It's just that those words that just came out are a pair of eyes that can eat people and kill people.

Ye Shenyue finally understood what it means to not die if you don't do it.

Why is every meeting with the Rain Maiden always so... um, so challenging?

ps: This time, I wrote all the heroines. If there are any omissions, please remind me. IS, Catgirl, Zombie, Aria, Conan, Shinna, Cross, Inuyasha, the ingenious girl will not be hurt, the sky falls, what else?

Chapter 0484 Is this time a master teacher?down (for subscription)

"Beasts! Still... don't leave soon!"

Yu virgin's face was as red as the sunset, but at this time, anger was probably higher than shame.

"Really, I really don't understand why this happens every time..."

The rain girl looked very angry. Could this be the legendary fate?


Yu virgin felt her skirt being pulled and turned her head to meet the anxious face of the dressing virgin.

"I'm really sorry."

Dofu virgin bowed her head towards Ye Shenyue very politely, "If we hadn't fallen rashly, we wouldn't have hit you."

There was an apologetic expression on his pale face.

" can't be like this even if you're partial, obviously..."

According to what the virgin said, she fell off and then got hit by this guy again... is it also her fault?How can something so cheap?

It's just that Yu Tong girl got angry and looked up and sighed again when she saw the pitiful expression of Dofu girl, "Eh...forget it..."

"Forget it, I don't care about you anymore."

When Ye Shenyue said this, Yu virgin glared at him and acted as a virgin, as if she was comforted. I have to say that this world is really strange.

"Just. The real perpetrator... is still out there!"

Ye Shenyue clapped her hands, even though there was ice and snow on her body to control them, the three who were still in full swing were immediately controlled by the more powerful ice and snow.

"Pistol confiscated! Weapon confiscated! Sword confiscated!"

Ye Shenyue walked over and forcibly put away Aria's double guns and double swords, and then forced her "blue tears" back into the original earring shape under Cecilia's pitiful eyes. Time can no longer be summoned.

It was Bai Xue's turn to have some headaches, because Bai Xue's sword, Ye Shenyue, was obtained, but... hugging her and shaking her oversized clothes immediately leaked out a pile of weapons that were almost heavier than her, according to the size It's half of her when piled up, but I don't know where she's hiding and how to reduce the volume and body shape has not changed.It's so weird.

At this time, Bai Xue was looking at Ye Shenyue eagerly.

"Can you... can you keep the spoon?"

Snow White is also pitiful.In her hand, she was holding on to the spoon, which was the one she brought out from the kitchen.

"No! From this moment on, you have lost the opportunity to be the chef, go to the yard!"

"And you... without weapons, you can just fight if you are bored, and I don't care about the rest!"

Ye Shenyue showed a state of majesty, and even Xiao Lan, who was empathetic, couldn't help to speak.

"Why is this..."

X3 finally struggled out of the snow and ice with innocent eyes.Because Ye Shenyue was exiling them by saying so.


"Fighting is such an uneducated thing that a lady won't do it."

Perhaps because she was bullied a lot, Cecilia actually found the most active excuse to relieve herself. "Besides, if you waste time doing something that vulgar people would do, you might as well go to the kitchen to help. Ye Jun, you also have to go to the kitchen, right..."

Cecilia's head was raised very high, her golden hair was bathed in sunlight, and her whole body seemed to be bathed in a light called wisdom. The first half of her sentence was in line with her tone, but the second half of the sentence was probably even an idiot. out of her true meaning.

Ye Shenyue will also help in the kitchen, and the time she can stay with Ye Shenyue for a while is also the kitchen.

To put it bluntly, you can spend more time with him than others.

Cecilia's heart is really well known.

"Stealing cat, stealing cat, definitely stealing cat!"

The most sensitive, Snow White was the first to get angry.

"That's right. It's too embarrassing to go in and smash it even if you don't know how to cook."

Aria also joined in.

" guys..."

Cecilia was also annoyed, "Ladies are not easy to bully!"

The person who clearly said that fighting is not something a lady should do, actually started the war first.

...these three people are already helpless.

"Lord Yeshenyue, does it really matter? Just let them be like this?"

Seeing that the three girls are fighting or fighting with real hands and opponents likes to be pure and simple, it is a little stunned.

"It's okay... Anyway... they still have energy."

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