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Chapter 0419 werewolf's determination (one more)


Strange to fall!

Goddamn Night God Moon!

The eyes of Mr. Big Bad Wolf with bags on his head have turned red. For werewolves, their eyes should not be this color, and they will only become like this when they are extremely angry.

Completely human wolf state!

Revenge, must revenge!


That's how the angry wolf roar happened.

In the classroom, this is the last class, but it is very strange that the weather today seems very strange, because it is still the afternoon class, but the sky has a strange color. Only the dark red and the most conspicuous round of strange and round but blood-stained setting sun-like full moon appeared.

This is the moon, what an ominous moon it looks.

"There is an uncomfortable feeling..."

Moeka was covering her chest with one hand, which was a strange feeling.

"Jingle Bell……"

The school bell just rang.

"I'll go buy you a drink..."

Yagami quickly got up from her seat and went to the vending machine.

"Well, it's still tomato juice."

"Hu Meng, what do you want?"

Although Mengxiang is the most important thing in my heart, one can't favor one over another, so Ye Shenyue also asked Xiaomengmo.

"I want tomato juice too..."

I can't let Mengxiang and Ye Shenyue be friends with me again.

"So...Miss Bai Xue?"

Ye Shenyue looked at Miss Xuenu strangely, because Miss Xuenu suddenly stood up, "I'll go with you."

"……All right."

Unexpectedly, Miss Xue Nu was actually the most active one.

"I'll go as well."

Mengmo was immediately dissatisfied. Although she was a third party, she was already dissatisfied with one Mengxiang, and now she couldn't stand another Snow Girl, so she would never give Snow Girl a chance.

The first is to destroy the timing of her and Yagami Yue together.

"No, this is something Ye Shenyue promised me, and he wants to be with me at this time."

However, Miss Snow Girl shook her head, and the lollipop in her mouth made a thumping sound.The corners of her mouth twitched, this was one of her rewards for helping Senior Silver.

"Damn guy..."

Dream Demon looked very dissatisfied.


However, in the next second, Snow Maiden's icy little hand waved and Miss Mengmo turned into ice cubes, unable to speak.

"This...Hu Meng..."

Mengxiang was a little nervous when she looked at Miss Mengmo, who had been frozen into ice. She was thinking about whether to move Hu Meng to the boiling water room first and break the ice first.

"Oh no!"

However, at this time, Teacher Maomu ran into the classroom where there were many students, and she ran in front of Moexiang and the others, "No, Senqiu Yinying kidnapped Yashinyuki! "

"He seems to be saying that this is an internal issue within the Ministry of Information, so he says don't let anyone else get involved!"

Teacher Maomu said in a hurry. She is the instructor of the news department. She is the first person to be responsible for any problems in the department. It's just that the students are so tough that she, the catmao teacher, can't resist. She really is a fish eater. teacher.

"What? How is that possible?"

The ice cube of the x2 Dream Demon suddenly shattered, and her people also appeared.

Mengmo and Mengxiang couldn't believe it, "Yishenyue was taken away by Senior Yin? How could it be possible, Yeshenyue is so strong... and there's that little Snow Maiden by her side, don't tell me..."

"That silver senior is stronger!"

"Hey... Mengxiang... Slow down..."

Meng Xiang suddenly grabbed Meng Xiang who was about to run out, Meng Xiang turned her face, "Hu Meng, are you trying to stop me? I don't know how Ye Shenyue will be bullied by Senior Yin now..."

"'s not like could I let others bully Ye Shenyue, just...where is the location? Where do you want to go?"

"Ah...this...I don't know...that...Momo-sensei?"

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