So when she saw him coming over in a daze, she finally kissed him. When kissing him, it was the first time she made contact with a man's lips. She had a feeling of being embraced by warmth, a kind of peace of mind... Moreover, she I think... At that time, she felt that her heart was happy.

The secret joy that seemed to be hidden in my heart suddenly came out.

Maybe, when she was secretly paying attention with another emotion, she was slowly attracted, so she kissed her directly through excitement.

She will not regret it. She regretted it when she was attacked and injured by the monster. She regretted that she had to kiss at least first, so she would not let go when the opportunity came.

She didn't use the dream demon's attractive power, because for the person who was destined, this kind of kiss is meaningless. If you control him by kissing him, then... it will be very boring.

That's not destiny.

It's doomed that I like you and you like me too, or... when you have a crush on you, you just happen to like me too.

Dream Demon's tail, the tail that was raised when she was happy, was raised again, but this time it was shaking.

It's a pity that Yeshenyue has to go to Mengxiang for dinner at night, and... maybe it's because of selfishness, although his integrity is long gone, but Yeshenyue still wants to be with Mengxiang more in this world. Happen first, relationship, this is the first and then position of a girl who also secretly has a girl in her heart.

Then that night.

Ye Shenyue opened the window, which was facing the girls' dormitory. Miss Moexiang over there was continuing to do her homework. As the atmosphere of the new semester subsided, the teachers left more homework.

Mengxiang was turning on the small desk lamp, the tip of her pen stopped suddenly, and she saw Ye Shenyue sitting by the window as if waiting for something.Are you waiting for her?

Mengxiang smiled and then waved at Ye Shenyue.

Ye Shenyue also waved her hand, and Meng Xiang under the orange light is also very cute.


That guy Bai Xueyi let go of his pigeons.

Well, anyway, he wasn't so concerned about Miss Bai Xue, what he should be thinking about is tomorrow... Well, there may be a multi-angle relationship that will come.

He and Meng Mo have already kissed, it is impossible to ignore her, and Xiao Meng Mo still likes to express himself, maybe there will be some conflict with Meng Xiang, and Meng Xiang... I don't know what she is thinking, it can be Accepting his past can accept that he has many girlfriends but not having girlfriends after her.

This means that the legendary I can ignore your past but from now on your future is planned by me?

Ye Shenyue shook her head and closed the window.


Just when he closed the window, something seemed to hit the window, and then Ye Shenyue heard the sound of rain, it must be raining.

Since it is raining, then forget it. Although he is not a vampire, he still has the physique of a vampire. It is not good to be drenched in the rain.

should be.


"it hurts……"

Classmate Bai Xueyi slid down from the slammed window in a free fall motion. The opposite Chi Ye Mengxiang finally closed the window before she could come over, but she didn't expect that she was so unlucky and hit the window directly.

However, as a snow girl, it was a good feeling to be drenched by this icy cold rain.

Very comfortable.

Even better if it snows.

Unsatisfied, Miss Snow Maiden began to have extra ambitions.

ps: Thanks to a3912122 for the full subscription.Thanks amateur Taoist, ql395628, Zhang Daguanren for flowers and comments.As for the outbreak, let's check it out on Saturday.perhaps.

Chapter 0400 complicated love triangle (for flowers)

However, the next day.

The next day came very fast. It rained all night last night, but the rain stopped just before dawn, which is a good thing for the vampires like Ye Shenyue and Mengxiang, because vampires are afraid of water in order to avoid the rain It's not fun to have an umbrella all the time.

It's just that the rain has stopped, but the sequelae of the rain can still remain on the ground, that is, puddles. The uneven ground has accumulated a lot of water. If you walk with any daredevil, he will step on it with a slap. In the water, the water may splash on the body, which is really hard to prevent.

"Night God Moon Lord..."

She didn't wait long downstairs in the girls' dormitory before coming down. She avoided the puddle with a smile, but her reckless appearance made people think that if one didn't pay attention, she would probably fall like this.

But it's okay to fall, because it fell into his arms.

Moeka, a classmate who didn't pay attention to the small stone on the ground, who has the blood of a powerful vampire monster, rushed into his arms.The fragrance of a girl can be smelled without having to smell it.

With long pink hair, a decent school uniform, socks that are slightly whiter than her skin color, and a pendant of a small bat hanging on her schoolbag, this girl is Chi Ye Mengxiang.

Well, in this world... in this world, Yagami Yue's real girlfriend, Miss Vampire.

After the relationship with Yeshenyue became clear these days, Meng Xiangsang didn't use the name Yeshenyue to call Yeshenyue. a gentleman.

Ye Shenyue didn't say anything about the change of title, after all... Anyway, it's much better than the previous Ye Ye, but fortunately Mengxiang didn't change Yueyue...

Mengxiang opened her schoolbag and neatly took out two books, both of which were written with Ye Shenyue's name.

This is yesterday's homework, which was copied by Chi Yemengxiang for Yeshenyue.It's hard for her too. If one person is wrong in copying homework, then both will be wrong, but there is one kind of homework that the teacher can't criticize, that is, all the answers are correct to others. How can you say that he copied it?

Therefore, Meng Xiangsang has to ensure that the homework is correct when doing homework.

Fortunately, she is very talented in reading and also works very hard, unlike Ye Shenyue, who only knows how to watch the scenery and take a nap.

It's just that a girl is a girl, and even though it's just homework, the words are still written neatly and neatly.

"I've been bothering you for a long time. If Mengxiang wants anything, I'll take it as compensation for you."

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