In the end, it seems that he was the one who brought back her who passed out from drinking and passed out from Imagawa Yoshimoto...

Think about it this way...


Sister Nagamasa suddenly pressed her thumping chest and turned around, "Anyway, it's Oda Nobuna's fault, but I can't do anything, you must keep your identity... It can't be can only move around in this room now."

"You are imprisoned..."

Yagami wanted to push the glasses, but found that the glasses were missing, and they seemed to be still there.

"|There is no way to imprison me."

However, Changzheng shook her head, but when her eyes fell on Ye Shenyue's face, she found that Ye Shenyue without glasses seemed to be a little more handsome?

"I...I still have things to deal with, I'll go first!"

Her heart began to beat wildly again, and Sister Changzheng felt that she couldn't stay here any longer, and she couldn't stand it just by looking at each other...

"Uh... Then at least bring me a beautiful girl..."

How can you be imprisoned and have no one to accompany you?

Ye Shenyue just put forward the needs of a man...

"No! Absolutely not!"

However, Ye Shenyue's words seemed to set off a firecracker, and Sister Changzheng suddenly became strict.


I really want to go back to the Oda Army, but... Shinna dares to do so, so is she ready for him to seek revenge on her?If you want Asai Nagamasa to hide in snow, he can't do it!

Ye Shenyue has secretly planned this or such means of revenge in her heart.

Women's bathroom.

"It's a beauty girl beauty girl again... eh..."

There is no one in the women's bathroom at this moment, because she has to appear as a men's clothing, even at home, and it is not easy for Sister Changzheng to live, so even if you are taking a bath, you can only take a bath when there is no one, so as to avoid Identity revealed.


Today's sister Nagamasa seems to be a little uncomfortable, or she should be relieved when she first saw Shinna's letter just now, but... now surrounded by warm water, she suddenly feels that she has figured out something.

such as.

Ye Shenyue saves her to save her, but it seems that the main ending is not her.

Going to Mino to fight against Takenaka Hanbei, he finally got the little military division. As for untying her rope, it was his order to tie it!

There is also going to Imagawa Yoshimoto's place. It was also because of her name that she was summoned by Imagawa Yoshimoto, and then she fainted after drinking the poisoned wine, but that wine was also prepared by him!

Thinking about it...thinking about it...

Always feel trapped!

If Sister Asai Nagamasa wasn't taking a bath at this time, she would definitely rush over to look for the theory of Yagami, and she was the one who got scammed for a long time!

God is unbearable!


However, at this moment, there was a sound in the bathroom where she was alone.It was the sound of closing the bathroom door, someone... someone came in! The embarrassed Nagamasa Asai, who was thinking about something, immediately reacted. In order to prevent such a situation, she placed a family heirloom on a stone beside the pool. The dagger, although cruel to others, has to protect her identity and not let her gender leak out.


However, maybe he was too impatient and accidentally dropped the knife into the water and sank directly.It is too late now, and the appearance of the person who has come step by step is also revealed.

"I just wanted to come here to see if there are any girls... I didn't expect there to be any girls? Huh... Are you... Sister Changzheng?"

Ye Shenyue looked puzzled, he didn't lie, just thought that there was no way a girl could stay here in the Asai's house?Therefore, he deliberately chose the women's bathroom to come in and find out, and then he really found someone.

It's just that when he saw the beautiful girl's face through the fog, at that moment he felt that he had won the lottery.This...isn't this Asai Nagamasa-san?

The long dark blue hair slipped over her shoulders, her body was wet, and even her face still had water droplets, she covered her chest with her right hand.

"'m not..."

Sister Changzheng's mind was in chaos. She couldn't tell whether it was a fact or a dream. Even though she was denying it, her body and appearance couldn't deceive anyone.

Sure enough, she answered that sentence, Lord Shinnai saw through her gender and married a man... Married a man...

"As expected, it's elder sister Changzheng... I just thought that elder sister Changzheng had an older sister's breath... I didn't expect that she is really a woman now..."

Ye Shenyue's astonishment was a complete lie, but he said a lot of lies, so people couldn't tell the truth.


Ye Shenyue got out of the pond at once, and then swam towards Asai Nagamasa. There were water marks on the pond, but Ye Shenyue had already slid in front of the dumbfounded sister Nagamasa.

"Although it seems a bit beyond imagination, but in this world of female celebrities, you have to disguise yourself as a man, and you must have suffered a lot... Since Shinna married me... Let me come over, then We are husband and wife..."

In any case, the three words "married over" are still a bit unspeakable.Lao Tzu is married, not married, okay?

"And I'm also your'll support you and keep your secrets..."

Ye Shenyue directly embraced the stunned sister Nagamasa in her arms.

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