It's just that my feet have just entered the corridor a few times, "Swipe..."

The sound came, and even the air also burst into waves of airflow fluctuations.


Ye Shenyue's skill has long been different from what it used to be. She raised her hand and smeared it and then grabbed the weapon that flew over and was immediately taken.

Ye Shenyue looked at her hand, and between her fingers were the weapons that were flying over. These were all silver bullets!

"Damn guy, your skills have gotten better, so come back next time!"

"Open a hole! Open a hole for me!"

A slightly childish but angry voice.


What is this mantra?

Chapter 0483 Is this a master teacher or what?Medium (please subscribe)


For a moment, the corridor was like a hail of bullets, all kinds of bullets flew in, and Yagami didn't care about performing the stunt of catching the bullets, and directly rushed towards Aria with a difficult rotation to avoid the bullets.

The distance of more than ten meters is only a blink of an eye. In the blink of an eye, Yagami has already pressed the gun in Aria's right hand with one hand. I can't believe she can still shoot at this time!

The breath of a girl came over.

"Stupid... idiot, what are you doing here so close!"

Aria's face turned red all of a sudden, and her orange ponytail couldn't stop swaying. Her hands were struggling, but the strength was too small to measure.

I don't know where she learned this difficult "fake move". It's either a firm rejection or a willingness to reject it.

"Hey... Aria, what are you doing? How can you do this to my Saya?"

Another familiar voice.

Snow white in an apron came out of the kitchen, still holding a spoon in her right hand, but almost in the blink of an eye, her hand holding the spoon flicked back for no apparent reason and pulled out a sharp blade, and the spoon was also I don't know where she was hiding.


The blade of the sword fell down, and it slashed down at once.

"Damn guy..."

Aria jumped off Ye Shenyue's body and confronted Bai Xue at a distance, "As a witch" "I've long been a Xingjia witch for Xiaoye, but you... you stinking cat!"

Baixue has quickly activated the super blackened form, the treasured sword in his hand has been chopped up, and Aria has also stepped back to prepare for the fight.

"'s going to be a waste of power later."

Ye Shenyue groaned in pain.It is impossible for these two little guys to fight without destroying the house, not even the quiet, century-old temple.

"Damn idiots, it's better to help when you have time. The speed of doing things here is not as fast as the speed of your two idiots!"

This is a frantic voice.

Two foodies?

Ye Shenyue was confused.

"Okay, Haruna-chan, please don't talk to your father like this, he also has his own space."

There was another voice, trying to persuade Haruna, that voice was also very familiar, like... well, Xiaolan's voice!

"That's right, classmate Ye Shenyue..."

It sounded like Charlotte's.


A thrilling reminder, rather like the voice of Jing Shui Jiu.


"Boom boom boom!"

Charlotte's voice just fell, and three explosions broke out from the kitchen.

Then came the anxious voice inside.

"Yeah...Cecilia, hurry up and get out. It's not suitable for you. It's definitely not suitable for you. You'd better go outside and drink juice first."

"Mom, you go out first. I'll deal with it here. Go and talk to your father first."

"By the way, Ye Zinu wants you to stop staying inside."

This is Haruna's voice.

"Why, obviously none of my dishes exploded."

Sierra is fighting for it.

"It didn't explode, but... it's been through, okay! It's through!"

Haruna let out a loud roar.

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