Chapter 0459 should not have memories (a more)


At this time, Ye Shenyue knew that if he continued to lie down, he was also shot. He couldn't understand that Mao and these two women had just recognized him, and recognized him dressed as a black Filipino.

And according to what they said, they knew themselves dressed like this!

What is this going on?

God expand!

Ye Shenyue sat up all of a sudden, and he was shot even while lying down anyway. "Two... um, two beautiful big sisters..."

Although she has sold her cute face countless times with Zhengtai's face, Ye Shenyue doesn't mind selling it more than once. He clearly noticed that when he only said the word "A" in Auntie like Mengxiang said, he has two pairs of eyes and four eyes. The murderous aura swept over immediately, it was an undisguised murderous aura.

It is said that Ling Chi is the most cruel torture, but now these two... big sister's eyes are no less than the level of slaying Ye Shenyue alive.

"What's the big sister?"

The two suddenly smiled.

"It turned out to be called our big sister..."

Their relationship seems to have improved a lot all of a sudden, and there is a kind of humane spirit in which the enemy's current personal grievances are completely eliminated.

It's just that their smiles are skinny.

"Ye Shenyue, who said I was cute at the beginning, I didn't expect that I would become a big sister after just not seeing me for a while..."

The expression of Kurono Chiba, who is luxurious and has the style of a patriarch, is even more hidden in her smile. It stands to reason that a big sister with a good figure like her would at least have to flaunt her chest and tremble when she laughs, but now only flirtatious trembling does not There is trembling.

Trembling...that's because of the trembling of qi.


At this moment, Ye Shenyue really wanted to spread her hands to show that he didn't know who he was.

Although the ominous premonition in his heart was very strong, he always felt that a storm was coming.

For example, these two people have some inexplicable relationship with him, and Ye Shenyue suddenly became wise about what kind of personal relationship has been mixed up for a long time.

However, Sister Icicle's murderous aura slowly subsided. "Big sister...Well, this name is not bad..."

"But my dear, don't you think the name of Sister Icicle seems more interesting?"

She made suggestions as if to suggest.



At this time, the people who should not have come, and the people who should have come.

Bai Xueying and Heinoi Hu Meng waited on the left at the school gate and couldn't wait for their mothers, but later someone said that there was a fight here. I started, and then I came over from a distance to see the branches flying everywhere and the traces of freezing, and I didn't dare to delay and flew over directly.

Then I saw the current scene.Their mothers looked a little angry, and then sat on the ground a black Filipino... and stood next to... Moeka Chiye in vampire form.

How is this going?

Isn't Chiye Mengxiang supposed to be by Ye Shenyue's side?Or is there something going on in it that they don't know about?

"Em, you're?"

After being silent for a while, the two of them still asked, because Ye Shenyue was dressed up... so that they couldn't recognize him anymore, just the skin... dark and couldn't bear to look directly at him.

As for the glasses, the varieties have also changed, so I really couldn't recognize them for a while.

"Ah... I am..."

Ye Shenyue seems to have been injected with power all of a sudden. It turns out that Hu Meng and Bai Xueying can't recognize him, so... Maybe their two mothers really recognized the wrong person, maybe someone is also called Ye Shenyue and then returned so dark...

And listening to their tone, it seemed that they hadn't seen Ye Shenyue for a long time, so making a little common sense mistake wasn't a big deal.

Maybe... maybe they really got it wrong.

Ye Shenyue is ready to go all out.

"I think the two big sisters have mistaken people. I'm not the one you know... Black people, this is not my original appearance."

Ye Shenyue summoned a small stream at will. In his opinion, ice and water are actually the same in nature, and Yoshino can also rain at will?

It's just that when the water flowed all over him from the top down, Mengxiang, who was expressing her doubts, immediately called out, "Be careful."

Said to be careful but still a step behind.

The sound of Zizi's chemical reaction came one after another.

Ye Shenyue forgot that she was still a vampire, so she couldn't just touch water like this, and it was the purest water she summoned!

Sure enough, it is self-inflicted.

But anyway, Ye Shenyue resisted the tug of pain and washed the blackness off her body.

revealed his true face.

"Just like what you see now, I'm not black, and I'm not short-sighted..."

He put the glasses back and Ye Shenyue noticed that after he said that, the two... The two big sisters really slowly circled around him, and then looked at each other.

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