Have you been waiting for a long time?

It's impossible for a girl to go out for an hour or two, so Moexiang's speed is very fast.

"No...No, now is not the time to talk about it. Mengxiang-san, give me a try."

When Ye Shenyue's eyes fell on Moe Xiang's neck, she didn't say that her eyes were shining, but she still felt that she wanted to suck Moe Xiang's blood the most.

Nope, that kind of impulse is about to stop.


These are the big round dark green eyes exposed, and she has a surprised and puzzled look.Ye Shenyue took the initiative to let her suck blood?In the end what happened?


This look didn't last long, "Since this is... then I'm welcome... I suck..."

Classmate Mengxiang is a good boy, or she has lost all her integrity in order to suck blood.

Immediately sucked in.

Itchy neck, with a tingling feeling.

And Ye Shenyue's gaze fell on the necks of the passing girls.

He got it.

While he was being sucked by Moexiang's classmates, the urge to suck blood was decreasing.

When the blood-sucking urge arises, there are two situations, one is sucking blood and the other is... being sucked.

Whether the blood volume increases or decreases, the impulse to suck blood will be reduced, this is the same setting!

In this way, didn't he have to drink tomato juice or be sucked blood before the fangs appeared?

ps: the world of vampires and crosses may be a little longer...

Chapter 0357 school (one more)

"Yanghai Academy is protected by a big barrier. Without the protection of this barrier, the monster world will be randomly linked with the human world, and there will be a huge panic. Whether it is the human world or the monster world. It's going to be a terrible disaster."

On the podium, Mr. Maomu, the head teacher who wrote his name "Maomujing" on the blackboard, was alarming.The reason why she was said to be alarmist was because of her expression, there was no fear on her face.

Or rather, she herself believed that such a thing did not exist.

Mr. Maomu is a cute cat demon with fluffy and soft fluffy hair in flax yellow. On both sides of the temporal bone upwards, there are two distinctive fluffy hairs that look like hanging cat ears. .

Wearing a pair of earthy glasses on the bridge of her nose also added a lot to her... um... increased the temperament of the teacher.

Not familiar with teacher Yashin Yue, teacher Ariel in zombie world, old 07 teacher Qiandong in Is, and then teacher Xiaozhu in dating.

Now it seems that every teacher I meet is the best.


"However, don't worry, everyone, the enchantment of the academy is jointly made by the three most powerful monsters in our country of monsters, so it's hard not to be afraid."

"So back to the topic, as the first class, everyone must first understand the two rules that must be followed."

Teacher Maomu pointed at the neat handwriting written vertically on the blackboard with a pointer.

"Article [-], everyone must maintain a human form during school, because now the earth has been occupied by human beings, if we want to live peacefully, we must live in peace with human beings, so everyone must maintain a human posture skillfully. ."

"What... so troublesome... My human form is not handsome at all..."

"That is to say..."


Teacher Maomu just said a word, and the bottom immediately complained.

"Not only in the same school, but also in the same class, and in the end, the relationship between the front and back desks is really good."

Ye Shenyue is sitting by the window. This is the second-to-last row dedicated to the protagonist. If you are in the mood, you can listen to the class. If you are not in the mood, you can look at the scenery outside the window. If you are not interested, you can watch the class. The positions of almost all the classmates in the class are in sight.

The only downside is the back, the last one behind.

Now sitting behind Ye Shenyue is Moexiang. When the classmates were arguing, Moexiang also joined her. When he and her words were completely different from the others.

"I originally thought I was alone here to go to school, alone, and now it's great to have an acquaintance and be by my side."

Smile and smile.

Moexiang seems to be in a good mood.

"Well... we are friends after all."

For the first time, Ye Shenyue discovered the advantage of sitting in the penultimate position, that is, she could not see Moexiang, or more precisely, her neck, so as to avoid the urge to suck blood again.

But unfortunately, the table in front of him was the table of classmate Bai Xueyu, just like the dormitory was allocated, and the tables were already arranged in order.

Ye Shenyue is a bit strange, if the student Bai Xueyu in the original book was late for school because she was not strong enough to condense the crystal of ice and left the snowy mountain, but now she didn't get the crystal of ice, why is it still late? come?

Did what happened after he left?

At this time, however, an unkind word came out.

"Hey...you kid..."

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