"Don't look at me, I'm just here with Taeko... Never take advantage of her!" Seeing Ye Shenyue approaching, Mihara stood in front of Taeko, like a guard guarding the princess.

"Oh...that's right...the purple skirt and clips are perfect for you!" Ye Shenyue stretched out her hand and grabbed Taeko's arm, and at the same time whispered a quick word in Mihara's ear.

"Match? What match..." Mihara's face turned red all of a sudden, a little numb, and at this time, Ye Shenyue had already taken Taeko-chan from her "protection".

Hold hands with her.

"This is not a good knight, Mihara knight, I took your princess away!" Ye Shenyue caught Taeko-chan's hand, but she was still not satisfied, and actually made a joke of Mihara again.Provoked Mihara's glare.

"By the way, where are we going today?"

Joking San was originally joking, but looking at the street where people came and went, Ye Shenyue was a little bit troubled.

"Anywhere is fine." Taeko showed that she was not a picky person and could accept anything, but she didn't know that anything...it was the most difficult thing to decide!Anything is casual, but nothing is satisfactory!

To take them to the cinema, or to the playground, or something else?

"I have a suggestion!"

Suddenly, Mihara suddenly pulled Ye Shenyue's hand, which was the arm of Ye Shenyue Zheng and Taeko holding hands.

It seems to be taking them apart.Or not.

As if it was natural, Mihara directly grabbed Ye Shenyue's arm, grabbed it tightly, and walked in the direction she chose.With an unmistakable taste.

"Let's go."

Taeko and Ye Shenyue looked at each other and finally agreed to this suggestion.

Taeko is a talkative and gentle person, but Ye Shenyue is thinking, this is the first time Mihara has taken the initiative to "hold" his hand, or is she "fighting" with Taeko? Could it be that she saw herself and Taeko holding hands, so ... so jealous?

Jealousy is a good thing!

Ye Shenyue was very happy.

"Welcome back...my master." Ye Shenyue was dragged by Mihara, while he was dragging Taeko-chan, who seemed strange to outsiders and walked into the unremarkable cafe.

Looking at the signboard, it is indeed not surprising, but as soon as I walked in and opened the door, a whole row of maids immediately came out, bowing respectfully to Ye Shenyue and the others, their mouths sweet and authentic.

"This... is this? A maid?" Taeko was a little confused, looking at the neatly and beautifully dressed girls, stunned.

"This is a cafe!" Mihara, who was calm, nodded with certainty.At the same time, she cast a "contempt" color on Ye Shenyue.

The beautiful eyes seem to be saying, what is the purpose of bringing Taeko-chan to this kind of cafe that men like!

Hey, hey, you pulled me here, okay?

And when Ye Shenyue raised her head, she was stunned for a moment.

Although I know that the country of Little Japan is very strange, it is strange that there are maid cafes everywhere. The most strange thing is that the eyes of these maids looking at him are a bit strange, it seems... it seems... something... looking at the eyes of a heartless person.

Wait... a bad guy?

Ye Shenyue was stunned.

He had a lot of them again, and this one felt that these maids looked familiar. These maids, aren't they... Aren't they just Silas's gang?

How are they here?Also a maid!

Could it be... could it be... this is... this is that evil maid cafe?

Bringing a girlfriend to the lover's store, this world is really a coincidence!

Looking at the back of the maid who had already gone down to report the letter, Ye Shenyue wanted to stop her, but the words stuck in her throat.

Seeing Mihara turning her head and smiling strangely, Ye Shenyue seemed to understand something.

To be tricked by this arrogant girl... by this arrogant girl!

Chapter 0088 Free Lunch (for subscription)

"Taeko-chan... see it... this is the true face of this guy, let's think about it again."

Ye Shenyue turned her head, and saw that at some point, Mihara took the opportunity to grab Taeko's hand and hid to the side, as if instilling some "reason", saying that this is what Mihara suggested by yourself!

Ye Shenyue groaned in her heart, but she also wanted to understand a little, Emotion Sanyuan was deliberately letting him come here and making Taeko's impression of him worse!

Maybe she stole Taeko-chan from her for the sake of saying "a weak guardian knight"!

Mihara is angry about this!

Ye Shenyue reluctantly looked at Mihara who continued to instill "truth", and sighed in her heart, but seeing Taeko's expression of firm belief in him, her heart suddenly became enlightened.

Miyuan, this arrogant little girl, just watch, our family's Tiaozijiang will not be so easily bewitched!

Ye Shenyue knew that Taeko was a person who liked to keep his love in his heart, and he was also very strong.

Otherwise, after knowing that he has other girlfriends, why would he obediently go on an appointment with him.

Maybe this silly girl didn't want the result at all, just wanted a process.

Otherwise, after seeing so many girls around him, Taeko would have left sadly long ago!

Ye Shenyue glanced at Tiaozi again, and it happened that Miyuan turned her head at this time, raised her beautiful eyebrows, and seemed to say, "What if this young lady wants to take revenge for that one arrow?"


Ye Shenyue also returned with a vicious look.

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