Moe Xiang should hesitate for a while.


"It's acceptable."

Nod, as if heard, and give a simple response.

It was actually acceptable.

"Well... Huh? Isn't it right..."

Why is the reaction so cold and normal?

Ye Shenyue had clearly imagined Mengxiang's hesitant appearance in her mind, but why is it so simple.

It seems like... this is a commonplace thing, flowers and hearts are very common and common?


Mengxiang looked at him strangely.

"Shouldn't you reject it at this time...or should you hesitate?"

Why so sure?

It's not scientific!Obviously, I was competing with Little Dream Demon just now. This acceptance is too much... Could it be that...

Ye Shenyue thought of a terrible possibility, it was a guess, that is... Mengxiang wants to take him down first and then cut him off from other girls?

Could it be that... this is the nature of Meng Xiang?Too exaggerated!

"Why reject why hesitate?"

However, Mengxiang didn't know that Ye Shenyue's heart had gone through such and such a journey. She looked at Ye Shenyue strangely...

"According to what Ye Shenyue said, he is indeed a very bad person, but I believe in my intuition and my own feelings, because Ya Shenyue was the first person who reached out to me and believed in me, it was me. They are very important friends, I believe that Yashenyue is not that kind of person, even if she is that kind of person, it is because Yashenyue has experienced a lot with them that they have discovered the advantages of Yashenyue."

What a simple word, it shattered Ye Shenyue's wild thoughts.

Mengxiang is still the simple Mengxiang, pink Mengxiang.

However, why does it sound like a conscience can't live with it?Yes, he and some girls went through this and that before they were justifiably together, but some... a considerable proportion of them was occupied by him himself out of possessiveness.

For example, a stupid angel seduced with food, or a blond loli.

Felix once said that if you want to stand out, you must cut off the other branches and leaves when planting roses.

Cut out the opponent, and don't let the opponent take advantage.

This is powerful possessiveness.

Ye Shenyue is like this, she would rather push the wrong thing than let it go.

This is definitely not something a good conscientious person would do.

Ke Mengxiang doesn't know.

Simple girls are always easy to be deceived and easily deceived.

But for her, when Ye Shenyue reached out to her, her life has changed, from dark and lonely to bright and warm.

As long as that was enough, it was great that he was the one who reached out at that time.

"Then... let's go to school at 1... Now I can still take the 0003rd class..."

Mengxiang suddenly took Ye Shenyue's arm and smiled at him.

My heart is pounding, looking at this ahlielie...what is this green feeling...what?Why does it feel like going to school with classmates Aihua on the road?

Could it be that... this is... um... what it's like to be with a girlfriend?

Ye Shenyue patted Moeka's arm wrapped around his arm, and then made a gesture of spreading her fingers in the other's strange expression.

"En~" Mengxiang's comprehension was very good, she understood, and then her white and tender fingers were separated.

Fingers intertwined.

Going to school like this seems a little out of place, "Hey... Lord Yeshenyue, how about we go drink tomato juice first?"

Two people together.

Working hard to be a student's moe... I skipped class.

ps: This chapter is a little long, and the next chapter is about Dream Demon's ambition. Thank you for your support.

Chapter 0389 Dream Demon's ambition (two more)

"Those two..."

Those two people were eating, with a smile of jealousy, envy and hatred on their faces, their movements were intimate and natural, or they ignored others.

Ignore others.Ignoring the person sitting next to their table with a distance of only 30 centimeters.

Well, now there is a Dream Demon here. This is still Miss Dream Demon who has no sense of existence. Not only does she have no sense of existence, but she feels that her weak sense of existence seems like... well, it seems to have become even weaker.

Because now both boys and girls are focusing their attention on those two.

Ye Shenyue and Chi Ye Mengxiang.

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