"you you you……"

Ahad you several times, but you you you for a long time how can you say the following words full of his anger.He was angry but also more and more sober, as long as he said one more word, he would be killed, completely killed!

He could only watch Ye Shenyue holding Irisviel towards the end of the corridor, and he was able to slump to the ground until the other party's figure disappeared.

"Emiya...Emiya Kiritsugu...that kid just now, can you kill him?"

It took several deep breaths for Ahad to stand up and several deep breaths to regain a little composure.Then he said to Emiya Kiritsugu, who had put away the gun with a dignified expression.

"No. His magic is huge and too fast."

If he has a magic circuit in his body, then his own ability... The golden bullet given to him by his adoptive mother, coupled with his talent, can make any magician despair, because the bullet is to destroy the magic circuit on which the magician lives.


This young man who suddenly appeared... He was so fast that he could dodge like a walk in the garden when the bullets arrived!

Fast and powerful.


Emiya Kiritsugu is very pragmatic. He is sure that before he fully collects the opponent's weaknesses, "But... Damn..."

Ahad finally roared, but did not dare to run to Irisviel's room.Ahad's face was very dark, "But... Emiya Kiritsugu... Our agreement has not expired... I think now we need to talk to the table, you have to represent us in Einzbern in the Holy Grail battle. , and we... will find the relics of the most precious heroes for you... take what you need..."

Ahad shook the ice slag on his body and stood up straight again.


"The proposal to marry Irisviel is put on hold..."

There was fire in Ahad's eyes, it is estimated that now Irisviel has been poisoned by that boy, and Ahad can no longer give Irisviel as an item to Emiya Kiritsugu, "I will give it to you. New compensation."


Emiya Kiritsugu looked at the empty corridor from a distance, paused for a second, no one knew what his dark eyes were thinking, then sighed softly, turned his body and followed Ahad forward go.

With a firm footing, he is a person who lives in the dark and is doomed to be alone.

ps: This chapter will continue to be archived, and the author of the April [-]st volume will be filled as soon as possible.

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Chapter 0008 On the days of Einzbern

Ye Shenyue's footsteps were equally firm.

"You let me go!"

The girl who had left her grandfather's sight began to struggle, or rather, the struggle she had been struggling only intensified as she got closer to her room.She's not an idiot and of course she knows what's going to happen next.

Although... I don't want to admit it, but her heart was indeed beating at the beginning, but that and this are completely different things!

If it is really as beautiful as a book, Prince Charming, who falls from the sky, must have a buffering and sweet process, how can it be like this now?

When the angel came to the world, the world did not have time to praise the angel, but it showed the appearance of a fallen angel.

Holy and depraved, sublime and just a heart clouded by lust.

Irisviel felt like she was riding a roller coaster from heaven to earth as depicted in a book.

"Looks like this is your room."

Ye Shenyue turned to the left and saw the closed brown door directly ahead.


Heavy humming, the struggling girl did not give up her struggle. Hearing the heavy humming, it seemed that she wanted to express her dissatisfaction.It's just that her struggle and refusal are of no use at all.

"It looks like it's really here."

Ye Shenyue laughed, and the reaction was so big that he guessed it right. Along the way, Irisviel only hummed and hummed. If she went wrong, her face would show a moment of joy, even if she hit She made up her mind not to tell him the right direction, but wouldn't she betray herself long ago?

It's a pity that Ye Shenyue's smile is so bright, but in the eyes of the girl, it is the mockery of the devil.

"You bastard...I understand...So you are...uh..."

The girl finally reacted and was angry and anxious, but she couldn't come out.

Because the door has been opened.

Looks rude but doesn't kick the door directly.

Irisviel is still very observant, and for her, who is always placed in the castle, there is no other way to understand the outside world than books and careful observation.


The door was pushed open, and then Ye Shenyue also saw the scene inside.

The entire castle is luxuriously decorated.Surprisingly, however, Irisviel's room looked unique.

In the middle is quietly placed a large bed, pure white.

But directly opposite the bed are several large bookshelves, which are full of books with a sense of age, either in gold or parchment or slightly yellowed.

There were even two books spread out on the bed, and the paper turned slightly yellow. Is this a hundred years?No, maybe two hundred years of books.

Yagami looked back, he felt Irisviel was looking at him.

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