This time, Orito actually grabbed Ye Shenyue's shoulder, snot and tears, obviously envious.

As expected of the lecherous Orito, the direction of thinking is too right, but can Yagami admit it?No wonder!After all, there is still Taeko in the class who has no strategy, but he has to behave a little more pure. " think too much! How is that possible? What's in your head!"


Orito stared at Ye Shenyue for a while, with a very serious look on his face, and why was Ye Shenyue afraid to look at him?In good spirits.

It has to be said that Ye Shenyue's face has also thickened a lot unknowingly.

"Sure enough, this is a good brother! Aikawa!"

After staring again and again, Orito burst into tears, and Yagami was speechless as he watched, and sure enough, he and Orito could only share misery but not wealth.


Taeko on the side covered her mouth, for fear of screaming.Fortunately, Miyuan held her back at this time, as if giving her strength, so that she had the mentality to hear Ye Shenyue's denial.

"Sure enough, let's say that classmate Bu is not that kind of person."

Takashi murmured.

"Not what kind of person?"

A voice suddenly interjected, causing Taeko to answer habitually, "Of course not the kind of person who likes H... Huh?"

The words came out, but Taeko, no matter how slow, found out that someone deliberately interjected to ask her.

Looking up, it was actually Kanami-chan.

"What's so good about him?"

Mihara shook his head, as if he couldn't understand why so many people were leaning on this zombie?Where is his charm?


Taeko didn't answer, maybe she was thinking about the merits of Yagami Yue.

School in the afternoon.

As usual, Taeko followed Mihara to the indoor basketball court, and Ye Shenyue also followed.After all, it is better to watch the young and lively girls play basketball than to wait for the sunset in the classroom alone.

Only this time, Ye Shenyue's mentality is not too positive.

He has a purpose.

"Miaozi, go and buy a soda for Mihara, and buy a can for me by the way."

There are still ten minutes before training, Mihara has already gone to the locker room to change clothes, and the only ones standing in the corner are Yagami and Taeko.

Seeing Taeko bowing her head cutely, Ye Shenyue sneered at the corner of her mouth, "Buy two cans, remember to buy only two cans."


There are obviously three people here, why only buy two bottles of soda, but the kind and pure classmate Tiaozi naturally doesn't know the little Jiujiu in Ye Shenyue's heart, and nodded obediently. Sauce and Bu, she doesn't need it.Even though she thought so, Taeko didn't dare to look at Ye Shenyue. After all, seeing Ye Shenyue's naked i that night had a profound effect on her.

As long as you raise your head slightly, you will lower your head.

Really shy.


Watching Taeko leave, Ye Shenyue sighed, and now even he doesn't know whether this childhood sweetheart with the best strategy is a good strategy or a good strategy.

She is so pure and has not been polluted, can she be dyed with other colors by him?This made Ye Shenyue feel guilty from the bottom of her heart.

"Hey... Did you like Taeko-chan? Listen, if you really like her, you must treat her well!"

At some point, Mihara had already put on a capable training uniform, and patted Yashenyue on the shoulder to wake him up from his thoughts.

Mihara watched Taeko-chan's figure disappear into the gate, while Ye Shenyue was still watching, unable to help but say something more.Just when she said this sentence, she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.Although she couldn't tell how she felt.

Is this Mihara?

Ye Shenyue came back to her senses and glanced at Mihara one more time. It seemed that she had put on a capable and comfortable training uniform. She seemed to be more energetic and youthful.

"Not bad, it looks great today!"

Ye Shenyue did not answer, but praised.

"Okay...good-looking? Idiot, what are you talking about! Don't try to change the subject!"

Mihara was stunned for a moment, then her pretty face quickly flushed, blushing, and then she pointed at Ye Shenyue with her hands on her hips, as if she was covering up something.

"Just telling the truth, really, Mihara, you are really cute today!"

Ye Shenyue seemed to have discovered a new continent, but she didn't expect that Mihara's reaction would be so great!

Seeing the blush on Mihara's cheeks, Ye Shenyue's mind moved, and it seemed that she had a worse idea.

"Say... what are you talking about! You must be broken today... broken... you, what do you want to do!"

Miyuan screamed at a loss, and the reaction was even stronger at this time, because Ye Shenyue had already grabbed her delicate wrist and pulled her.

"You won't let me change the subject? It's inconvenient to talk about that kind of thing here! Let's go to that corner!"

Ye Shenyue held Mihara with one hand, and the other hand pointed to a corner that no one would care about, and pulled Mihara as she spoke.

"This... you say it!"

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