Yagami took Matou Sakura's hand to a park full of tourists who came to play or have a picnic in spring. In the corner of the park, there were people wearing thick pig dolls selling balloons.

Many of the children in the park ran around the pig dolls around the same age as Sakura, holding their little hands up, while their parents watched.

Little kids love balloons.

Very normal performance.

Ye Shenyue touched her daughter's little blue head.

"Sakura, do you want to buy a balloon?"

Matou Sakura's small face was slowly raised, her pale blue eyes looked at him faintly, "As long as my father bought it, I will."

The tone was light and a little heavy.


Ye Shenyue was a little stuck, but Sakura's answer was very clever, but did he hear it wrong just now? Why do you think Sakura... um, there is something wrong with Sakura's tone?The kind of gloomy resentment buried deep in the heart?

"Okay... I'll buy whatever Sakura wants."

Ye Shenyue shook her head and threw out the thoughts just now. He must have heard it wrong. He squatted down and hugged Sakura, and then saw the blue-haired little girl's eyes that didn't seem to fluctuate slowly dyed flashing color, "Yeah."

Gently sweet smile.

This smile is his daughter's smile.

He looked at the uneasy feeling in his petite daughter's heart, and finally the dust settled. After coming out of Matou's house, Sakura's state was a little unstable. How can I put it? in your inner world.

This may be the reason why the magic circuit of the Matou family is swallowed up. After all, the Matou family represents darkness and depravity, and such a young girl has to be affected a little.

Ye Shenyue is very self-blaming for this. I knew he would not be in such a hurry to put the magic circuit into Sakura's body, but at that time, I didn't think much and just wanted to punish the dirty inkstone, even if it was the last one. The dirty inkstone that appeared in front of him all the time was not his body, but only two-thirds of the dirty inkstone. The dirty inkstone was still too cunning or hid his life-saving soul elsewhere.

But think about it, if Dio Yan was not cunning, how could he survive for so many years?The longer he lives, the more he is afraid of death, so he wants to live longer!

Really sinful man.

But Ye Shenyue is not a benevolent person. Even if you want to be benevolent, it depends on who you are right. This dirty inkstone's idea has hit his daughter. Kindness?

Therefore, Ye Shenyue completely wiped out the swarm of insects that Zuo Yan was proud of, and then forcefully captured his magic circuit, and finally made him seriously injured.

It was only then that a very exciting punishment appeared.

Sakura's state has changed a bit. How should I put it? Even though she can achieve a double magic circuit in the future, she can be even stronger than Rin, but now...it feels like Sakura's negative emotions have been aroused.

Become Matou Sakura.

It's just that Sakura is his daughter after all, even if the negative emotions are aroused, the eyes will still show a sincere smile.

Good outweighs evil.

So even Matou Sakura is still Tohsaka Sakura.It's his daughter, that's not going to change.

Picking a blue balloon for Sakura to hold, Ye Shenyue sat on the lawn with a big tree behind her that she could lean on, and Sakura's small body sat beside him, leaning against him. The trunk is his body.

"Father, do you like my long hair?"

Matou Sakura rested against Yashinyuki for a while, then looked into his eyes and said.

"Why do you say that?"

Ye Shenyue is indeed a long-haired control, but he doesn't seem to show it?

"Although you are resting, your eyes are on thirty women. Among the thirty women, twenty have short hair and ten have long hair. Then, compared with women with short hair, you are on women with long hair. Stayed twice as long."

Sakura's deep blue eyes looked at him seriously.


Well, Ye Shenyue was speechless, but, did he really see thirty women?

Obviously just swept away casually!

And counts for long and short hair...

Yagami Yue almost jumped up, this... this... this kind of thing only Tohsaka Rin, who likes to care about, would say!Is it really only Sakura who is sitting beside him now, not his sister?

Or was it that Sakura was suddenly bent over by Rin?

As if seeing Ye Shenyue's embarrassment, Sakura's serious face suddenly stretched out, "Dad, really, did I look like Rin just now? Rin likes to see Dad's embarrassed look... Seems like a lot of fun..."

Perhaps it was because she was the only one who was by her side, and Sakura's courage seemed to have grown a lot.

"It's not fun..."

Ye Shenyue quickly pressed her little daughter's forehead, "Don't learn this kind of thing from Rin, you are the young lady of the Tohsaka family, you must learn to act gracefully and gracefully."

A single Rin has already burned him hard. If even the quiet Sakura "learned badly" to learn to ridicule him, then where is his majesty as a father?

You must know that the three daughters here are not easy to serve except for Sakura who is more well-behaved.

Rin likes being arrogant and targeting him, while Illya likes to act like a spoiled brat. She wants whatever it is, and has a strong possessiveness.

In contrast, Sakura, who is still well-behaved, is cuter.

If even Sakura betrayed his faction, then his father would have nothing to say except failure.

"I promise my father, but... my father also promises me one thing."

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