
The chopsticks in Ye Shenyue's hand were almost broken by him, gossip?Queen Yuko, do you like this tune too?And what is the story of King Arthur and Merlin?

My king's Merlin is a gray-haired old man, how can you get up?

Yuko gave him a dissatisfied look and continued, "If you can't tell me, I'll explain to you. In the past world, there was such a story that King Arthur's magician Merlin fell in love with King Arthur."

King Arthur's Magic 120 Division fell in love with King Arthur.

Merlin fell in love with King Arthur.

"Yuko, are you playing with me! Their age is totally incompatible!"

Ye Shenyue shook her head one after another. Although my king's influence is very strong, it attracts an old man... Uh, is this really the story of my king that he knows?Yuko, you must have misinterpreted it on purpose.

"Who said it doesn't fit? Back then when Merlin met King Arthur, he had a pretty face and King Arthur was only a sixteen-year-old girl, so it was normal for Merlin to be tempted. By the way, King Arthur at that time still called himself Arturia."

Dizzy, Ye Shenyue felt that her worldview had been subverted.Is this true?

"If you don't believe it then go to that world and see for yourself."

Gaia, who never drinks and only eats cooked food, said that when it comes to drinking, she only likes to drink juice. She can't understand why so many people like the burning throat feeling.

"It's just that the ending has to be defined by us."

Unlike Gaia, Alaya, who had a small hand of white porcelain holding a wine glass like he was drinking water, added.There was a frightening black glow in his eyes.If Ye Shenyue pays a little attention, he will find that this is to design the brilliance of people, but at this time, his mind is completely confused.

"Uh... what did you say?"

Ye Shenyue was a little unbelievable. At this moment, her heartbeat accelerated as if she was sober after being drunk.

ps: Wrangling for collections, subscriptions, and various requests.

Chapter 0473 is just a Merlin

"You can see the story of King Arthur and Merlin with your own eyes."

Alaya said word by word, she is a god, of course her power cannot be doubted, "but..."

I really like a guy who's tantalizing.

"But you have to know that Merlin and King Arthur are impossible. He is only the one who guides King Arthur, not the one who takes her into the marriage hall, so... God gave Merlin a powerful magic to protect King Arthur before he was born. She, when she pulled out the sword in the stone, the task of his guidance had been completed, and he could only retreat silently with regret."

"Even so, are you going to enter King Arthur's world?"

In the end, Yuko, who was just watching them talk, finally spoke.

The tone was the same as usual, neither angry nor happy, but it made people feel a kind of pressure.

It seems that Merlin and King Arthur in this story do not have a perfect ending, everything is just Merlin's unrequited love, it looks so sad.

Such a story... such a story, does he still want to go in?

Yagami was silent but it didn't mean he gave up, "Are you sure King Arthur is really called Arturia?"

The weight of the love for my king at this moment immediately became important.


The answer was Alaya, Alaya moved her finger, and a light in the void appeared, and then her book of truth appeared, with the words "King Arthur Arturia from FATE" written in gold, not only Alto Leah even said the word FATE in the end, isn't this... I want his own life?

Ye Shenyue gritted her teeth and let it go, "Even as Merlin who can only watch King Arthur, I am willing."

This is, after all, an opportunity to see intimacy in person rather than wait until fateful night.He can't give up so easily, Ye Shenyue is also a lolicon, but he is also a girl.How could he let this opportunity go in vain?

And my king is a king, a queen. As a queen, she is much stronger than the current Yuko. Yagami can't raise her head on Yuko's side, so she has to raise her head from King Arthur!

"it is good."

However, at this time, Lord Yuko suddenly burst out laughing, smiling like a flower, "Just now I just received a mission from a different time and space, that is the wish of the people to choose a king for their kingdom, and a strong person is needed. Go to lead, but unfortunately King Arthur in this world is a bit strange and different from other worlds and is actually a girl, since you recommended yourself, I will let you go, but remember the following points..."

"According to the overall development of the story, Merlin can't be with King Arthur, not even a kiss...you have to come back when Arturia draws the sword in the stone...because...this is a mission, you Got it?"

The mature woman had a triumphant smile on her mouth, and this smile made Yagami understand why she would suddenly let him tell a story and then set the ending for Merlin and King Arthur.

Don't you know that good engine oil is [-] years old, and good men and women want to be together?

Really jealous Yuko.


Ye Shenyue slammed a glass of wine, and when he woke up, it might be ancient England...

This is a war-torn country, torn apart, the royal family is corrupted, and it is impossible to lead soldiers to stop the aggression of major countries near and far.

The people had nowhere to flee if they wanted to, and the soldiers had no one to lead them if they wanted to fight, but this country, the country called Great Britain, which was already in jeopardy, still had peace of mind.

That is the sword in the stone!

There is a legend circulating here that peace and prosperity will come when the sword in the stone is drawn.

It's just that the king tried to pull out the sword in the stone, but he didn't succeed, so the king is not the one chosen by heaven, the real one has not yet appeared!

Kings are not the ones who lead them to prosperity and peace!

The true leader has not yet appeared.

It's just that no one knows who the chosen person is, that is to say, everyone has the opportunity to draw the sword in the stone. As long as the sword in the stone is drawn, the entire country, including the people and the army, will obey him.

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