
Miss Xue Nu's hand was withdrawn, but Ye Shenyue raised her hand to stop the frying pan that was about to make a close contact with his head.Steady.

"Bai Xueyi is getting weirder and weirder."

Ye Shenyue looked at Miss Bai Xue strangely, because he didn't know what she was thinking, he just saw that she wanted to shoot, so he gave her a chance to show, but the pan was about to fall on his head, Miss Bai Xue but It was too suspicious that the pure eyes still exuded a strange brilliance in the end.

What kind of stimulation did this snow girl appear again?Could it be the incident of passing notes in class that made her unhappy?

Even if Ye Shenyue was killed, she wouldn't know that Miss Bai Xue at this time flashed a trace of regret when she saw him catch the pan, because... the plan to only see her in her eyes and only her figure reflected in her eyes was blocked. .

Chapter 0427 I have never been a good person (two more)


With a slightly disappointed tone.

This sentence came from the mouth of Miss Snow Maiden, from the mouth of a member of the same club.

Everyone went to see her.

Or that everyone was staring at her.

Ye Shenyue caught the frying pan thrown by Xiao Zi, and Miss Snow Maiden, who was on Ye Shenyue's side, actually showed a pity expression!Could it be that she... In fact, she wanted to see Ye Shenyue smashed, and hoped that he would be smashed?

"What are you looking at me for?"

Bai Xue looked at everyone strangely. Her eyes were so clear and bright, and she was not at all embarrassed.

"No... nothing..."

Ye Shenyue forced herself not to look at this classmate Bai Xue. He was afraid that he would duel with her. Although his relationship with her had been a little cold recently, it wasn't that he was disappointed that he didn't get hit!

Even Miss Silas, who is equally promiscuous, is protecting him 07. Where can he get hurt?

"It's good to have magic power, but it's meaningless if you just bully people casually. Some people who will be sorry for the magic power of this body are desperate for the magic power you can use at any time."

Ye Shenyue threw the frying pan aside and turned her head to look at the little loli who was wearing a witch costume completely dressed as a witch. The first time she didn't pay attention to it, but now she cast magic in front of him. This magic is a bit strange.

According to Ariel, a master of magic, any recitation is actually just a magician to make the magic power in his body more obedient and effective according to the prescribed actions. I can't feel the power in her body. Her power should be...

from the air.

She works by chanting softly and quickly and then requesting the surrounding magic.

What a strange magic, every world's power is so strange.

It's just strange that this loli's unhappy act of casting magic immediately made Ye Shenyue unhappy.

"I don't care, you are not a witch. You can't teach me unless you are a witch."

Xiao Zi raised her head arrogantly. What she hates most is being preached.And it is still the "ugly brother" who "occupied" her Mengxiang sister, "cough...if I were a witch, I would be really weird..."

Ye Shenyue almost choked on her.He is at most a demon man, but I don’t know if this world has the title of demon man, although this world already has a male monster like Snow Man, maybe there is also a demon man...

"Anyway, you are going to duel with me and if you lose, you must leave from Sister Moexiang's side!"

Miss Witch put on her hat and raised her face. Just now, Ye Shenyue directly caught the frying pan she made with magic, which made her feel very unhappy, because this sudden magic has caused many people After suffering, it was really unexpected that she was suddenly stopped by someone, but she was still very confident because she never bullied others with this ability.

"Okay, I'll fight you. If you lose, you have to be obedient."

"it is good!"

Fairy Child Purple nodded...

in the woods.

This is a black forest with a strange atmosphere. The trees are entrenched on the ground in strange shapes, and Ye Shenyue and Fairy Child Zi are far away.

"Yishen Yuejun, Xiao Zi is just a child, so it's not good to bully her too much."

Looking carefully at the small wand in Xiao Zi's hand, Moe Xiang immediately judged that Xiao Zi couldn't beat Ye Shenyue, so she said it so kindly, because which time did Ye Shenyue fight not die or die?Of course, it was the one who was beaten by him. Xiao Zi took advantage of being a little girl and Meng Xiang couldn't do anything.

"I don't want it, Ye Shenyue hurry up and hit her! Show some color to this ignorant girl!"

The dream demon on the other side had completely different opinions from her, and she waved her hand as if she wished she could play.

"Let her know what sagging is!"

Ye Shenyue, who was still holding her head up when she heard the last sentence, almost softened, this dream demon still remembers this.

"Don't talk nonsense, don't blame me for bullying you and I shot."

The petite witch has already held her magic wand. Her magic wand is cute. I don't know what material it is made of, but it is a model suitable for girls.

The magic wand can be short or long. At the top is a yellow star, and then a circle is wrapped around the star. When her little hand is raised, the star in the circle quickly rotates.A faint brilliance flickered, and the poker card held in her other small hand flew into the air as if it was being pulled and began to transform.

Transformed into a crow, with black wings, black sharp mouth and sharp waving claws.

For a time, all the playing cards turned into crows. The crows flew very quickly and surrounded Ye Shenyue in a blink of an eye, just like a small bat surrounded Mengxiang whose seal had been undone.

"This is what you forced me to do."

The 787 magic wand in the witch's hand spun again and the black crow burst into flames.That's a terrifying temperature, just standing in the distance and feeling "Ye Shenyue!"

Mengxiang and Mengmo just wanted to go forward, because they thought that Xiao Zi was just a loli and had nothing to do with it, but now it seems that the temperature is completely scorching people!

"do not worry."

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