It was the little girl's voice.What she said was very powerful, because generally the person who said it was either a high-ranking figure or a high-going figure who could not leave the palace wall.

This is a big man.

Of course, Sister Changzheng has gained a lot of eyesight from her travels, but she still can't tell who the little girl with this age and temperament is... Who?

And the little girl who came across also saw Ye Shenyue and Sister Changzheng.

She raised her head slightly, then looked at Ye Shenyue, looked at it for about 10 seconds, and then said again, "Why do people like you exist in this world?"

Why do people like you still exist in this world!

Any normal person will probably become angry when they hear this sentence, because these two sentences are ambiguous, and most people will think that this is a curse!

"Sorry, people like me shouldn't be born."

If it is said that, the weak will certainly answer in this way.

And the tough answer is this.

"What do you know, little brat! Where do you come from!"

, and Nagamasa sister's answer is this.

" did!"

Although the girl is very small, in the eyes of Sister Changzheng, she is scolding her husband-in-law.Husbands are scolded, how can the wife bear it?Sister Changzheng is very observant.

... "Sister Changzheng... let me come."

Ye Shenyue grabbed Changzheng's hand, told her to settle down first, and then looked at the little girl. Those words that made people angry should not be understood by ordinary people.

Because of her status, she is not the one to say such things.

In fact, the truth of this little girl is why someone as powerful as him would come to such a backward era.

"Because I have my ideals, and I am here for men's ideals."

In order to succeed Kinoshita Tengjiro's ideal, "So it is."

The little girl nodded and continued walking, but Ye Shenyue suddenly picked her up.

"Ye want this?"

Sister Changzheng looked at Ye Shenyue strangely. Could it be that this guy is so wild that he is going to stage a street grabbing loli?

"This loli is the legendary witch, it is said to be the incarnation of a god, because she stayed in this world for a long time, her spiritual power has almost disappeared, but this loli has a fate with me, so why not catch it at this time? Time?"

Ye Shenyue hugged the expressionless Ji Miko tightly.

The shrine maiden is similar to the emperor in this era, but she doesn't like power, so it's just a formality... But even if it's just someone who doesn't have real power, it's also useful to Shinna.

Shinna's plan of revenge against Yagami Yue can also play a major role.

Originally, Ye Shenyue didn't want to catch this loli, but since she brought it to the door herself, don't do it for nothing.

At this moment, Ye Shenyue almost shouted, "I found a wild princess witch, and it has been successfully captured."

On the other side, Lord Shinna, who had managed to maintain the order of the capital, was frowning at the moment, because she sent Miss Akechi Mitsuhide to visit the guards a long time ago. people.

He is the one who is actually in power now, so Imagawa Yoshimoto can successfully take over as the new general only if he nods his head.

"[-] dollars... Where can I get it?"

Konoe asked him for [-] yuan, which is so much money for the Oda Army who have been fighting all the time...

"If... it would be great if Ye Shenyue was there. That guy used one gold coin to turn it into [-]. If he is there, there must be no problem..."

Lord Shinna really misses Ye Shenyue so much at this moment.

"Oh...then what reward would you give if I was here?"

There was a voice in the sky.

"Of can have whatever you want...hehehe..."

Shinna-sama suddenly widened his eyes and turned to the rear with an incredibly fast turn.

Ye Shenyue was indeed standing behind her.Of course, there are also Sister Nagamasa next to Ye Shenyue, and Ji Miko, who was unable to move in his arms and continued to maintain her expressionless face.

Chapter 0336 Ye Shenyue's revenge (two more)

Ye Shenyue is back.Back to the Oda Army.

It took less than 10 minutes for Shenyue to appear in the Oda Army at night, but almost everyone knew about it.

" are here this time..."

Sister Niwa Nagahide seemed a little hesitant, but no, she was the biggest mastermind in "marrying out" Yagami, so now she can't guarantee whether Yagami is coming for revenge.

Some things are done for fun, but after they are done, they worry about whether they will be done.Now this delicate mind is the mind of Niwa Nagahide sister.

"I just want to come back to visit relatives... Didn't someone send me out?"

Ye Shenyue glanced at Changzheng, and Sister Changzheng immediately understood, as if she was about to burst into anger. At this point, Sister Changzheng didn't need to collude with Yeshenyue. She was also angry, "I'm here to propose marriage. Yes, because our alliance is for peace in the world, and when everyone joins forces, unnecessary killings can be reduced."

"Damn... When will Asai Nagamasa talk about this..."

Didn't Asai Nagamasa take advantage of his beauty and then take advantage of women?

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