"Student Bai Xueyi, I'm asking you very seriously."

After pacing for a long time, Ye Shenyue finally stopped, because she had no clue. She kissed him for Mao Xuenu and then brought up the matter of marriage. It was clear that between him and her, what he feared most was that she would know the truth of "Xuenan". There was no contact, only that she had been secretly following him.

That's all.

Even the appearance just now, before Mengmo was about to be crippled, he and Bai Xueyu were still in a steady and balanced relationship.

The relationship between the stalker and the stalker.

In the end... how did they become a couple who were about to make a lifelong promise in just one hour!

That's what happened back then.While following him, Bai Xueyu waved to him, asked him to come over, and told him that Little Dream Demon was surrounded by three male monsters.

"Why did you suddenly come to tell me this news?"

He remembered that he asked her that at the time.And there was nothing unnatural about her answer.

"Because it is my 125th observation location, I feel very troubled by someone there, because tracking or observing this kind of thing requires a quiet state, and it is too noisy with so many people."

She explained it like this, which is completely in line with Yukino-san's off-line stalker's explanation that makes people want to complain.

And then, he came with her, and that's what just happened.

However, how did the process of going from a relationship that was not a friend to a relationship that was more than a lover but less than a husband and wife came about!

Ye Shenyue couldn't understand.

If you don't understand, then ask directly.

So he said so.

Then Xue Nv responded very cooperatively, "You ask, I can tell you at any time even if it is a very conservative measurement, and if it is not satisfied, I can also tell you the time of each month... I didn't expect it. Your taste will be so heavy..."

What days of the month?

"Stop! Hurry up and stop me!"

Ye Shenyue immediately covered Xue Nu's mouth, even though she knew that no one would come this way at this time, but when her ears heard Xue Nu say such a shameful thing, Ye Shenyue's instinct immediately burst out. , the body moved faster than the thought and then covered her.

To prevent her from saying more unsettling words.

"I mean why...why should I marry you! And...you like me? Marriage is based on the premise of like, nothing else!"

Ye Shenyue stared at this snow girl with wide eyes. In Xinnai's world, it is not smooth sailing, but the initiative to pursue this kind of sovereignty has always been in his hands, but I don't know why when he arrived in this vampire world, he was swayed by this. Only the snow girl was soft and slouched, and now it seems that she has succeeded in chasing her back without preparation. Obviously he doesn't know anything yet, obviously he is still confused!

However, the snow girl's kiss was quite comfortable just now. Hu Meng's is soft and warm, while the snow girl has a feeling of icy coldness, as if it has been frozen to the bottom of my heart, just like eating ice cream in summer. I'm happy, if I can, I can do it again... No, now is not the time to think about it.

Ye Shenyue tried her best to make a serious expression, like a boss waiting for an answer.

Because now he is questioning, and the questioner always has an aura, and that aura made Bai Xueyi feel it too.

She felt that if she didn't tell the truth... Ye Shenyue might get angry.

Once she gets angry, it means that the permission of the other party to let her follow her will be blocked. Maybe in the future, as long as she is followed, she will be blocked, so it will be boring, because... Bai Xueyi knows very well that she can't beat Ye Shenyue.As a person who can control ice, as long as he is at a certain distance, he can sense each other. Ye Shenyue has not deliberately suppressed the power of ice these days, so Bai Xueyi has been using induction to find him these days. The same opponent also She can be sensed by induction.

In a word, if she doesn't tell the truth and doesn't give an answer, then... the interest that has finally arisen will be blocked and brutally killed. How can you do this?

Bai Xueyi made up her mind.

"Who said I don't like you? It's so powerful, and it's the power of ice and snow that makes people fall in love at first sight. It's an incredible power that snow girls like."

The power of ice and snow?

Ye Shenyue listened with a stern face, as if there was a saying that people with the same attributes would be attracted to each other because of the attraction of power, so when he looked at Snow Maiden, he would also feel friendly...


"And...more importantly..."

more important?Is there anything else?

"More importantly, your naked body is so handsome..."

Snow Maiden's face is like a water lotus that is gradually blooming, and she is infinitely shy.

ps: Thanks to zyal59753, w5u, sdodudu888 for the flowers and comments.In the next chapter, the dream demon's tail cannot move.

Chapter 0396 Dream Demon's Tail Can't Move (One More)

Infinitely shy, infinitely shy.

Holding her chin with her hand and closing her eyes slightly, as if she was recalling some infinitely beautiful scenery, Snow Maiden's expression was so fascinated.

Intoxicated, intoxicated... Intoxicated, your sister!

Aversion to cold, Ye Shenyue has a feeling of aversion to cold, the taste of this snow girl... the taste of this snow girl is really...

Unique, and only the word unique can describe it, the nude body is so handsome.

The snow girl explained it like that, but... how can anyone call the naked body handsome?And if it's a handsome man, it's fine, but Xue Nu-sang wasn't looking at him when he said this!


All she sees is her body, and all she sees is her body.

Wait... When it comes to fancying the body... It seems that there is such a person...

In Ye Shenyue's mind, a black-haired, black-eyed woman with arms crossed on her chest suddenly appeared in her mind, but from time to time she would emit a terrifying red color. She looked like a lady, but that was just an illusion. The real situation was an identity. Noble one who doesn't hide his character and hobbies... but he loves those who love him.

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