"Then...let's get to work...it's considered trash here..."


Under Hu Meng's lead, the others immediately ran the stack of love letters on the ground towards the trash can.

They are ready to be destroyed.

These guys...

Ye Shenyue was speechless. Well, in fact, he is not very interested in ordinary girls. It is just that he will return to him in his own way and dispose of Hu Meng and their love letters.

It's just that when Hu Meng opened the shoe cabinet, he also found envelopes. There were not so many envelopes but there were more than 30 envelopes.

As for Bai Xue's classmate, she only has one letter. There is no way that she is too withdrawn. Except for them, she doesn't have much contact with others.

But now what is written on this letter is very interesting.

Bai Xueyi opened the envelope 023 at everyone's urging, "Dear classmate Bai Xueyi, I am a stalker like you, don't ask me who I am, I hope we can monitor each other... Let's look at each other..."


After reading the letter, Bai Xueyi was expressionless.


Well, everyone was speechless.

"Mengxiang, open the shoe cabinet too."

Hu Meng urged him to change the subject.

"Okay... well... ah..."

Mengxiang only opened a small crack, but the shoe cabinet was completely opened by the huge pressure. The countless envelopes inside all rushed towards her and completely buried her.

Well, in the end the person who is popular is Moeka-san.

But floating on top is a very unique envelope.

This is an envelope with a tan cute little bat.

"I like you so much, I like you so much that I want to kill you!"

The blood-stained handwriting is completely blood-stained handwriting, this is an out-and-out threatening letter.

ps: In the next chapter, there is a paranoia called sister control update time, please vote for it.


Chapter 0451 There is a paranoia called sister control

"It turns out that I like it so much... I like it so much that you want to kill it... Mengxiang, you have such a fanatical admirer... No... kill?"

Well, classmate Hu Meng finally woke up.

"This is a threatening letter!"

Somehow, classmate Hu Meng was even more excited than Mengxiang.

"The letter didn't make it clear who sent it or where to meet."

"It looks like a threatening letter without rewriting the information. Speaking of Mengxiang, do you feel that something is wrong around you recently?" Ye Shenyue asked, he didn't believe that a simple child like Mengxiang would have any resentment. Except for the jealous and envious existence of classmate Hu Meng.

It's just that even when Hu Meng met Mengxiang for the first time, he didn't write a threatening letter, but came to kill him directly.

Who is so sentimental?

It's just that Moexiang seems uneasy now.After all, she... really didn't do anything to others. Why would she be intimidated?

She couldn't figure it out.

"Mengxiang, ignore this threatening letter, there is nothing to be afraid of."

Ye Shenyue patted Moeka on the shoulder, and he was also curious. It stands to reason that the plot of writing a threatening letter should only happen when the new students enter the next year. Why is it earlier?

Or is it just a simple prank?


It's just that Moexiang stabilized while leaning against Ye Shenyue.

The worrying day passed like that, but things didn't seem to be over.

"Ye Shenyue, I can't take it anymore... There are so many threatening letters..."

When she was resting at night, Mengxiang suddenly opened the window and her eyes were full of tears.Very aggrieved.

Ye Shenyue's eyesight is very good, so she just stood up slightly and saw the threatening letters in Mengxiang's house. They were all of the same size and they were all small bat envelopes, but the number of envelopes was too strange.

The strange thing is not the total number. The total number of envelopes is only about 10, but they are placed... they are placed every [-] centimeters on the bed, and the ground is also full of envelopes, all neatly placed. Qi's scalp-tingling envelope.

Mengxiang, you are doing this yourself.Who can stand it like this?I can't stand it even without intensive phobia.

"Every two minutes, some classmates around me bring an envelope and I can't refuse it... It's terrible..."

It's really terrible. Not to mention that many people just knock on the door and open the door, then knock the door and open the door again.

Classmate Mengxiang was about to collapse, and she was strong without crying right away.

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