"it is good."

Ye Shenyue held the sword in his hand, and he also posed. The king of knights on the opposite side looked very serious. Not only did she respect her opponent, but she also felt danger. It was indeed dangerous, because Ye Shenyue's posture looked relaxed but Give her a sense of stability and danger.

Ye Shenyue's swordsmanship is not strong, but his one move is very powerful. He once relied on this move to defeat the potential rival, the King of Night.

You don't need fancy tricks, as long as you can fight the enemy with one move.

The Knight King's attack was very sharp and fast, but Ye Shenyue was very stable. A sword swung immediately blocked the Knight King's fast sword, making her unable to continue the movement, because the two swords were difficult to separate, and Ye Shenyue swung it out. The sword in Yue's hand and the long sword in the knight commander's hand are touching together, and it is difficult for both sides to take a step closer. Of course, this is only a state of evenness. Now Yagami Yue is cheating, and his strength is stronger than that of the knight king, so Said that the knight king took a small step back slightly.


However, because it was just a sword that was bought at random, it was not as good as a knight's long sword, and it broke immediately, breaking into two halves, and in the end only half of it remained in his hand.


However, the knight commander withdrew his sword when he broke it, and did not intend to continue to attack. "It's a matter of the quality of the sword. In terms of strength, you won this time."

"So please tell me if you have any requirements. If it doesn't violate the rules of the knight, then I will do it."

The knight commander had a serious look on his face, because Yagami had no intention of taking advantage of her sword after breaking her sword.

Sure enough, he is a good man of Ling Lie... um, he is indeed a good woman of Ling Lie.

Ye Shenyue's mood suddenly relaxed, and the current knight commander really has the demeanor of a knight king.

"Okay, then I'll say, I'm the man you were destined to be."

ps: Hey, fictional novels are the hardest, continue to seek collections.

Chapter 0477 on the sword in the stone

Destined man.

Destined man.

If a girl hears a guy say this to her and is so active, she may blushing in agreement or angrily rejecting it.

But this premise is that the girl is active in thinking.This girl has an active mind...


Slightly puzzled, the missing hair on her head swayed gently with the breeze that slipped into the yard. Her serious expression showed that she was the same as she was on the outside, and she really didn't understand.

It is too difficult to expect a king who has difficulty in taking care of himself to understand the actions and thinking of a little girl!

"I mean……"

Ye Shenyue felt that as an archmage, Merlin had a long way to go, "First of all, let me introduce my name is Merlin, a magician who came here to find the real king of Great Britain, I will agree that everyone will agree that it can be done. The one who draws the sword in the stone becomes our king, and then... I choose you."

"Choose me?"

A strange expression appeared on the knight commander's face, "If I don't misunderstand, then there is no queen in this world. And... I don't want to be a king. I just need to be a knight."

"Are you sure? You saw that in the future you will be the only person in the world who can draw a sword in a stone."

A mysterious smile appeared on Ye Shenyue's face. Most of his entire face was covered in the magic hat. The only thing exposed except for his mouth was his mouth, so the smile could enter the eyes of the King of Knights.

"I don't think there should be more suitable people in this world."

The King of Knights shook his head. "I'm afraid I can't agree to your request."

"The rejection right now doesn't count, then take a step back. I'll stay on your side first. You can come to me at any time if you change your mind."

Ye Shenyue shook her head, then turned around and entered the house, took out a chair with a backrest, and stayed in the yard looking at the stars in the sky.

"I don't think I'll change my mind..."

Seeing that Yagami Yue looks like a knight king who treats this place as her home, she has nothing to refuse, her attitude is still very firm, because she never thought that she would become a king or something.

Then he pulled out the recovered sword again.

The wide sleeves are pulled up, and the feet are open to start the basic skills.

Swing the sword, swing the sword and swing the sword.

night passed.

Day three.

It's already the third day, and Yagami has been grinding Arturia here for three full days.The knight commander did not intend to become the king of knights. She still did her duty, patrolling, patrolling, and training. The training was very hard. She ran around the city ten laps in the morning, and then volunteered to help the people carry water.

In the past three days, Ye Shenyue and the knight commander have been familiar with each other. Of course, the most familiar one is his craftsmanship. Because there is a big stomach in the family, Ye Shenyue's cooking time has been extended. signs of a breakthrough.

In addition, Bedivere, who finally returned, also joined in to help with other household chores, but it was as easy as a vacation.In the morning, I watched the knight commander practice swordsmanship, and in the noon, I watched her fetching water. When I was free, I watched her patrol, and in the evening, we chatted.

The life of the knight commander looks very monotonous, but he is not monotonous. The more he looks at the knight commander, the stronger the feeling of liking in the heart of the knight commander. It really is the knight commander... Work hard, they say that the person who works hard is the most beautiful, the current knight commander is It's so beautiful, I practice the same movement tirelessly, and let the sweat flow down.

The King of Knights is beautiful when she is working hard, her stubbornness and earnestness are also beautiful, and Yagami feels that she is entering her life step by step.Every night, after the bath, when the blonde hair reaches to the shoulders, there is a lot of feminine tenderness.

It's just that the easy time always goes by in a flash.

In the early morning, someone came to report that a crisis was coming.

The enemy country, which was originally eyeing, finally exposed its greed, and dispatched an army of [-] people to prepare to take the chaotic Great Britain into the bag in one fell swoop.

But now the whole kingdom has long since been torn apart, because without the restraint of the king, the ministers and nobles who have power in their hands are eager to seize the power in their hands, and no one is willing to send troops to fight for power and profit.

Then it turned into a situation in which the enemy army had arrived and the people were panicking, but the nobles did not move.

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