
Just when he finished saying this, the blood-drenched magic circle suddenly burst into a cold radiance, and a tall figure appeared in front of him.

"Let me ask, call my name, search for my body, make me caster here, and compete for the Holy Grail... is that you? My master?"

"Holy Grail? My name is Ryunosuke, do you want to kill this child?"

Ryunosuke was confused, but he looked excited when he saw the child's fearful expression.

Caster's state entered quickly, and after signing a contract with Ryunosuke, he loosened the rope that bound the child.

"Go out from here to the hallway and open the door to get out."

A smile appeared on caster's face.

"What are you doing……"

Ryunosuke is a little dissatisfied. What he wants to summon is a demon. Isn't the demon supposed to kill?

Then Ryunosuke heard the screams of the child.It was as if the body was torn apart.

"The real fear is the moment when hope turns into despair. Give him hope and then despair, Ryunosuke, don't you think it's... great, great?"

Caster said so, his eyes widened in incomparably terrifying.

"This look... it's so cool! I used to be too weak..."

But Ryunosuke laughed. He used to kill people for fun. Although he didn't understand what the Holy Grail was, it was enough that someone took him to kill now.

caster, call!

Next, the Tohsaka family.

"This is the legendary stone slab of the ancient times. The most powerful one has a relic, Ye Shenyue. I'll ask you one last time, you really don't want to join me?" Tokiomi got the information, whether it was Ain Both Emiya Kiritsugu and Kainas of Zberen had already summoned SErvant, so he couldn't delay any longer.

After getting the holy relic he had been looking for, Tokiomi still made a generous gesture, as if he was already winning.

"No... I'm not interested in the King of Heroes."

Ye Shenyue shook her head.

"It seems that you don't know the King of Heroes very well. He is the person who is the closest to God among human beings."

Tokiomi shook his head, "My stupid brother, I'll show you the real power. This time the Holy Grail our Tohsaka family will definitely win!"

Tokiomi had already drawn the magic circle, placed the slate in the center, and then chanted, "When the wind comes from the sky, separate it with a wall, open the four directions, close it all, and come out from the crown..."

The Tohsaka family is a magical family, and Tokiomi's magic power is also very strong. After chanting the spell once, the magic circle immediately responds. It is also light, but the light is golden, so dazzling and brilliant that it almost makes people blink. Do not open your eyes.

Glittering gold.

It was indeed golden light, Ye Shenyue's eyes widened, and then she saw a man in golden armor standing in the center of the magic circle, with golden light.

"This is the strongest SErvant!"

Even Tosaka Tokiomi, who restrained himself with graceful words and deeds, was ecstatic at this time. Even though he knew that the King of Heroes would be summoned, Tokiomi was still ecstatic when he saw the King of Heroes appearing in front of him.

"Ye Shenyue... I won the Holy Grail battle this time!"

If talking about magic, Tokiomi didn't think he could win against Yagami, but now that he was summoning a legendary hero, he wasn't something his younger brother could deal with.

So Tokiomi also seemed a little surprised and confident.

"Battle of the Holy Grail? Hmph... Holy Grail, all the treasures in this world belong to this king, how can you let these ants snatch them?"

The red eyes opened as if to stare.

As soon as the King of Heroes appeared, it was an arrogant declaration.

Only at this time Tokiomi behaved like a courtier towards the heroic king, "I hope the king can help me."

Respectfully, lowered eyebrows.

Although the King of Heroes is arrogant, he is not a person who refuses everything. Tokiomi even brings a hot face and he is not good to send a cold ass.

"Since this is the case, this king will make a contract with you. There is no need to say that the most powerful king is dealing with those reptiles?"

"Powerful? Gilgamesh, don't sit back and watch the sky. If you are the strongest, what will the truly strongest saber do? Don't forget that you are only Archer now!"

Ye Shenyue was speechless when she saw this arrogant hero king and Tokiomi's low eyebrows. Tokiomi is absolutely dead. The Servant is the one who gave the order. You are completely handing over your sovereignty by doing this. Didn't you put your life on the line?

You must know that the King of Heroes is the one who prompted Kotomine Kirei to kill you!

If such a guy is stronger than Saber... eh, then Yagami is really unwilling.

It seemed that he had to go back and prepare to take Saber.

"Oh? Stronger than this king? Well, I think I want to see it, but... Since it's a bastard, how dare to talk to this king like this..."

Behind the King of Heroes, there were countless swords exuding golden brilliance, but the figure of Ye Shenyue had disappeared before it even started, making him unable to attack.

Hmph, King of Heroes, just blow the sky first, and when my Servant appears, you will know what power is.

Ye Shenyue left the Tohsaka family with a smile on the corner of his mouth. Just when Tokiomi was summoning the King of Heroes, he had already felt the fluctuation of magic power from the Matou family. A gloomy atmosphere shrouded in ominousness.

If there is no accident, what Matou Kariya summoned is BaSErker!

Also known as the troublesome "black thing" by the King of Heroes.

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