
But before the snowman's movements continued, Bai Xueyu vomited blood, and the snow girl's snow was red.Hot red.

Ye Shenyue subconsciously wanted to look away, the breath of the blood was attracting him like a drug, pulling him in.The vampire's physique was awakened again. If Bai Xueyi looked up at this time, he would definitely see Ye Shenyue's eyes, which turned blood red again.

That is the physique of a vampire. Although it cannot suck blood, it still has the characteristics of a proper physique... But at this time, Bai Xueyi made a move that made Ye Shenyue feel speechless, that is...

She spurted blood, then tried to wipe the blood with her hands, "It's not over yet... How can I just give up here..."

The other hand made a move to shoot down from the air, and then the snowman who didn't move, and the snowman who put his hand on the frame also made a move, that is, took the glasses down.

The eyes, which are very finely carved eyes, are really snowmen made from photos.

But want to prove it even after vomiting blood?

Bai Xue classmate...how do you want me to say hello?

Ye Shenyue was speechless, and in the end he had no choice but to help the Snow Girl, "You wipe the blood first..."

The white handkerchief was returned to Moexiang, and now there is nothing left in his pocket that Sera prepared for him... Well, the dark green handkerchief that has traveled through N worlds is still intact.The reason why I chose the dark green handkerchief is probably because the color of the handkerchief and Sera's eyes are the same, as long as I see this handkerchief, I can think of her...

A woman's heart is really delicate...

It's just that if Miss Sera knows that most of Ye Shenyue's handkerchiefs are for girls, I don't know if her mood will still be so... subtle.

"OK, thank you……"

Bai Xueyi seems to have received a good education and is very polite.

but.But she pulled Ye Shenyue's clothes.

"That... Yeshenyue, lend me a little of your ice power, you just used up too much, this is not a snowy mountain. According to estimates, it will take at least a week for me to recover... By then, I won't be able to track it on time. ."

These are the eyes of the glittering Snow Maiden, if you are not careful, you will really promise her.


Why is your purpose always so bizarre for Mao?

"Stalking... do you really like stalking?"

"This... I can't say I like it, it should be love... The kind of secretly following behind him, secretly watching when he doesn't know, secretly taking pictures when he doesn't notice, and taking pictures of him ashamed The shy photo is then framed, and the acquiesced sweetness after he finds out..."

For a moment, when she said these words that were not a confession but were more than a confession, Bai Xueyu's body seemed to be shining brightly.

The girl is helpless.

No, no.

"and many more……"

Ye Shenyue suddenly reacted, "The shy photo you're talking about is..."

Could it be because of his own indulgence, and then... this Snow Maiden has completely seen him.

"You really want to know, don't you? Here's a stack of..."

Bai Xue's right hand took out the photos from his pocket, and it was really a stack...

The first one is something that Ye Shenyue is familiar with and cannot be more familiar with. It is a picture of a naked man in the bathroom who is preparing to wash his hair. This picture...isn't it when he was taking a shower?And the green shampoo on the left was just bought yesterday, which means...

Here's a photo from last night!

No wonder I was using hot water at that time, but I felt cold in my heart. At first I thought it was an illusion... I didn't expect... It was really someone stealing and filming!

"Sincerely...I really want to introduce you to Origami-kun!"

"Origami-kun? Who is that? A name I've never heard of..."

"...like you are fond of stalking, like stealing, photographing, peeping and peeping the most." With long silver hair and a clean and tidy face, he always makes crazy actions with no expression on his face. This is Tobiichi Origami Classmate, but for Bai Xueyi, who is in another world, of course, has never heard of her name.

"So that's the case... Then I really want to meet her... Pfft... Wait for me to take a breath..."

Classmate Bai Xue spat out blood again, and the snowman exposed in the air also turned into nothingness. It seemed that she was too weak to control the demonic energy, so the snowman could only disappear.

"I want to learn from her... This is a hard-to-find friend..."

"Just stop talking..."

Ye Shenyue looked a little shocking, this guy wants to make friends with Origami-kun even though he vomited blood?


"It hurts..."

At this time, a voice slowly came out, it was a moan, a moan with faint pain.

It was classmate Hu Meng who was covered in blood. When she was fighting just now, she passed out due to her injuries, but now she seems to have woken up.

The slender eyelashes trembled, and her eyes slowly opened, "It hurts..."

As soon as she opened her mouth, 2.0 was a cry of pain. It was also because she was a dream demon and a dream demon with a high status. Not to mention the golden branches and jade leaves, but she was beaten by someone since she was a child. Now she is seriously injured, of course it hurts.


Bai Xueyi looked at the "lollipop" that Ye Shenyue had condensed with the power in her body, which was rich in ice essence, and pouted. She had this lollipop herself, she was just dealing with her.

The lollipop just dropped on purpose. The lollipop's battle plan was miscalculated.

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