Silas, who had already changed into new clothes, was resting on the soft bed, and her servant, who was regarded as a maid, respectfully handed over the newly-made school uniform.

"Sir Silas Bardi, here are the clothes you want."

"Well, let's over there, remember that the clothes I changed are not allowed to be washed, I want to treasure them." Silas nodded, but said something that made the maids blush.


The maids blushed and nodded, because they were trained to be both ninjas and maids. The first priority of being a maid is to clean up for the master. Lovely Hui Luoluo's clothes, they have seen it long ago. When there was blood on the skirt, a pure blood-sucking ninja thought it was the chief of her family, so he was about to clean it, but was stopped by his companions, because they had already guessed the origin of the blood.

Thinking back to the way the officer walked today, it seemed.It doesn't seem right...

"I am back……"

Ye Shenyue came back while singing, but I didn't expect that his charm was so great that he could capture the heart of Taeko-chan so easily.

"Lust~ Qingbu, it's too slow today, eh... there seems to be something on my body..."

Xiao Haruna quickly rushed out of the room and sniffed around Yagami like a cute puppy.

"How could there be a smell! You must smell it wrong!" Ye Shenyue denied it, and Chunnai's stunt added another trick, and her sense of smell was also developed.

"Yeye is in a good mood today, shouldn't it be an affair!"

Yuu, who was drinking tea, wrote blankly for a while, and then showed it in front of Ye Shenyue, startling Ye Shenyue.

How come you know everything?

It must be a girl... oh no, a woman's sixth sense.

He, Ye Shenyue, had a real affair today. First of all, it was Silas, and Silas completed the unfinished business, and then kissed Mihara, and finally kissed Taeko. It was a day full of happiness.

"Cough...what does this smell?"

You really is Ye Shenyue's weakness, and after a while, under the gaze of You Zhan's beautiful blue eyes, Ye Shenyue couldn't hold back, and the strange smell coming from the tip of his nose gave him a chance to escape.

"It's not Ye Zi Nu... Abu... I'm so hungry, hurry up and cook... Ye Zi Nu can't eat anything..."

As expected, Haruna was easily deceived, and was successfully changed by Yagami Yue.


"Then I'll go in and take a look." Ye Shenyue patted Haruna's head, and quickly flashed into the kitchen amid her dissatisfaction.

"Idiot step, you won't grow taller if you touch it again!" Chunnai shouted at Ye Shenyue's back, suddenly a little happy, she didn't grow tall, that is to say, she has always maintained the figure of a loli, which is not the right color.

· Love the guy's taste?

"It actually escaped."

Xiaoyou took a deep look at Ye Shenyueyu's figure and shook her head.

It's just that Haruna-chan pulled Yuu's clothes at this time.

"Necromancer, there is a problem... how, how can I not grow tall and still maintain the figure of Lolita!"

Haruna's face was full of longing, eager to know the answer.

"Want to know?" I wonder if Haruna was wrong, Yu seemed to smile.

"Mmmmmm," Haruna nodded like a chick pecking at rice. Since that guy is a lolicon, as long as he keeps his loli figure, that guy will definitely...

"do not know."

In the eyes of Haruna's incomparable longing, she was very attentive to watch Yu's writing, and Yu picked up the pen and wrote these three words.

"Black-bellied guy!"

Haruna still doesn't know where he was being tricked. These days, the necromancer is really getting more and more black-bellied.

With her little hand supporting her cheek, Haruna was depressed, hungry and depressed.

Why hasn't Abu got something ready yet...


And this time in the kitchen.

Sera was staring at Yagami.The reason is that Ye Shenyue doesn't let her continue to cook.

"Cooking is something that brings happiness to people." Yashenyue repeated this sentence. He didn't make it clear what he meant, but Sera also understood that Yashenyue was talking about her cooking... ... Said that her cooking is not worthy of the word happiness!

Sera's hand holding the knife trembled a little, it was a complex emotion composed of blow, anger and resentment.


Seeing that Sera was clearly about to go black, Ye Shenyue didn't know that she had misunderstood her meaning.

"Cooking is not only done by one person, how about we do it together and make food that brings happiness to people?"

Grabbing Sera's hand, Ye Shenyue didn't have any extra moves. After all, the knife was still in her hand. If it was too reckless, it wouldn't be worth the loss if she cut her.

Ye Shenyue has always felt that Sera is not a good strategy.But subconsciously, she felt that she was actually the best strategy, even simpler than Taeko's strategy.

This is a man's intuition.

Ye Shenyue believes it for the time being.


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