As for the superior, it's a little tricky.

Sitting with You, Ye Shenyue actually felt a little restrained, no matter what words came into her mouth, looking at You's small body, cute appearance, and fit maid outfit, they finally turned into a sentence "Today's Yu... very beautiful, and as expected, my family's Yu can wear anything."


You held up the small book.


Ye Shenyue nodded, Yuu is very cute, she is really a natural clothes hanger.No matter what kind of clothes she wears, she is very cute.

" sauce failed!"

Mihara shook his head and continued to ring the bell to announce the result.

"that's it?"

The crowd froze.Just won?

Believe it or not, stay awake or not, it's the truth.

"Who is the fifth person next?"

Congyou also won the victory, and Ye Shenyue also wanted to pursue the victory. Who is the fifth person?

"Wait...she hasn't arrived yet."

Silas shook his head, also looking at the door, as if the fifth mysterious contestant was about to enter through the door.

Silas was waiting for the last competitor to appear, and at this moment, Yagami and the others also relaxed for a while.

Since Mihara is here, then the last opponent is not her, so who is it?

As for Orito, who was kicked away by Sera long ago, he had already fainted.So now there are only Yagami Yue and the gentle Taeko-chan and Mihara on the table.

Taking this opportunity, Ye Shenyue just happened to be able to get close to them.

For example, tease Mihara a little.

"Mihara, why don't you wear a maid's uniform too... I really want to see your usual appearance!"

Ye Shenyue pushed Mihara's arm and said softly.

Ye Shenyue really thinks Mihara is very beautiful in the brown maid's uniform. Of course, if she puts down her hair, she is also very beautiful. Putting on the maid's uniform and tying her hair up, she looks smart and arrogant.And 4.7 put the hair down, it is more ladylike beauty.

Now that I have the opportunity to make the arrogant Mihara wear maid clothes, it is really a good choice.

"Don't... Absolutely don't... Why do you just wear it if you want to see me? Don't!"

"Even if you don't wear it, Taeko-chan... you shouldn't refuse..."


Hearing that Ye Shenyue was pulling on her, Taeko-chan was a little tangled, should she satisfy the strange hobbies of classmate Bu?

Dressed in a maid outfit, she seemed a little embarrassed.

The well-behaved Taeko is really simple.

"Ala... Everyone is here... I'm sorry... I'm late~~" Suddenly, just when Ye Shenyue wanted to continue teasing the lovely Taeko-chan, a familiar and charming voice floated from the door. the sound of.

That is……

Ye Shenyue turned her head and saw a girl with the same height as Loli, with silver double ponytail hair, and a dark black fitted gothic princess dress with lace patterns.

Is that... Ariel-chan?

She... how did she come?

"Ariel is our fifth competitor! Damn Darling, just accept it."

As if shattering Yagami's fantasy, Silas announced word by word.

Ps: The author's integrity is still good, and it's almost 6000 words.In addition, ask for comments, subscriptions, collections, flowers, all kinds of requests.

Chapter 0090

"Big... big teacher? are you here?"

Haruna, who is most familiar with Ariel-chan, exclaimed.

She really didn't expect the big teacher to come.And the last contestant.Calling it a finale isn't an exaggeration either.

Who is Ariel?

He is definitely a blacker than Yu-chan!

Make such a person blush?

Ye Shenyue asked himself, he doesn't have this ability yet!

Silas... the last person is really cruel!

Ye Shenyue was defeated.

"Is Ariel sauce scary?"

Seeing the dejected Yashenyue, Taeko-chan asked with concern.

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