Absolutely cold.Even the little purple classmate who appeared in the form of a loli who played soy sauce was extremely surprised.

Because Ye Shenyue explained before that the reason why he doesn't choose anyone is that he can't make a choice. In fact, the reason is that this guy wants to step on the boat!Even though he had such an idea, he actually said that they were too good and he couldn't choose anything.It sounds good, but his Sima Zhao's heart is well known to passers-by.

However, now everyone has identified a certain person who stepped on the N boat, and now he has turned all the people on the boat into the water!Not a single one.

This is... playing with them!

Of course, Ye Shenyue saw that everyone's momentum changed again and immediately continued, "So I leave the power of choice to you. Within 3 minutes, I can only control myself for three minutes. After three minutes, who can come to me? In front of me, I will suck her blood."

three minutes?

Can't hold yourself back?

Such ambiguous words immediately made the girls who were already very imaginative come to their imaginations.

But in any case, Ye Shenyue's meaning is already obvious, and it needs the most powerful person among them.

This also makes sense.Everyone wants the best, and Yagami's choice is fulfilled.

It's just that no matter how he looks at it, he still secretly goes towards Mengxiang, who just happened to help her "to be pampered and arrogant". Who is the most powerful person?

Needless to say?

Mengxiang's force value is the highest in every aspect, and she wins anyway, but only a slightly cold girl appeared in front of him after three minutes.

This is the most powerful man among the women.

Bai Xueying classmate.

Chapter 0448 The starting point and the starting point

Bai Xueying classmate.

It can be said that in this world of crosses and vampires, Ye Shenyue is the most familiar with her except for Moeka, and has been in contact with her more than Moeka.It's just that the understanding of Duogui Duowei is more thorough. At this moment, Bai Xueying seems to be stronger than Bai Xueying in the original book, but it is only stronger than before. Her strength is far from being equal to the redness of the heyday. Ye Mengxiang classmate!

But now, Ye Shenyue blinked twice, but she didn't see wrongly that the girl in front of her was Bai Xueying, not the burning-eyed and silver-haired classmate Chi Ye Mengxiang!

Now that Bai Xueying is here so that means... Mengxiang failed, and Mengxiang lost to Bai Xueying.

"Xiaoying...it's nice to see you."

Ye Shenyue spoke, but he didn't ask "why you instead of Mengxiang?" He felt that he had made progress, otherwise, why not Mengxiang was destined to be lonely for life.

But it seems that this sentence is really true.

"Fortunately, you didn't say why Mengxiang wasn't here, otherwise I would think that in fact, you deliberately let Mengxiang win before saying that we should choose for ourselves."

But then Bai Xueying started to explain herself.

"But even Moexiang can't win. I just said it was unfair and she immediately changed her personality...and then...you know."

Bai Xueying said without blinking her eyes, but her speech was still a little slower, as if recalling what had just happened.

According to her words, Ye Shenyue probably understands that the emotional Mengxiang was trapped by Bai Xueying. Yes, no matter how you look at it, Mengxiang's combat power is the highest, but Bai Xueying used the arrogance of vampires to deceive Mengxiang. It seems that After lighting a small fire, she praised Mengxiang first, and then said that she was unfair and prepared to take Ye Shenyue as her own, regardless of another Mengxiang's opinion.

Most people won't believe this kind of words, but Mengxiang is different. The most disgusting thing for a person of noble birth and arrogance is to be remarked by others.


Maybe just put the cross on it.

Then, Mengxiang, who was only at the level of the ordinary weak, certainly couldn't resist the attacks of Bai Xueying and Hu Meng.

Then, the second strongest student, Bai Xueying, stood out.

Bai Xueying is indeed a good abacus!

However, without waiting for Ye Shenyue to express some more emotion, Bai Xueying continued, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

"I originally wanted to cooperate with the giant breast monster, but I didn't expect that she was so stupid. As a dream demon, she didn't even have time to do such an upright move as a sneak attack, and then she was knocked down."

Well, at this moment, Ye Shenyue has determined that the most powerful among the girls is Bai Xue.

A sneak attack such an upright move...

This kind of words can also be said that Ye Shenyue guessed again. Maybe Bai Xueying and Hu Meng knew that they could not beat Mengxiang and then pretended to cooperate. Unexpectedly, Bai Xue attacked first and then caused the tragedy of Hu Meng. come over."

Ye Shenyue beckoned and he was already sitting on the ground with his big legs showing.His intention is obviously to let the winner sit down for the first time to suck blood, and he also wants to find a better position...

However, what makes people a little strange is that the face of Miss Snow Girl, who was excited and blushed only after seeing her naked body all year round, actually turned rosy again just like that.Is this shy?Is this really shy?

Ye Shenyue wasn't sure, but he didn't deny that Bai Xueying, who was blushing slightly now, looked more lovely, and his heart suddenly accelerated.


Miss Xue Nv's slightly cold but soft buttocks sat up, and her body slowly leaned against Ye Shenyue with a bit of stiffness, "It's the first time I don't know how to do it, take it. What are you going to do down there?"

the first time?

Ye Shenyue almost had the urge to continue spraying blood.Obviously just sucking blood, so ambiguous?

You are guilty of seduction.

"Actually, it's the first time I don't know."

However, Ye Shenyue also has the kung fu to make jokes with Miss Bai Xue. He said that he was treating others with the way of others.

It's just that he scolded and underestimated the girl's reserved degree.

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