Mengxiang seemed a little hesitant and a little embarrassed, "At critical moments, I can't help but want to suck the blood of Yashen Yuejun, so..."

So that is to say, the chain fell off at the critical moment, so it was said that he just stayed where he was, so he was rushed in by the dream demon, and then successfully kissed Ye Shenyue before her.

Think about it this way...

"You are so useless."

Bai Mengxiang spoke bluntly and directly.Don't leave any sympathy.

Sure enough, he was cruel enough to himself.

"Er...even though that's the case, but you shouldn't say it so bluntly..."

Mengxiang sighed, "But I just couldn't help it, it went well many times, it's just...the moment I saw his neck and smelled his scent...I couldn't help it...I'm a vampire... …”

He's a vampire, so he can't refuse not to suck blood.


The cross suddenly disappeared.Maybe that Bai Mengxiang is also thinking about this. Although she is in a sealed state, she and Fan Mengxiang share their memories and feelings. She also knows what she has done, so she is analyzing the encounter with Fan Mengxiang. The difficulty level of difficulty.

"But, if it's you, maybe it's fine... You are a complete vampire, maybe you can control yourself better, although I'm not very happy if you get close to him, but if it's you, it's better than an outsider's Hu Meng is much better, that Hu Meng will definitely push Yeshenyue-Jun in the direction of prostitution..."

Bai Mengxiang finally seemed to be worried about her boyfriend's future again, what a good boy.


The cross was suddenly silent.

At least ten seconds...

Then, the voice came again.

"You have to solve your own affairs by yourself. Are you still another me? That kind of dream demon can be solved easily. You have some of her and it may not be worse than hers!"

It's like a tone of exhortation that hates iron, but why does Fan Mengxiang feel seems a little unconfident.

Could it be that the other one is not confident that she will become blood-sucking when she wants to kiss?

"Okay, here he is."

However, just when Moe Xiang wanted to ask clearly, the cross suddenly returned to calm as if nothing had happened.

It was indeed Ye Shenyue who came, and Ye Shenyue opened the door that was hidden. The cool breeze from the rooftop here was very comfortable. The sassy breeze blew the girl's long hair into the air, and it was even more beautiful. .

"Mengxiang? Who were you talking to just now?"

Ye Shenyue looked at Mengxiang's hand and the cross she was holding. She asked this question in her mouth, but she was thinking in her heart. It seemed that the seal of the cross could not stop the contact between the two Mengxiang. , maybe Mengxiang has just been instilled with some knowledge by another Mengxiang.


Mengxiang immediately let go of the cross and let it fall on her neck. She tried her best to make it look like nothing happened, but it's strange to believe her because of her panicked appearance!

"Then... that... Lord Yeshenyue, what happened?"

1.0 is still panicking.

"You're a little confused, didn't you agree that we should go to see the club together after school. Didn't Mr. Maomu say that everyone should join the club?"

"Ha... so... so that's what it is..."

Mengxiang seemed to have reacted, but at this time, she was thinking about what Bai Mengxiang said just now. Is she really another Mengxiang?

How could she just lose like this?

For some reason, as if she was suddenly injected with power, Moexiang grabbed Ye Shenyue's arm all of a sudden, "The club...the club, since it's a club, then let's join the same club!"

The first is to increase the time we spend together, and if we spend more time together... maybe there will be a chance to go further.

Well, the vampire made a small determination.

Chapter 0404 The Monster Society of the Monster Academy (two more)

"The original intention of our Yanghai College is to let everyone integrate into human society and live there safely, so we must keep our behavior consistent with human beings, that is to say, imitate human beings, be like human beings and live with human beings , so we want to join the club."

"Joining a club like a human student, only by sweating in club activities is youth without regrets."

"Meow~~ Teacher also remembered the club back then... It's really good to have fish to eat in club activities~~" Teacher Maomu's cat's tail is raised again, and the whole person is full of sparkling colors. It's like recalling something wonderful, but the club activities with fish...

For Mao so people want to complain.

The Yokai Academy club must... must be very abnormal!

It is indeed abnormal, abnormally lively.

Today is the day for many clubs in the school to accept new clubs. Almost all clubs are dispatched, and a long aisle has been turned into a small shop similar to 07. It is just the service of this small shop. The staff are too enthusiastic, they are just trying to pull people in.

"Come to our rugby team, sway the sweat of youth in the eyes of sunshine and girls..."

"Still come to our aerobics club, strong muscles, beautiful pectoral muscles and beautiful abdominal muscles are the incredible muscles that girls like."

While talking about the two clubs, there are still exhibitions, but the rugby club on the left shows sweat, while the aerobics club on the right shows bright muscles.

"I still prefer men who are neither fat nor thin than muscular men... just like Ye Shenyue..."

The little black tail is raised, and it can be seen that Miss Mengmo is in a good mood. She snuggled up to the left side of Ye Shenyue and put his arm in front of her chest as usual, as long as Ye Shenyue You can feel the brilliance of motherhood with a fake rubbing.

"Which club does Yeshenyuejun want to join? No matter which club it is, I will be with you..."

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