Biliye's body is really good, but after drinking hot porridge and changing the ice pack three times, Chunnai-chan's body temperature dropped.

Okay almost there.Haruna is also awake, and is now being napping by Yagami and Yu.Said to have a good rest.

"I'm so sleepy~~ I'm going to bed first, go see Haruna."

After sitting in the hall with Yashin Yue for a while, Yu suddenly proposed to go to bed.

Cover your ears and steal the bell.

Is she still sleepy after sleeping all day?Impossible!

Ye Shenyue originally wanted to ask You, but her mind suddenly moved. You took the initiative to leave and said that he was giving him a chance to see Haruna-chan at this time.

"I'm thinking about lust again."

You slowly returned to his room with a small book on his back, and the meaning was concise and to the point.

"You, you really are my favorite!"

Ye Shenyue rushed up and hugged Xiaoyou, and gave her a big kiss on her bright and jade-like face...

"Dong dong dong..."

A gentle knock on the door.Haruna-chan, who was lying on the bed, frowned, such a gentle knock on the door, could it be a necromancer?

Haruna closed her eyes.

Just at this moment, the door was opened.

A tall figure came in, and the figure gently closed the door, without the slightest stagnation, and walked directly towards Haruna.


The figure who came in did not eliminate the sound of his own footsteps. Haruna listened to it. It was not the "clang clang clang" made by the necromancer walking in armor, but the natural pace.

If it's Ye Zinu, she doesn't need to walk, uh... In fact, because Sera is a ninja, she is best at hiding her figure, and it is impossible to make a sound when she walks!

Therefore, you are excluded, and Ye Zinu is also excluded... Then... the last person left in this room is... and it is only possible to be a step!

Haruna opened her eyes instantly.When he opened his eyes, he saw Ye Shenyue's enlarged face.

Chunnai-chan murmured in a low voice, did Abu come here because he was worried about her?

Haruna was ignored for so long, even the clay figurine was angry, and she was angry in other ways.

Now that Ye Shenyue is really here, if it's to please her...


Haruna-chan decided to wait a moment and play tricks on him first, who told him to ignore her and only befriend the Necromancer and Ye Ziyi.

The little Haruna was jealous, and raised her mouth high, ready to continue falling asleep, deliberately ignoring Ye Shenyue.

However, to her surprise, Ye Shenyue seemed to have seen through her plan without any hesitation, and directly explained the puzzling purpose.

"Today I'm going to tell you a story about Little Red Riding Hood..."

Ye Shenyue shook her head and sat directly on Haruna's cot, moving little by little until she touched the small body of Haruna-chan.

"tell a story?"

Haruna almost jumped up from the bed, do you think she was a little girl?Also need to tell a story!

"Just listen and listen... I promise, Haruna will get better soon."

Ye Shenyue held down Haruna's dumb hair, which was constantly swaying.

In a tone that didn't need to be rejected, Haruna miraculously calmed down, perhaps because Yagami's current actions were unprecedented intimacy and she might have calmed down.

ps: The next chapter will be pushed to Haruna.Zombies are almost over, thank you for your support.

Chapter 0098 The Story of Grandma Wolf

In the small room, Yeshenyue sat on the bed, while Xiaochunna sat up, waiting for the story that Yeshenyue was going to tell, and Yeshenyue didn't let her down, and told her slowly.

"Once upon a time...there was a little girl, as petite and petite as Haruna, who was asked to deliver something to my grandmother, she was called Little Red Riding Hood...and then...the wolf came...that is Megalo...the wolf first Little Red Riding Hood's grandma ate it..."

"Yeah... how is that possible?"

Haruna-chan screamed in surprise. In her cognition, Megalo, who was transformed into a wolf, would not directly eat people... Even if you cannibalize people, she is a girl in a magic costume. Could it be that the grandma is also a girl in a magic costume?

"Don't interrupt...listen to me!"

Ye Shenyue patted Haruna's little head, making Haruna-chan hold the knocked head in dissatisfaction. Although there were no extra-large bubbles, Haruna was reminding Ye Shenyue of the shot just now. , actually very painful!


Haruna looked at Ye Shenyue pitifully, making Ye Shenyue's heart soften again: "Okay, okay, Chunna-chan, please listen slowly. Now... it's alright."

Looking at Chunnai's pitiful appearance, Ye Shenyue hugged her directly to her lap in the exclamation of Chunnai-chan, and just lay there, while Chunnai sat on Ye Shenyue's big lap, Like a big doll.


Smelling the familiar man's breath so closely, Haruna's face turned a little red, but she did not refuse Yashinyue's intimacy.

"Then the wolf disguised itself as Grandma Wolf... I was at home waiting for Little Red Riding Hood to throw himself into the net... Finally, Little Red Riding Hood came as promised... Grandma Wolf pounced on..."

"Ye Shenyue's voice was very low, and it gradually became quieter, like a lullaby, which made Haruna slowly become fascinated.

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