One hand stretched out to grasp her chin precisely.This time, however, Irisviel gently avoided it, like playing a game to practice skills.

As long as the number of times is more than a few times, she can dodge even what she could not dodge, or she has subconsciously raised her head to the back when Ye Shenyue was talking, making Ye Shenyue feel the air.

"Stubborn and character, it seems that you are not all androids."

Ye Shenyue withdrew her hand and did not continue to pursue her, but after he said these words, the atmosphere suddenly became silent, and there was a feeling of depression.

Irisviel's expression was a little weary. She knew her identity. Ahad told her she was an android a long time ago when Ahad asked her to read the book, but... Ahad didn't tell her. her true identity.She is not only an android but also the Holy Grail of human form.

However, the mere android was enough to make her feel inferior.

He was born incomplete, but only artificial.

Now Irisviel's willingness to continue resisting Yagami is much lower.

She bent her whole body and held her raised calf with both hands, her head resting against her knees, and her long silver hair was scattered down. Her long hair tails fell directly on the sheets, revealing a lonely and lonely back.

Silver people with white walls, white sheets and white walls, monotonous and empty.

She is brewing something called loneliness and loneliness.

"Clap clap..."

Yagami was also sitting on the bed, but he did not approach Irisviel, then turned the page of the open book and read out the contents, "The girl stared blankly at the young and powerful knight, the knight is handsome The appearance of the girl made the girl's heart pound, especially when the knight's cocooned hand that held the sword all the year round touched her waist, the feeling that her heart was about to jump out, this is love... eh? This is love coming?"

"I didn't expect there are books that depict pure love..."

Irisviel's face turned red all of a sudden, she saw that there was nothing, but being read out by the other party... She felt a little embarrassed herself.

"Give me back my book!"

The girl who was originally shrouded in loss suddenly moved, and the movement was fast, but she ran from the end of the bed to this end in a blink of an eye, while her hands were tightly grasping the book that was spread out.

"I'll give it back to you. If you want me, can I give it back?"

"Then give it to me."

The girl actually felt a moment of comfort, she wanted it and then gave it to her.

The current scene is completely different from the previous coercion!

Perhaps this is what the book describes as turning a serf into a master.

"Okay, I'll give it to you if you want."

Ye Shenyue let go.

The book fell into the girl's hands properly, and Irisviel's red eyes flashed strange colors, "It's so easy to give it to me, isn't there any purpose?"

I don't know if it's an illusion, but the current Irisviel just feels that the other party has a purpose instead of feeling that the other party is hitting her mind.Mingming's various actions at the beginning seemed to indicate that she must get her hands, and now she has no sense of crisis?

"Of course there is a purpose, my things are only for my women."

"I'm not your woman."

Irisviel remembered the rebuttal.


Ye Shenyue smiled, "What's mine is mine, what's not yours is mine, and you have to get my consent when you want it."


What bandit theory is this?

The girls were almost stunned. "No, the woman you're talking about is..." Fortunately, she also caught something more important.


to be his woman?

After a long time, why is it still back to the starting point? "A woman is a woman. If you don't know how to become a woman, then I will be happy to help you." Yagami Yue took a step forward and Irisviel took a step back, and Yagami Yue stepped back a little sullenly.

Then he looked at the large bookshelf. "It seems that you will still refuse me, but... I have time, and I will wait here until you agree to it." Yagami picked out this knight novel and read it, he knew that Irisviel was there at this time. Looking at him secretly, the corners of Ye Shenyue's mouth twitched slightly. It would take a lot of time to force a woman into submission afterward, but it would take even more time to use a gentle attack.

Such a long period of time breeds too many branches.

So the best way is now.Neither cold nor hot, neither tough nor gentle, using the most peculiar way to imprint deep marks on her heart first.

The shortest time.

During this period of time, even if Emiya Kiritsugu wanted to fight back, it was impossible.

Because there will be no other people in Irisviel's eyes during this time.At least not now, because... this room is just him and her.

"What a strange person."

Irisviel, who did not know that she had fallen into the circle, looked at the boy who was rummaging through books, and she herself did not know that her decisive objection was actually quite shallow.


It is undeniable that at the beginning her heart was really beating like the book portrayed.

That is throbbing.


I'm not the kind of casual person in the novel, this devil is really hateful.

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