"However, I didn't lie to you at all, classmate Mengxiang, we are friends... um... someone said that there is also a pure friendship between men and women..."

"Huh... huh?"

Mengxiang listened blankly, but why did she feel that the last sentence was a bit strange. "Wait... Lord Yeshenyue, what are you talking about? We are shed... um... what do you mean by lifelong friends?"

There will also be friendship between men and women, because at that time one of the parties is no longer the original gender, because true friendship can only exist between the same sex, of course, to exclude the absence of homosexuality between the two.

Moexiang looks a little dull, but she is also very smart sometimes, otherwise she would not have realized this all at once.

Pure friendship is definitely not the love between men and women, it can only be... it can only be the love of friends, and it is still a lifelong friend.

Just friends.

When she thought about it for some reason, Moexiang felt that her chest was like a big rock was pressed against it, and it felt like she could hardly breathe and almost suffocate.This feeling is the same as the last time I heard the word "friend", no... this time is even more uncomfortable.

She squatted down.The corners of his eyes couldn't be controlled for some reason, and there were faint traces of this kind, and they were moist.


Ye Shenyue immediately squatted down. Could it be that she knew his nature and was suddenly hit?

And then cry?

"Don't cry yet..."

Ye Shenyue has the best way to take girls' tears. They all say that the Tomb of Heroes is a beautiful knee. No matter how powerful people are, they can't survive the beauty test, of course.Except for some gays.And Ye Shenyue's biggest weakness is the girl's tears, otherwise he wouldn't be willing to say what he was willing to let Kurumi kill in the dating world.


However, like all third-rate TV dramas, if the male pig's feet are comforted, the heroine will cry more fiercely, and there is a feeling of being more and more busy, but if you don't come out to help, I am afraid it will be a bad end.

"Wait...I'll find a handkerchief..."

Ye Shenyue copied her hands in her trouser pockets, no.In the end, he found a dark green handkerchief and a white handkerchief in his jacket pocket, two handkerchiefs.

There was only one crying girl, and it didn't take much, but Ye Shenyue still put them all in front of Mengxiang.

"I...I don't want your stuff..."

Very good, even though I'm crying... I can still speak clearly, it doesn't seem like that kind of hysterical screaming crying.


"This handkerchief is..."

Ye Shenyue thought she could ask or take a moment while she was still able to speak clearly, but at this moment, when Wei Wei opened her mouth and kept trying to touch her tears with her hands, it seemed like she didn't want to let her go. The person she likes sees her embarrassed look like that, but Moexiang suddenly stopped, not completely stopped crying but... slowed down the rhythm.

Can a girl be that great?

Ye Shenyue looked dumbfounded.This is a real cry, not a fake cry. Is it that easy to control?

At this time, Mengxiang's attention focused on the handkerchief Ye Shenyue handed over. One was white and the other was dark green. She didn't know the dark green, but the white one was impossible to admit wrong, because this white handkerchief ...

Isn't this white handkerchief the one she just let Ye Shenyue cover her nosebleed with?

He was still carrying it.

The girl's heart seemed to have a warm current wading through.

"Huh? This handkerchief is yours. It was stained with blood just now, but I used Guangdu's ability to regenerate it again and it's cleaner than washing it. If you don't like it, then use another one... I don't use it. "

Ye Shenyue explained that he thought that Mengxiang despised his blood.So he was going to take back the white handkerchief.

"No...it's not like that!"

However, Moeka's reaction seemed a little abnormal. She had tried her best to wipe away her tears, but she pulled out her hand, which she didn't want anyone to see her crying face, and then held Ye Shenyue's hand down. .

"How can I dislike classmate Ye Shenyue!"

...as if shouting out words, "I don't want...I don't want to continue to be Yashinyuki's friend..."

Is this hidden hysteria?

"Mengxiang... Could it be that...you..."

This feeling, this trend of discourse, Ye Shenyue has a familiar feeling.

Because isn't this the moment when a girl's innocence erupts?

"I want to go one step further with classmate Ye Shenyue and not lose to classmate Hu Meng, even if it's... even if you want to play with me like this! I can do what classmate Hu Meng can do, so I say ...please touch me!"

With the expression of giving up, his face couldn't help turning red. Because of the excited words, his chest also trembled slightly, which just matched the last sentence of "Please touch me".It's like saying "I'm ready" silently.

Please touch me!

This is already a confession.Ye Shenyue has not been very active for a long time, why is Mengxiang so...

Falling in love with him so easily?

Ye Shenyue was surprised, how did Mengxiang fall in love with him?

However, most of his feelings are now dominated by his body. What he thinks is that the current Moeka is the same Moeka who just did that kind of shameful thing to a girl in the infirmary just now.

Moe Xiang who dares to go out.That Moe Xiang didn't disappear, but is the current Moe Xiang.

but.Playing with this word, girl, are you really serious?Do you really understand what the juggling is all about?

Please touch me, Moeka... Your request is really touching...

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