Although Gaia, Alaya and even Yuko-san are all beings... they are all beings that cannot be defeated at the moment, but Yuko-san once said, "I borrow your Icarus and return it to you after using it." Said that this time, Icarus will definitely be returned to him.

Just do it.

Ye Shenyue didn't make soy sauce at the Magic Academy during this time, except to deepen her understanding of magic, it didn't take a minute to draw the magic circle.

Ye Shenyue used magic power to draw a magic circle directly in the center of the room, but according to the summoning ceremony, it was necessary to put in the relics related to the heroic spirit as a catalyst.

Catalyst... there is something about Icarus.


Maiya looked strangely at Yagami, digging something into her pocket and then turning the contents out of her pocket as if she was looking for something.

Like a change of clothes, pants, fat times...the refrigerator...


Is it really a refrigerator, the real thing, and there are all kinds of cans such as tomato juice drinks in it?


By the way, how did this refrigerator fit into the pocket?

Maiya didn't learn magic, so she seemed... um, very surprised.Just like when Yagami-chan saw Ariel-chan take the huge energy conversion machine out of her pocket.

"Can't find it!"

Yagami looked through all the things in her pocket. If it was related to angels, then there were also the belongings of the stupid angel and Nimf, but Icarus's...

"No way! You can only gamble once!"

Ye Shenyue slumped down along the magic circle, and then straightened her fingers on the magic circle. "Using my hands as catalysts, I will use the magic circle to summon the strongest, most powerful, and most powerful angel with the ability to destroy cities... Queen of the Sky... No, Icarus!"


As Ye Shenyue shouted loudly, a strong whirlwind burst out from the center of the magic circle, which was originally full of powerful magic fluctuations.

The wind was strong enough to blow everyone away.

Jiuyu Maiya couldn't stop covering her right hand in front of her eyes, and even so, it was difficult to open her eyes.

And Ye Shenyue's eyesight was very good to see the Servant in the wind, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"If it's a game, then I won."

"Because I have summoned... the strongest SErvant!"

ps: Please support "Naruto Shinji Counterattack" and thank you very much.

Chapter 0024 Servant, Icarus! (for collection)

"Icarus, the exclusive angel for entertainment and entertainment, has followed the master's call."

The pink wings spread out from the chest to the toes and finally spread out.She looks extremely holy, but because of the spread of her huge wings, her petite and small yet strong and explosive figure is revealed, her bulging breasts and breasts, and upturned buttocks, pink and tender like bathing in Skin in a milk bath.

The face is very soft and makes people feel that they can't wait to get close, and a pair of dark green eyes are looking at him.

"You are Icarus?"

Ye Shenyue raised her head slightly and saw the towering "mountain,"

There's no way he was lying on the ground just now and pressing his hands directly on the magic circle, and now Icarus is standing again, and his height is naturally higher than him, so he can only "look up" and then see the blood that almost spurted out. chest.

I have the chest and device in my hand!

That's the scene.

"Hi, master... Please sign a contract."

Icarus took the initiative to touch his neck, and the collar on his neck immediately separated a long chain and appeared in Ye Shenyue's hand.

"it is good!"

Ye Shenyue swallowed her saliva, then held the iron chain, which was actively wrapped around his wrist, while the other side was connected to Icarus' neck.This time, Icarus belongs to him completely.

And he is the master.

At the moment when the contract was established, a snow-white beam of light erupted from Icarus's body and directly surged into the sky, which was particularly conspicuous in the night sky.

And now it was the beginning of the Holy Grail battle, which immediately attracted the attention of the masters.

"Impossible...the eighth...there is actually an eighth master! What the hell is going on with this year's Holy Grail? Not only is there more Kirei who has no wishes and has nothing to do with magic, but now there is an eighth master. !"

In the Tohsaka family's house, Tokiomi was a little stunned to see the silver-white brilliance in the distance.

"Could it be... it's Ye Shenyue! Yes, I haven't seen his Servant. Could it be that he is only summoned now!"

Tokiomi murmured a little, but behind him there was a flash of golden light, and a young man in golden armor appeared, "Oh... this is what your younger brother said is powerful? Interesting, this king is right Your Holy Grail Station is a little interesting."

"Damn...there's actually one more master!"

Emiya Kiritsugu, who had returned to Japan, looked at Kouki from the shadows and felt a little troublesome.Saber, on the other hand, has transformed from a heroic spirit to an entity.

"Master, do you need me to inquire about the news?"

"No, you don't need to do it."

However, Emiya Kiritsugu waved his hand, "I don't need you yet, you continue to preserve your strength."

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