The beloved immediately struggled violently, the little tiger teeth... To be precise, the two slender and slender teeth that sucked blood were directly engraved into his palm, and the blood suddenly overflowed.

"Are you a puppy or a vampire...well...don't smoke..."

Ye Shenyue let go of the vampire at once, but it wasn't the little vampire's "bite", but she really took it. I'm afraid she didn't want to suck blood at first, but wanted to bite off his hand directly in anger. It's a pity that the blood that suddenly appeared blocked her thinking. Driven by the vampire's instinct, she smelled... More accurately, she tasted the blood and began to suck.

After becoming a vampire, she has a higher understanding of blood, and Ye Shenyue knows that her blood is continuously flowing without feeling it, and the dark green eyes of the vampire are constantly turning ruddy, becoming blood red.This is the true ancestor of vampireization!Just as he got the power of vampires from Moeka, who is the real ancestor of vampires, and became a vampire, this little vampire also got the power of the real ancestor from him.

God knows how this vampire directly sucked his blood.


The little vampire spoke vaguely, as if she was about to say something, but she really refused to leave Yagami Yue's hand, so her voice became unclear, until Yagami Yue was an iron man who was difficult for a loli to fight. The claw hand directly pinched her head and pulled her out abruptly.At this time, her voice became clearer, "Damn it, I'm going to bite you... uh... but this blood is delicious... it hurts..."

As soon as her voice stopped, because she was knocked hard again on the forehead, she immediately called out, and then wanted to glare at Ye Shenyue, but found that the other party's anger was no less than hers.

"Come on, where is the Mirror of Lilith!"

Ye Shenyue had a fierce face, but she called her a blood-sucking person before calling her a blood-sucking one. How... unreasonable?

Moreover, the other party also stole the Mirror of Lilith. Ye Shenyue knew the plot so she also knew the threat of the Mirror of Lilith. This danger can only be stifled in the cradle as soon as possible, hoping that it will be too late.

"The Mirror of Lilith? I gave it to Sister Moexiang... ah, no, it was thrown out of the window after taking a picture of Sister Moexiang, and then was picked up by a little monster, as if he had also transformed, and then moved again..."

Although she was dissatisfied, she still frowned slightly, as if she was complaining about Yashenyue, as if she was bullying her for the sake of the Mirror of Lilith.


At this time, there was a sound of breaking air in the air, and Mengxiang jumped down from the window.Just now she used Lilith's mirror to shine her identity of vampires, and then flew her.

...... ·It's just that she came here.Miss Vampire was immediately excited.

Just like a puppy that saw the owner's return and was excited, rushed over, "Sister Mengxiang..."


It was only Moeka's enlarged fist that responded to her.

The Mirror of Lilith is something that can reveal the true body of everything, that is to say, it is a precious thing that can destroy everything, such as illusion, and it shows the "truth".

The mirror was transferred from one person to another like a baton.

The students and teachers in the school revealed their true self after being seen in the mirror, that is, the form of a monster.

The monster transforms itself into a human being to cover up the demonic energy, but if it recovers its true body, then the demonic energy cannot be suppressed. Although the power of ants is small, what if there are thousands of ants?The gathering of thousands upon millions of ants is also a terrifying force, not to mention thousands of monsters. The weak monster power that the monsters collectively transformed and erupted finally converged into an unimaginably huge force. The magic power that can subvert the enchantment of the entire academy.


This is the sound of the broken silver cross that was used to support the barrier, and the sound of the cross that was used to support the barrier was the most concerned about by the academy. The cracks that had already been brought with them were completely blasted open at this moment. It's not worth it, because as long as you follow the flaws, even if the flaws are small, there are times when they will be enlarged.

The crack that had already appeared on the cross now magnifies the crack countless times at an unimaginable speed.

The steadfast cross could no longer hold up, and wailed in agony.

It's just that the voice of Ziz is also heard at the moment and the sky of everyone... No, it should be the enchantment of the academy, it is not only a huge crack that covers the enchantment at this moment.If it is said that a beautiful jade can expand infinitely into dross with just a single flaw, now it can be completely shattered just by following the huge crack in the barrier, leaving no slag behind.

ps: The world of the cross and the vampire is over in five chapters.

Chapter 0467 choose the next (two more)

Zizizi... There was a huge crack in the barrier that enveloped the entire Yanghai Academy. The crack was not only one, but covered the entire circle. The monsters that had returned to their monster form because of the mirror of Lilith were all over the place. On the campus, the heaven-defying demonic energy is constantly impacting the precarious barrier.

At the same time, great turmoil has also occurred in the human world. It is also the sky, but this sky is different from the past. It is not a blue sky and there are no floating clouds, but there are huge shadows and bodies, which belong to monsters. , that's a monster that's only recorded in ancient books like "The Classic of Mountains and Seas"!


The driver who was driving in the traffic jam looked up bored, but saw such a terrible scene, a car that hit the front immediately without noticing.

"Hey, what are you doing? Where are your eyes?"

The driver who had been hit with a dent in the rear of the car turned around angrily but followed the driver's line of sight upwards.

He saw a huge ghost head.There are sharp horns and fierce eyes, those eyes that want to obliterate everything.

"This is... a monster!"

The driver didn't even care about the compensation and shouted out, not only him and the others were also stunned, this is... monsters want to invade the human world from the sky?

This world...there are really monsters! ...

"No... not good..."

The dean, who was still dressed as a nun but was completely male, was about to rush over, and when he saw Mengxiang Ye Shenyue, they immediately called out, "Chi Ye Mengxiang... hurry up, hurry up. give me……"

"Hurry up and give it to me... eh..."

The headmaster rushed over and wanted to hold Mengxiang.

It was just that his body hadn't even touched Mengxiang's arm and was immediately kicked away by Mengxiang.The whole person dragged on the ground several times before stopping.

"Why...why hit me..."

When the dean got up from the ground, he was wholeheartedly wronged. Originally, he had to deal with such and such things as the dean, but now he was beaten up for no reason. Can he not be wronged?

"What do you mean by giving you?"

It was Ye Shenyue who answered him, and Ye Shenyue's expression was not very good. After all, a man suddenly said something like "Hurry up and give him XX" to his girlfriend to provoke him.

Because this kind of thing usually happens in such a scene, it is a soft and soft bed, and then a man and a woman lie on it, and after some touching and scratching, the girl can't help it, and then she says to the boy, "Give it up quickly. "I" such a shed door will be opened for you from now on.

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