Sierra had a serious look on her face.

"What kind of recipe is that! Still use my recipe!"

Ye Shenyue yelled, she must find a chance to burn that terrifying recipe of Sera!What kind of recipe is this for people to eat!


Sera originally wanted to refute, but she came up with this recipe herself, and she might even be ridiculed by Ye Shenyue.

"Come on, help, I'll teach you! Cooking is for the two of us."

When Sera finally conceded defeat, Ye Shenyue quickly seized the opportunity, grabbed Sera's hand, and gave her a smile.

"Huh? Hmm!"

Sera nodded and looked at Ye Shenyue's warm hands. She suddenly felt that the cooking of the two would really be better.

For can be a little closer.

This feeling... doesn't seem bad either.

Chapter [-] Seraphim (for subscription)

"Warm the quilt and wait for me at night."

It took about half an hour of dawdling in the kitchen before Yagami addressed Sera.

At this time, Ye Shenyue was helping Sera to remove the apron from her body.

However, this also fits Ye Shenyue's mind, so I can take the opportunity to touch it a few more times.

He found that as long as it wasn't too much, in order to maintain normalcy in front of Yu and Haruna-chan, Sera would at most use verbal threats such as "If you continue, I will kill you", but it never became a reality.

Not even her secret sword Yanhui appeared.

Of course, the premise is that Ye Shenyue said something more, "If you use the secret sword in the kitchen, so many fallen leaves may stain the food you just cooked."

Sera really likes cooking, and after she couldn't bear it anymore, she finally decided to endure it again.

After all, this dish was the first time, it was the first time it was so beautiful, and it seemed that the color was very similar to this guy's.It should... be considered qualified.

Sera was a little satisfied, but still a little embarrassed. The process of making this dish is really hard!You have to put up with bed bugs all the time!

This time, Ye Shenyue used the excuse of helping her take off her apron, and actually grabbed a hand on her plump breasts, it was painful and numb.In the end, Sierra was angry and embarrassed.

I wanted to put up with it for the sake of the other party cooking with her, but Sera found that she was very wrong. It was a big mistake.

There is no cheap, absolute bastard!

This stink bug definitely lives up to that saying!

Moreover, this bug is also somehow, these days, it seems that after being with Lord Yukuriwood, his courage seems to have grown a lot, no, it is already big!

What did he say?

He actually told her to pack up and wait for him tonight!

The vampire ninja's eyes gradually turned red, and it was obvious that Yagami Yue's request was beyond her "bearable" range.

Is the Raiders not hot enough?

Ye Shenyue thought to herself, but the movements in her hands were still very neat, she directly picked up a pot of hot soup and walked out.

Give her some leeway to slow down.Otherwise, it would not be a wise choice to force her into a hurry.

Glancing at Sera for the last time, Ye Shenyue's eyes were still filled with longing.

Sera's body really wanted it.

Although he's a lolicon, Sister Yu's body is also very attractive to him, not to mention Sera, who is so good that she is even better than Silas Buddy.

"Abu, why did you go for so long? Could it be... Could it be..." Originally, I was watching TV with Youjiang very bored, but when Ye Shenyue came out, the hair on his head moved. , Haruna suddenly grabbed the arm of Ye Shenyue who was holding the hot soup, and her little face was full of suspicion.

The color of scrutiny flashed in the beautiful pupils, "Could it be that you bullied Ye Zinu?"


I really have to look up to you!

Ye Shenyue sighed inwardly, Haruna is indeed the one with the sharpest observation!

"How is that possible? I just went in and gave her some pointers, but luckily I did, otherwise we'd have to call for pizza again tonight."

"Really?" The hair on Haruna-chan's head stood up again.Obviously, Ye Shenyue's words were deeply skeptical.

"Of course it's true, is there still cooking? Don't hold me, I'm still holding the soup! It'll be fine after you put it down and pull it for a long time!" Ye Shenyue shook her head, and now Haruna-chan's whole body fell on him Now, although the quality of the body of a zombie has improved a lot, it can't stand the torture!

"Is it okay to pull as long as you want?" Chunnai was stunned for a while, and then her face quickly turned red. "Stupid... idiot step... Who wants to hold you forever!"

With a blushing face, the speed at which Haruna got off Ye Shenyue's body made Ye Shenyue feel ashamed. She sat alone with her head lowered.


Ye Shenyue had already put down the soup, and sat beside Yu and stared at Haruna with interest.

Chunna-chan actually said it all her life...

It looks like he's already booked.

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