As soon as the cross went down, her neck also had to go down, because the cross was attached to her white neck.

But Ye Shenyue's expression changed.

This cross, Ye Shenyue actually... as the protagonist, he didn't take it off.

Chapter 0362 Meeting for the first time, classmate Chi Ye (two more)

"That... classmate Ye Shenyue?"

This was Moeka's voice, and a worried expression appeared on her face.

"It's nothing... I'm sorry, I hurt you just now."

Ye Shenyue took the depression and confusion on her face back to her heart, and then let go of her hand, but when he let go, he found that a red mark appeared on Mengxiang's neck, on Bai Nen's neck with a cross hanging on it.

This is the reason for his violence just now.

"'s nothing, it's just a pity that this seal can't be undone."

Mengxiang shook her head, then subconsciously wanted to cover her neck with her left hand, she felt Ye Shenyue's burning eyes staring there.


However, Ye Shenyue smiled softly at her. "But you've got to give me a chance to make up for it. It's like repairing a bicycle."

"This...that's it..."

Moexiang has no reason to refuse.

Ye Shenyue's hand has slowly moved up from her shoulders, and when Ye Shenyue's hand touched her neck, Mengxiang's face turned slightly red.

This is the first time since they became friends, the first time they are so close, she thinks so, even though everyone thinks that her behavior of hugging Yagami 07's arm will be more intimate.


When Ye Shenyue tapped her thumb on her red neck, she had another idea. It turned out that the boy's hand was also so warm.

A vampire, even if she is sealed, she is still a vampire. It's not that vampires like cold and cold things. This is a misinformation. They like to drink blood that is red and hot, because that represents vitality.

The silver-white brilliance lightly adorned the red wound she was pulled out. The wound was extremely warm, and when his thumb slipped, the red turned into a healthy snow-white color.

And Ye Shenyue was not idle either, he took advantage of this opportunity to think, could not untie Mengxiang's cross for Mao as the protagonist?Which part is the problem?

Or, because of the reason that Aono Yueyin still exists in this world, it is said that he can only unravel Moeka's cross, that is to say, there is no Aono Yueyin?

After all, he is an outsider and cannot be accepted by this world?

It's annoying!

Ye Shenyue's mind was changing and colorful, but his eyes slowly shifted to the girl who was very close to him now. He didn't need to make a deliberate inhalation action to inhale the girl's unique fragrance. .

Speaking of which, Mengxiang is indeed a natural beauty, and the tenderness on the neck alone can be seen. The snow-white and delicate skin is a touch that people can't put down.

Ye Shenyue's eyes, even with the ruined glasses, are difficult to see clearly, but... in reality, his eyes have been slowly dyed red, these are the eyes of a blood-sucking clan.

In the blood vessels, what is surging and rolling is the urge to suck blood.


It was really unbearable, the urge to suck blood was the urge to suck blood.I want to suck blood again.

Ye Shenyue reached out and wanted to pick up the drink that he and Moe Xiang shared on the chair, which had the same red juice as blood.

tomato juice.


However, just as he had just picked up the tomato juice and took a sip, the vending machine collapsed.And the direction of the collapse is the direction of Ye Shenyue's side. It's just that he has already calculated the place where the vending machine will land, so he can't touch them, so Ye Shenyue did not leave and just looked at the vending machine like this. Collapsed to the ground.

"A person who would do such a boring thing...only..."

Ye Shenyue looked at the black hand who appeared behind the scenes.

Once, twice, Komiya Suizou, who has completely transformed into a green lizard, is really not boring.

"Damn Ye Shenyue, you bastard made me the laughing stock of the whole school, this time I will definitely kill you, and Chi Ye Mengxiang, I won't touch you when you are with a stronger monster, but Now... I actually found such a weak one, aren't you forcing me to eat you? It must be good to have such a thin skin and tender meat..."

It has completely turned into a monster, and it has become a monster in this school. This is a violation of the first school rule, and it is necessary to maintain the appearance of human beings in the school.

"Tsk tsk tsk... The nature of the chopped monster is really so inferior... I thought I was not a good person, but you are still more disgusting..."

There was no fear on Ye Shenyue's face, he actually laughed in front of Xiao Gong Suizang, which made Xiao Gong Suizang feel bad.

But now that he is in anger and wants to wash away the shame, he can't care so much, because.

"Ah... Classmate Ye Shenyue?"

Mengxiang was suddenly hugged by Ye Shenyue to the princess.

"It's still in the campus now, little lizard, chase it outside the school and fight!"

Although I'm not afraid of the various high-level officials of this school, wouldn't it be a loss if my life complicates just because of such a little monster?

So Thirty-Six Stratagems Ye Shenyue chose the strategy of running out with Meng Xiang in her arms.

His speed is very fast. It is not so much that Yashenyue is devoted to fighting. In fact, what he has been improving is his escape ability, because... There are too many powerful girls who like to be jealous, and some of them are still the current him. But, that's why... Since you want the red flag at home not to fall, and the man who can have colorful flags fluttering outside, the most needed skill is the escape skill.

"That guy...what kind of monster...runs so fast..."

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