Ye Shenyue gave her a vicious look at Hu Meng's behavior of bringing the topic to his side. Wouldn't this make him admit in public that he enjoys it and want Mengxiang to do the same?

He hasn't been bold enough for that, okay?Therefore, he immediately resorted to the method of changing the subject.

"There is nothing to see here, let's go down... Maybe there are more suitable club activities below..."

"Nothing to see and go down?"

x2 Okay, Mengxiang and Mengmo said this almost at the same time, obviously it was his eyes that first shifted and then fell on the girls in the swimming club, okay?

Obviously his eyes skipped over them, okay? It was a bit like commenting, okay? Even though he was watching with relish, he still said that there was nothing good-looking?

At least...the other girls can't but the minister is still pretty.

"Well... maybe there are more interesting clubs. Swimming water or something..."

Ye Shenyue shook her head, why did the two girls' reactions seem unbelievable?As if he was a big-tailed wolf and then did a strange act of not rushing up to see the beauty?

"Water... oh... I see."

Mengxiang suddenly seemed to have a flash of inspiration, and she suddenly hugged Ye Shenyue's arm, "Yes... let's join another club... Water is really annoying~~" Mengxiang I remembered that I was a vampire. As a vampire, the most inaccessible thing is pure water. As soon as the water touches their body, a terrible chemical reaction will occur, which is very painful. Therefore, they can't swim. Of course, they can't join the swimming club. .


It turns out that this is the reason why Yashenyuki-kun didn't join the swimming club.

Mengxiang suddenly felt a little comfortable in her heart, that is, it's great to have the same physique as the person she likes.

"Hey... Moe Xiang, that's because you're a vampire... How could you not let Yashin Yue join the swimming club because of yourself?"

Mengxiang can understand, but Miss Mengmo can't. She doesn't know that Ye Shenyue is also a vampire. After all, all she sees is Mengxiang sucking Ye Shenyue's blood, but Ye Shenyue doesn't show blood sucking. The movements are just frequent and impulsive.

"'s a secret...Okay, let's go, it's not good to hinder other people here."

Mengxiang shook her head and showed a gratifying smile. She had already stepped forward, like a victorious little general.

"...Secret? Hey...what is it..."

Meng Mo quickly chased after her, and she felt as if she was pulled away in an instant... Well, it's far, far away.

However, Ye Shenyue's high-profile departure was particularly conspicuous when all the boys gathered together.

The head of the swimming department had noticed it, and she waved to Ye Shenyue, "Why did you just leave? Don't you want to join our swimming club? Or... do you want me to personally guide you? Oh~~" The minister is a monster, and everyone in this academy is a monster. As a monster, there are always some aspects that are better than ordinary people, and her greatness is her ability to observe.

She knew about these high-profile freshmen a few days ago.Knowing Ye Shenyue, Mengxiang and Hu Meng's name, they are just a mermaid, well, the minister's real body is a mermaid, but he is a piranha, the kind of mermaid that lures a man into the water and sucks his energy , they only suck the spirit of men, so Ye Mengxiang, who is in the limelight, is not favored by her, but she is attracted to Ye Shenyue.

Ye Shenyue is also very popular in the school. Of course, it does not mean handsome but strength. For monsters, strength is everything, and the stronger the strength, the more essence it contains.Just grab one and hit ten or a hundred!

So, this is an opportunity, just let him join the swimming club and attack secretly.

She may not be able to beat him on the ground, but for the mermaid in the water... where is their territory, and where are they afraid of losing if they reach their territory?

Therefore, the Minister sent out an invitation in a senseless and simple manner.

"Student Ye Shenyue, won't you join our swimming club?"

There is a gentle smile on his face, like a big sister,

Chapter 0406 The original mermaid is so beautiful (two more)

big sister?

It's obviously a piranha!

Don't look at her smiling face, don't look at her flamboyant, don't look at her figure... Well, her figure is still good, but there is such a hurdle in Ye Shenyue's heart, that is her prototype.

Ye Shenyue is not a picky person, but as long as he thinks that the big sister-like character in front of him is really a mermaid with sharp shark-like teeth, he is not interested, although he knows it may be preconceived, but still Can't stand it.

Or how much vampires love, no matter if they are transformed or sealed, they are so cute.What was not sealed was a beautiful girl with long pink hair, and after transforming into a big youkai with long silver hair and red eyes.

"No, I don't want to join the swimming club."

Therefore, Ye Shenyue took Moexiang's hand and refused the invitation of the Minister. The Minister's appearance is indeed a beautiful girl, but his taste is not that serious.

"Ah... you can stop being so anxious to refuse..."

Seeing Ye Shenyue's refusal with almost no consideration, the minister still showed a gentle smile. In fact, she was already upset. She didn't expect this prey to be so difficult, but the more difficult it was, the more challenging it would be.The minister smiled softly, as if all roses were blooming, "We will have our training in the swimming pool in half an hour, please be sure to check it out then, if you really don't like it, it's not too late to refuse, don't tell me you You don't even have the air?"

Air volume?

It's really hard to refuse.

Everyone has a dark side that they don't want to be told.

As a man, the most difficult thing for people to say... and what girls say is "you can't" and "you have no strength".

"Okay, let's have a look then."

Ye Shenyue nodded and then pulled Moe Xiang directly away.

"I'm hooked~~" Ichinose Pearl Fish, the head of the swimming department, smiled even brighter. As long as he would come over, why would he be worried about not being hooked?Moreover, the Chi Ye Mengxiang beside him is like a vampire as rumored. If it is a vampire... then it will definitely not come.

Although she doesn't mind blocking her girlfriend's face and seducing other men's men, but that girlfriend is a powerful monster, then it's troublesome, because vampires are legendary S-rank monsters, but well... I'm afraid of vampires Water, she just happened to hear this from her grandmother. It is said to be a great legend in the history of mermaids. The vampires of the seemingly unattainable S-level monsters dare not make trouble in the sea of ​​their mermaids.

Because vampires are afraid of water.

Then half an hour later.

A series of activities to welcome new students were launched at the swimming pool.The girls in the swimming club went into the water wearing swimsuits one by one, like a kind big sister holding the hands of the boys and instructing them to swim. It was just a guide, but how do you think the two sides are in the ambiguous stage of the relationship between the husband and the concubine? ?

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