"You look really handsome like this."

With a smile on Shinna's face, she pulled the loose yukata tightly.Then he put his hands on the quilt, "Okay... Since you said so, then I can't be too stingy with you."

"Could it be that you are ready to dedicate yourself without waiting for that day?"

Ye Shenyue smiled.

"It's not... it's not... it's not time yet."

Shinnai immediately denied that it had never happened before that he took the initiative to dedicate himself just after leaving!

"I mean her!"

Shinna lifted the quilt on her side, and then Yashin Yue saw the people inside.Yes, there is still a person hidden in the quilt, but her hands and feet are blocked by the gang master and her mouth is sealed.

It was purple long hair, big bright eyes, and at this moment there was panic in these eyes.

This is Singer, Shibata Singer, her murder weapon has an indissoluble bond with Yashin Yue.

"What? Me?"

Singer, who was unmasked by Xinna, looked very flustered at once, because Ye Shenyue stretched out her hands during Xinna's betrayal and raised them, but it was such a move that the sky was not afraid of being betrayed. Singer, called Onishi Shibata, fainted just like that.

Rubbing the chest, the stain of the inhuman rubbing of the chest was staged again.

Singer was about to become schizophrenic that night.

"Hahaha...I really want to introduce Silas to her, Silas has the unique attribute of love, but Singer has become a bosom, these two people with unique interests will definitely be able to Be good friends."

Ye Shenyue thought unscrupulously, but the Lord Singer had passed out and he was too embarrassed to continue what he did. Ye Shenyue stood up, put a quilt on the disheveled Sing family, and then walked out alone. .

"What? Don't continue?"

There was a voice behind the place where Ye Shenyue returned to the entrance.It was the voice of Sister Nagamasa.

"The favorability level hasn't reached it yet..."

Yagami shook his head, although he was a beast and he had done unforgivable things to the president, but that was only once, in the world of Inuyasha, Yagami found pure love on Kikyo-sama. I don't like to push hard, anyway, Singer can't escape, and there is time.

Well, those are the points.

"I still feel like I'm in harmony with Sister Changzheng..."

Ye Shenyue turned around and grabbed Nagamasa Asai, her hand from "...you bastard!"

Sister Changzheng "Hahaha...hahaha..."

Ye Shenyue's first three sounds were laughing at Sister Changzheng's escape, but the last three were laughing at herself.But not a sarcastic smile but a smug smile.

I have met so many girls along the way, but there is no elder sister Changzheng, so Ye Shenyue has already determined that elder sister Changzheng must be staying outside, and it is right to come out now.

However, he was chasing Sister Changzheng back to the room, but the others couldn't fall asleep.

"Ye Shenyue... Has it turned into a beast?"

This is the answer that the girls who were tricked into going back to sleep by Ye Shenyue's rhetoric wanted to know.

ps: The heroine cutscene is over.In the next chapter, the world is armed, Oda Nobuna's world is temporarily over, and then there are crosses and vampires. I hope everyone can continue to support.

Chapter 0340 The World's Armed Forces (End of Xinnai World)


The table is very long, even if it is not that long, it is pieced together into a long table, whether it is sitting facing each other or sitting at the top, but everyone's breakfast is the same, traditional Japanese breakfast, miso soup, Fish and rice.

What makes people a little strange is that it seems that the state of all the women is not very good, all of them have dark circles under the eyes. In the saying of Aihuajiang, "not sleeping at night will affect the toughness and smoothness of the skin", but now everyone's dark circles ...seems to be awake all night.

Makes me wonder what happened last night.


Only the sound of eating.

No speaking voice.

The atmosphere was depressing and uncomfortable, and...

"Don't look at it again!"

Although it is polite to look into the eyes of the other party when talking, it is to value the other party's performance of respecting the other party, but...

Everyone in this room is staring at her, so how can she eat!

So, Mr. Shinna immediately became unhappy by hitting the table. Anyway, she hated red tape since she was a child, so she did not hesitate to do this completely unreasonable move.


The girls bowed their heads, but still looked at her secretly. Compared to being treated as a national treasure and watching as if looking for Xinna Yashenyue, who did or did not do anything with Yashenyue last night, she seemed very calm.

If he was going to be killed by the eyes of a girl like this, then he would have been out of shape long ago.

"Well... be a little more free and easy. The heart, the heart, must be broad."


Singer, who was huddled in the corner, spit out a mouthful of soup. Seeing everyone looking at her, she immediately waved her hand, "What... nothing!"

The gorgeous and fainted Singer who was frightened by Ye Shenyue last night still has lingering fears. Now she is very sensitive to "chest" and "weapon" anyway, whether it is a homonym or a real chest, because Ye Shenyue's Because of this, she... seems to have become some kind of terrifying physique.

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