Moeka's expression began to change slowly, as if she became a little embarrassed, "If I have troubles... Can Yagami-kun also...listen...listen?"

These are wide, sparkling eyes, a feeling of anticipation, longing and... begging... begging?


Did Mo Xiang encounter something?

Ye Shenyue was suddenly moved by her sudden expression.

"I knew it would be like this. In fact... I actually overslept today... So... breakfast... I haven't had time to eat breakfast... So I say... Yashenyue classmate... I bite~~" "Morning... breakfast!"


Ye Shenyue didn't have time to refuse at all, because a not-so-familiar female body had already been attached, the girl's face had sunk, and two slender fangs had pierced into his neck.

Attacked by vampires again as a vampire.

What about the dignity of your own vampire?

An indescribable 5.5 unhappiness emerged from the bottom of my heart.


Fan Mengxiang let go of Ye Shenyue's neck, and then her eyes stared at a photo that floated down from the pocket of Ye Shenyue's jacket.

That's when she rushed over and hugged him, and then the photo that had never been placed flew out of her pocket.

"Ye... Ye Shenyue classmate? This... is really... big... bold..."

These were words that were spoken in a slightly trembling, excited tone, with the red-eared expression on his face.

Because of that photo.

Ye Shenyue was immediately stunned when she saw it, or it was embarrassing. This embarrassment was ten times higher than that in front of classmate Bai Xue last night, because this photo was not taken by Bai Xueying last night that he tucked into his pocket. The photo of the whole fruit!

ps: This is the second watch of the third watch, who will be watching who in the next chapter.

Chapter 0375 Who is after whom? (three more)

"If you don't agree to my request, then I will spread this photo around the world. Let all men in the world see your photo."

There was a girl with long flaxen hair in the corner that forced him to take a photo that he didn't know when to steal.

Threatening a man with a fruit photo is the most unprofessional thing that only a woman can do.

Don't you know that men are never afraid of being seen?

But Ye Shenyue still overestimated his level of psychological tolerance. Right now, right now, he feels that his shame is decreasing without limit, and it's still the kind of brush that has completely decreased.

Wrong, I was so wrong!

At the most inopportune time to be seen by the person who least wants to be seen, if it's Miss Yuko... well, then Yagami really feels nothing, because he always has no dignity and no shame in front of Miss Yuko. No shame, but now, now it's different.

Because now he is facing classmate Chi Ye Moe Xiang.This pure person is like a piece of white paper waiting for the right person to write and dye it.

"Really so bold!"

Moexiang-san replied with such a blushing face.

It looks like she's surprised... Well, this word can't be used for girls, she should be surprised.

Then Ye Shenyue saw that at this moment, the silver inlaid crimson gemstone on her chest that was even brighter than the girl's first blood shone.As if one eye suddenly saw something.

Shine a bit.

It really shines.

The cross moved.

This is the world of vampires. As the heroine of this world, classmate Chi Ye Meng Xiang, the current appearance of Chi Ye Meng Xiang is not the real Meng Xiang, the real Chi Ye is sealed, she is sealed by the cross, but You can talk to Moe Xiang through the cross, as if you have two personalities.

As a shared body, their memories can be shared, but what they see at this moment cannot be shared, they can only be accepted after they transform.

But now, the cross flickered a bit, which means that she saw it, and saw the essence of things through the cross. Ye Shenyue's fruit photo and the real Chi Ye Mengxiang are a combination of cool, handsome, tall and powerful, and cold and arrogant. As a complete vampire, it looks like a vampire with a cold and powerful temperament.

When such a vampire saw his own photo, and the other party's reaction...

Ye Shenyue decided not to move her hand to Mengxiang casually for a while, lest the seal of the cross be suddenly unlocked and that Mengxiang appear.

Now, she must think she is... the kind of pervert who likes to expose herself.

It's really a miss that has turned into an eternal hatred.

"I didn't expect... I didn't expect Ye Shenyue to have such a hobby... I'm really sorry... I shouldn't watch it casually..."

Before Ye Shenyue waited long, Moexiang already responded.

She looked like she had suddenly interrupted someone else's good things, and then immediately ran away in the other direction after a hasty apology.

Yes, just ran away, as if afraid of being caught.

"Uh... Mengxiang!"

Ye Shenyue's hand was raised high in the air, but he told Mengxiang to run faster and farther!

Well, it's not the first time I've been misunderstood, but...

"Mengxiang, you're going in the wrong direction!"

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