Duke Killer was inserted straight on the throne, as if to symbolize some terrifying power.

Power, yes, that's power.

"Is this your weapon?"

Li Mengxiang's red eyes flickered, and then the corners of her mouth twitched, "Well, you are qualified, and this kind of strength is almost worthy of that Mengxiang."

"Uh... what? Is it worthy?"

Ye Shenyue looked at her suspiciously.

The person standing opposite him is classmate Chiye Mengxiang, not the natural Mengxiang he is familiar with, but... the real Mengxiang whose seal has been unlocked, the legendary vampire who will be cool, powerful and domineering. A type of big monster, Moeka Chiye.

Speaking of which, the reason why she appeared was still a beautiful accident.

Here's the thing.

Because he wanted to solve the cause of Komiya Suizang, he first fled into the forest with Moexiang in his arms. This is outside the school, where duels and transformations do not violate school rules.

It was only when he put down Moeka that the princess was holding, and then he was about to wait for Komiya Suizang, who was completely a monster, to solve it, and he took off the cross because of a slip of his hand.

It was indeed taken off, and it was obvious that it could not be taken off before.

He put Mengxiang down, and then prepared to protect Mengxiang behind him, "Mengxiang, you'll be behind me later, that kind of junk monster can be solved with just one face-to-face, don't worry... um..."

That's what he said, but the action didn't seem to be in place. He just stretched out his fingers, and then he felt it, as if he had touched something, something with a little bit of ice cooling that wasn't the touch of an ice cube.

That's... a cross, Moeka's silver cross.

It was completely in a state of slippery hands, and then the cross was accidentally taken off without any accident.

"Uh...Mengxiang classmate?"

It was just a swipe, absolutely nothing else, but the cross was just taken off.


Red, this blood-like red, began to cover Mengxiang's body, no, these are...

Blood-colored bats.

These are little bats.

Vampires can drive bats, vampire bats.The bat completely shrouded Moexiang, from foot to head, airtight.


Cracks appeared in the eye area of ​​the head, just like the burnt ceramics had to peel off the outer broken skin to reveal the precious inner part. Cracks appeared in the place that blocked the eyes, and the inside was about to come out.

Then Ye Shenyue saw those bright, blood-like eyes.


The little bats spread rapidly, as if they came and then disappeared suddenly, all detached from Moeka's body, but her body was no longer the original one.

how to say.

The long pink hair has turned into silver, from flowing to flowing, and then the clothes have not changed, but the feeling is different.

The buttocks became fuller and fuller, and so did the breasts, which suddenly became bigger like a sudden breast augmentation surgery.

Could it be that……

The seal not only seals the power but also seals the measurements?

What an awesome seal.

The five bodies that Ye Shenyue admired fell to the ground.

But don't doubt it, although I haven't seen it with my own eyes, the current high-end and domineering girl is... the real Chi Ye Mengxiang, the daughter of a big vampire, and a big S-level monster.

Strong and violent.

"That... first meeting, classmate Chi Ye Mengxiang... um..."

Ye Shenyue was surprised that she slipped her hand and then came to this classmate Mengxiang early, but the original classmate Mengxiang came over with a slap.

He ducked.But the glasses didn't dodge.


Then the glasses were fanned and dropped to the ground.Broken lenses.

This was the scene at that time, and then the idiot Xiaogong Suizang came to die, and was kicked away by Li Mengxiang, "Yes, I know my weight."

He fainted without a spine.

Finally, it is now.When she was forced to fight by the student Chiye Mengxiang for no apparent reason, when she took out the slaughter, this classmate Chiye Mengxiang actually said such a thing.



Ye Shenyue has a feeling of being messy in the wind.

Chapter 0364 is just a friend (two more)

"That... classmate Chi Ye Mengxiang? What do you mean?"

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