Is This a Zombie: A Warm Moment Author: Only Love You Qingsi

The book of the protagonist Halo author, do you want to fight with the air?Welcome to Guaotian!

Chapter 0001 That's the case, I'm hanging up

"You're a weird guy."

The girl's soft voice with a strong resentment Rao was beside her ears.

That is... who is that?whose voice?

"Don't think you can keep me from remembering you by wearing a mask! Don't think that you can disappear without any worries..."

The girl's tone continued to sound like a musical piece, but the meaning of the words brought a throbbing pain.Just listening to the voice, but the choked cry, broke my heart.

"I hate you! I hate you, why did you block that sword for me..."

The girl's choking sound was even louder, and the trembling voice made people feel more distressed.

"I won't remember you, I won't remember you... Chris won't remember you..."

The girl's choking sound gradually became smaller, as if the person was getting farther and farther away.

Is she gone?Chris, a very nice name, seems to have heard it somewhere.Well familiar.Aikawa Ayumi thought to himself.

My eyelids are so heavy, why can't I open them?

Light, light... so dark... so uncomfortable...


There was a ray of light in front of him, with dazzling colors, and the comatose person woke up. When he opened his eyes, he saw a long shadow on the floor that was pulled under the dark street lights.

A shadow that is not very strong.

Is that him?

Ye Shenyue only felt that this shadow was unfamiliar.At the same time, he also felt that even this body was unfamiliar.


At this moment, a shrill cry echoed in the alley, attracting Ye Shenyue's attention.

who is it?Who is it?

Ye Shenyue looked at the pitch-dark residential area in front of him that was incompatible with the surrounding environment. This residential area seemed to be a little different from what he remembered. Even, Ye Shenyue looked at this area and felt a familiar feeling.Yes, it is a familiar feeling. This picture seems to be seen somewhere.

Ye Shenyue never thought that he was not the kind of young rookie who was righteous and brave, and in this dark alley with even a bit of horror, that shrill cry really touched his heart.

He didn't know if he could successfully save people, but without thinking more, he ran directly to the place where the sound came from.Because he knew that if he didn't hurry up, the person who made the sound might be really helpless.

The place where the sound came from was the dark residential area, oh no, there is a room in this place that is lit, and the scream should have come from inside.

Ye Shenyue looked at the lights on the second floor below the house and rushed through the door, which was fine, not locked.

Ye Shenyue paid attention to it. There were three pairs of shoes neatly placed on the ground, two for adults and one for children.

It appears to be a harmonious family.

Ye Shenyue thought silently in her heart, but when his eyes lifted, his heart tightened. With the dim light on the second floor, he saw... bright red blood on the wall.

That is blood that has just fallen!

Ye Shenyue's heart tightened, and he stepped on the wooden floor. At this moment, the lights on the second floor suddenly went out and it was pitch black.The screams stopped abruptly, and at the same time there was endless silence.

Deathly silence.

The blood on the wall seemed to be flashing dark red in the darkness, which made people feel even more frightened.

Can't save people anymore?

Ye Shenyue froze in place, he was not a daring person, but at this time, he had no intention of running away, even if a kind of fear had filled his heart.It was a terrifying fear.

The dead silence was broken, and he seemed to hear something, the sound of walking.The sound came from all directions, and he just couldn't tell where it came from.

Is that the murderer's?

When Ye Shenyue turned her head, the footsteps stopped again, and the surroundings were silent again.

But it feels even more frightening.Suddenly, Ye Shenyue felt vigilant in her heart.only……


Ye Shenyue turned her head, and the moment she turned her head, there was a tingling pain in her body.Pain that hurts into the heart.

He lowered his head and saw a bright light, it was not light, but a blade, a long blade, and the blade was sliding down the blood drop by drop.

Bright red blood.That's his blood.

Is he going to die?

Because of the pain in her body, Ye Shenyue couldn't even turn her head and couldn't see the face of the person who killed him.


The blade was pulled out, Ye Shenyue slumped to the ground, and there was only the sound of blood falling from the long sword in his ears. The body, starting from the heart, exuded endless pain, this pain, even his head It also hurt, and the whole head felt like it was about to explode.Countless information flooded into my head.

Ye Shenyue, whose body has gradually stiffened, took advantage of her last breath, with a self-deprecating smile on her face.

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