Blood spurted, really spurted blood, the hot and humid blood spurted out like this, Ye Shenyue's whole body was about to fall to the back.

Because the excitement like this... is really too big, stronger than the little dream demon just now. Yes, the dream demon has a weapon that Mengxiang can't match, but what about Mengxiang?

Letting her, who is just like a blank piece of paper, make such a shy move...

Ye Shenyue felt that her heart didn't listen to her orders at all, it was beating briskly, without the regularity, it was like her own blood, which spurted out hot.

It's like the scene when classmate Bai Xue saw Guozhao on the roof, their blood-spraying behavior is so similar.

ps: Let’s go back to the original names, the pink Mengxiang powder Mengxiang, and the handsome Bai Mengxiang, congratulations to everyone who complained, you won.Thanks to Zhang Daguanren, Scarlet Heart, and Uncle's soy sauce flowers and comments.

Chapter 0382 Frozen Miles (One More)

"Meng... Meng Xiang... what are you doing..."

Ye Shenyue immediately covered her nose with her hands as soon as the blood spurted, and he couldn't even speak clearly.Because of excitement.

Why did that Mengxiang, that Mengxiang act like this, and act like this!Is she stimulated or...

What happened to Moeka just now when he was suffocated by the murder weapon of the Dream Demon!So what happened!


However, at this moment, Mengxiang's face showed a little shyness, it was embarrassing, this was the Mengxiang Ye Shenyue was familiar with.

"That...I think...I feel unwilling, unwilling to be like this...Let's just let the classmates like Heinohu take away Yashinyuki, are my friend!"

Moexiang seemed to muster up her courage and then spoke so bravely, speaking.



In other words, is this really what friends should do?Is it acceptable just as a friend?

Besides, classmates like Heinaihu, Mengxiang-kun, you really can't remember Little Mengmo's name?


Mengxiang here continued to talk, her blushing hadn't disappeared, "That Mengxiang also said, I can't lose to this dream demon, as long as I accept the dream demon's kiss, I will be enslaved by her for the rest of my life, I can't Let Ye Shenyue be captured by that dream demon. And..."

Mengxiang's face turned even redder, "I feel very embarrassed, seems...not very annoying..."

Doesn't it look disgusting?Mengxiang, what attributes have you awakened?

Ye Shenyue thought that the blood in the depths was spurting out more like unclosed tap water.

"But now..."

Mengxiang suddenly got up from Ye Shenyue's body, "Paper...handkerchief...Yishenyue classmate, are you really all right? There is so much blood..."

There was a nervous and worried expression on his face, because this time, Ye Shenyue was just the one who seemed to hear such a mysterious voice. "So much blood... what a waste..."

What a waste... um, you still want to smoke...

A vampire, being a vampire and being sucked by a vampire, he is really bad enough...


"Mengxiang, what you said just now is... another you?"

Ye Shenyue hurriedly took the white handkerchief that Mengxiang handed over and exchanged positions with her own hand. He couldn't stand the blood spraying all the time, but because he became a vampire, his self-control was even lower.

Ye Shenyue had a feeling that he was actually a pure and innocent boy, but this feeling was only a flash in the pan, Ye Shenyue forgot all of a sudden, and he focused his attention on the "other me" before Mengxiang.Another Moe Xiang, could it be said that Moe Xiang also knows...

Ye Shenyue has a shuddering feeling, this is not because she is afraid of Bai Mengxiang, but from before... Well... The Guozhao incident came first, plus the current Mengmo incident... Maybe, next time she solves it When the seal appeared, instead of fighting monsters to level up, they grabbed him for a duel.

Headache, feeling like a brush has set up an enemy.Ye Shenyue really wanted to hug her head.

"It's just another me..."

Mengxiang here didn't know what Ye Shenyue was thinking, she held the cross in her hand, "The cross spoke just now, and then I realized that the classmate Heinaihu is a dream demon, if he is kissed by the dream demon. Then you will be her slave forever."


Sure enough, it was another Mengxiang, she really knew what was going on in the outside world.

Then my photo...

... Ye Shenyue couldn't help but glanced out the window. He wanted to glance at the culprit, Bai Xue, who was still peeping and following, but he suddenly moved aside. ︴ As if something is coming.

What's coming?

hard to say...

"Damn Chiye really piss me off..."

Almost at the same moment, the closed glass in the direction of the woods was shattered with a bang, and then a fast-flying object entered the room.

"Heinai Hu Meng!"

This is Mengxiang's voice. Just when the window was shattered, Mengxiang actually protected Ye Shenyue and fell down. You must know that she is a sealed ordinary Mengxiang. This kind of guarding action should not be She did it.

Today's Moexiang was really stimulated.

Hearing Hu Meng's voice, Moe Xiang threw away the shards of glass that fell on her arm and looked at the dream demon who was half-flying in the air with black wings and a black tail.

This is the stance of the dream demon... Although it is a monster, if the wings and tail are used as cosplay, it still looks like a human being.It's just that now Hu Meng is not in the mood to be cute, on the contrary, she is in a terrible mood.

Chi Ye Mengxiang, who she thought was a defeated general, actually appeared like this and put on such a handsome poss, and then threw her out the window like a large piece of trash!

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