However, that Chi Ye Mengxiang is really cool, is that the legendary vampire?


Hearing what Ye Shenyue said, Meng Xiang felt a little strange in her heart.

"Well, we are friends."

Mengxiang laughed, but for the first time, she felt that her smile seemed to have impurities.

ps: Mengxiang, the fake heroine, refused first, and in the next chapter, the real heroine stalker appeared.

Kidding.The relationship between Moexiang and the protagonist should be brewed a little more.

Chapter 0365 Unexpected reactions from all parties (one more)

"Then... let's go back..."

Every time Ye Shenyue comes to this forest, she always has a cold feeling. In other words, it is gloomy, as if there will be some monsters and monsters, but what is even darker when even vampires appeared just now?

After stretching, Ye Shenyue wanted to go back to her own bed to lie down. As for the Duke Killer he summoned, he had already disappeared automatically because he had no will to fight.The power of the elf is easy to use, as long as it is put aside, it will automatically clean up, and when he needs it, it will appear again, like an invisible snail girl.

However, when his power is fully recovered, he will be able to return to that world, right? I wonder if his junior is in a hurry?Although Gaia's loli said that the time is still, but his own time is constantly passing. Missing this kind of thing is because it has crossed time and space, so it will appear particularly rich.

"Please wait!"

However, Moexiang left her and ran away as if searching for something.

kindness?Moe Xiang?

Ye Shenyue looked at the natural classmate Mengxiang strangely. After all, she is also an ordinary girl. Although she is very good at sucking blood, her blood has been successfully deceived because of her blood... I was deceived by the change in the amount of blood...

Then he also got rid of the urge to suck blood from watching the handsome Chi Ye Mengxiang just now.

However, if possible, Ye Shenyue herself would also like to really try the feeling of blood-sucking.

"found it!"

It didn't take long for Lianye Shenyue to ask "what are you looking for?" Mengxiang had already stood up from the ground and shook the thing in her hand.

Those were his distorted and deformed glasses, and those glasses that made people feel resentful in the end, even Moeka Li Chiye felt that they were ruining his image.

"This one……"

Ye Shenyue looked at this girl strangely, he couldn't guess what she was thinking.

It was obvious that another Mengxiang refused his glasses just now. Why does Mengxiang still find these glasses now?They are not the same person, do you know what the other person thinks?

"Student Ye Shenyue, hurry up and use your power to restore this pair of glasses... It's really pitiful like this..."

A look of pity appeared on Moexiang's white and tender face.


Did he hear it wrong?

Glasses are really too poor?

"Can't you?"

Another begging tone.

"It's not impossible."

Well, Ye Shenyue's heart will never be hardened.

The power of light radiates weakly in both hands, and is shrouded in pure silver-white color. The broken glasses slowly regain their shape, and the broken lenses are pieced together little by little, and then even the cracks of the piece are attached.

As if it wasn't broken.

However, the intact and ruined image is not only with a thick black frame, but also the glasses with ripples like the belly of a mosquito-repellent frog have just been restored (please refer to the glasses of the yin guardian in the yin guardian ninja) Moe Xiang immediately lift it up.

And then put it directly on the bridge of Ye Shenyue's nose.

"That's it, looking at it this way, it looks like the classmate Ye Shenyue I know."

Mengxiang classmate, are you really telling the truth?

Is that how she knew him?

Mingming, Mingming didn't wear glasses when they first met, um... I should say it's not the pair of glasses that even cover their eyes.

the other side.

The scene of Yashenyue and Moeka, who had put on glasses again, appeared in a glass ball with a strange blood color.Whether it's his expression or the smile on the corner of Mengxiang's mouth, you can clearly see it.


With a very soft voice, the emaciated man stretched out his bony palms to cover the blue cloth strip, as if to block the light.

"It's really interesting. That kind of power is comparable to a vampire but not a vampire. It seems that guy has hidden a lot of things."

A slightly dry voice, but this person is not weak, wearing a white robe, as if to cover his face.

And in this room, at the entrance is written "the chairman", the chairman of Yanghai Academy, and the person who jointly created the barrier of Yanghai Academy with two other powerful monsters.


When Ye Shenyue and Moeka were walking side by side, Ye Shenyue stopped when she was passing by Komiya Suizang, who had reshaped into a human form.

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