body.


Lin Zhan only felt a heavy noise exploded in his mind, and his soul was hit by a huge force, causing severe pain like tearing.

"how is this possible?"

Lin Zhan looked at Chen Wan'er in disbelief. He didn't expect that Chen Wan'er would suddenly explode with such a powerful soul force that he was completely unprepared, and was instantly attacked by a serious soul.


Lin Zhan's pain was unbearable, and he almost fainted.

At this moment, a silver light appeared silently in front of him, and he didn't have time to react.


Chen Wan'er shot coldly.

At this moment, her killing intent was overwhelming, urging the strength of her body to turn into a dozen silver rays of light, which were suppressed towards Lin Zhan.

The runes were intertwined with the silver rays of light, turning into a sword formation and hurried towards Lin Zhan.

"Bitch, you are courting death!"

Lin Zhan turned into a long sword and responded to Chen Wan'er's attack.

What you can't get, no one can get it!

When Lin Zhan was angry, he had the will to kill Chen Wan'er, so he directly motivated his strongest star swordsmanship.

Slashing the stars with one sword brought a mysterious power, as if it were all-pervasive.

He was originally in the realm of Heavenly Venerate, and he had such a big killing move as the Star Sword Technique, so he easily broke through Chen Wan'er's attack.


Jianguang continued to move forward and appeared in front of Chen Wan'er in an instant. The domineering power seemed to have turned into a prison, causing Chen Wan'er to fall into deep despair again.

"Sir, are you still there?"

Chen Wan'er murmured, at such a desperate juncture, all thoughts fell on Nangong Junchen's figure.

You must be there, you will come to save me, right?

The voice just now is also yours, you are protecting me in secret, right?


At the next moment, a palm protruded from the void and directly captured the overbearing star swordsmanship.

"Nangong dog thief!"

Lin Zhan's eyes shrank suddenly, and endless chills poured out of his body.

If it was before, he was fully confident that he would go head to head with Nangong Junchen.

But at this time, his soul was severely damaged, and he had lost the confidence to fight against Nangong Junchen. He was straight on the soles of his feet and quickly fled outwards!

"Ding! The son of luck, Lin Zhandao, broke his heart, plundered the 20-story Fortune Tower, and rewarded him with a luck value of 200."

When Nangong Junchen stepped out of the void, he received a system prompt.

As he expected, with the successive shocks, even if Lin Zhan had learned from the past, he would definitely not be able to hide his broken heart.

"Lin Zhan, you are really brave, but do you think you can escape now?"

Nangong Junchen calmed down, his face was like frost, exuding a cold killing intent, domineering coercion rushed towards Lin Zhan.

A little on the soles of his feet, he patted Lin Zhan with his palm.

The giant shadow loomed in the sky, the runes were hanging upside down, the sky and the earth were hanging upside down, and the power of Ten Thousand Jun was shot directly on Lin Zhan's body.


The loud noise rang out, and Lin Zhan's body collapsed, turning into a rapid cannonball and flying backwards.

Then, it smashed a wall and smashed into the rubble.

"Miss Wan'er, are you alright?"

After doing all this, Nangong Junchen stopped for a moment and looked at Chen Wan'er, who was standing in a daze, with a worried look on his face.

"'s fine!"

Chen Wan'er was so frightened that she slumped on the ground, her breathing was short, and she escaped from death, which felt very unreal.

Obviously he has already cut off contact with Lin Zhan, why does Lin Zhan have to deal with himself?

She didn't understand it at first, but gradually, she realized that it was completely a man's possessiveness.

She suddenly had endless disgust and hatred in her heart. If I, Chen Wan'er, don't want to, no one can take me at will.

"Miss Wan'er, are you really okay?"

Nangong Junchen had a worried look on his face, his palms shook in front of Chen Wan'er's eyes, and he asked again.

Chen Wan'er recovered herself, stood up slowly, and said earnestly, "Young Master Nangong, thank you very much today."

"My Chen Wan'er's life was given by the son. If the son does not dislike it, Wan'er is willing to help the son and his horse."

Chen Wan'er is not an indecisive person. After experiencing life and death today, she cherishes her life even more and understands the importance of being to her master.

If it wasn't for Young Master Nangong's reminder, he would have been under the silent control of Lin Zhan long ago, and he might even become a tool for Lin Zhan to deal with Young Master Nangong, bringing endless disasters to the Chen family.

Today, if Master Nangong hadn't arrived in time, he would have even died.


Therefore, she sincerely wanted to follow Young Master Nangong, not only to repay her kindness, but also to give her peace of mind.

"Ding! The daughter of luck, Chen Wan'er, completely surrendered to her master, plundered the son of luck, Lin Zhan's 30-story tower of luck, and rewarded her with a luck value of 300."

Things went more smoothly than expected.

The big killing situation created by Lin Zhan gave his hero a chance to save the beauty, saved Chen Wan'er, and then directly made Chen Wan'er surrender to him.

At the same time, another wave of luck will be harvested from Lin Zhan.

It's not too cool to buckle a ring.

But he also knew that since Chen Wan'er had surrendered, it meant that she and Lin Zhan were completely opposites, and it was unlikely that she would harvest Lin Zhan's luck from Chen Wan'er in the future.

It doesn't matter.

With the blessing of luck, Chen Wan'er, the daughter of luck, can completely offset the loss of not being able to harvest Lin Zhan.

As for Lin Zhan, Nangong Junchen's blow just now didn't kill him.

He still left Lin Zhan a small life, after all, Lin Zhan has other functions.

Naturally, this function is to take him to find the whereabouts of the ghost pylorus, and then deprive it of the ghost pylorus in one fell swoop.

Lin Zhan stared at it with his own wind, and let it go for a while.

For Chen Wan'er now, it is still necessary to appease her.

"Miss Wan'er has such a heart, how can I, Nangong Junchen, refuse?"

Nangong Junchen took a few steps, and a holy pill fell in front of Chen Wan'er, and said with concern, "Miss Wan'er, this is a holy spirit pill, which can repair the wounds of the soul, you should take it first."

"As for the rest, I'll talk about it after you recover. I value your ability very much and look forward to it."

After all, Chen Wan'er has already surrendered herself, so Nangong Junchen doesn't need to be too polite. Appropriate rewards to deepen and deepen loyalty are enough.

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