He was wearing a furry mouse, his eyes swept deeply behind Ye Shenyue's back, and finally he held his forehead helplessly. He really couldn't understand why he was also a man, why he seemed to be a little-known Aikawa. , there are actually so many harems!

Really envious and jealous.

He called out that his classmate's hands were shaking while holding the plate. God was so unfair, it seemed that all the girls he knew were all covered by his good oil at some point.

"Hey... Four Eyes, don't include me too."

Taeko blushed a little, but there was still a hint of dodging in her big blue eyes. Although she seemed to have been "settled with a kiss" at the door of her house, Mihara was still a little uncomfortable when she was called out by this big mouth. Yes, especially under the attention of the shy Taeko-chan, Taeko is very kind and won't have other thoughts, but the feeling of being seen through by her makes Mihara still very shy.

Moreover, Mihara paid more attention to the three girls behind Ye Shenyue.

Although she has met and even become a good friend, she is still a little embarrassed now, which can make the arrogant and arrogant Mihara embarrassed and difficult to deal with, which is really embarrassing.

Not only she, but Ye Shenyue was also a little confused.

"Abu also hooked up with so many girls on campus. No wonder he had to let the lovely Haruna-chan come to supervise the school together."

Haruna is really cute, wearing a beautiful fur coat, with a slightly angry look, big eyes wide open, very cute.

That's because you said that school is too boring, that knowledge is only learned in kindergarten, and you don't want to be buried as a genius, okay?Where is he not letting her come to school?And now Haruna still likes to be jealous, what is supervision?

Is that why she really wants to come to school?

Is he so reassuring to her?

Ye Shenyue kept complaining about Chunnai-chan's remarks, but he was also secretly shocked, and he called out that she was a beauty watcher, that arrogant girl Mihara didn't show a little bit of intimacy with him at school, and she was actually caught Calling this guy found out, is that the talent of Calling?

"% Unrepentant."

Sera sighed as if there was endless sadness in her tone, but Ye Shenyue knew that she must be covering up her current outfit.

Although Sera likes to pretend to be a cat, she is also a little shy, and she seems a little cautious in front of Ye Shenyue. Now that she wears it and shows it in front of everyone, she is even more shy.

So now I just use Ye Shenyue's "flowery heart" to cover up some embarrassment.

However, Ye Shenyue believed that as long as she waved gently like a kitten, she would definitely be able to attract a group of people.

Sarah still can't let go.

Sera's words can only be listened to in reverse, and listening to it is purely to cause trouble for himself!This is the conclusion that Ye Shenyue came to after all kinds of torment.

Her eyes fell on Yujiang dressed as a white cat. Looking at the words "Harem Gathering" she raised, the corners of Ye Shenyue's mouth twitched involuntarily.

Yu really couldn't help but die endlessly.

Although it is written with.

"Aikawa really is a lolicon?"

After being called and specifically named, Taeko-chan, who was the leader of the class, blushed a little, but after continuing to look at Yagami, she was cute and quiet but couldn't see the real black-bellied Yu-chan and her cute and lively appearance. The arrogant Chunnai-chan, Taeko's lips moved, and she was still a little tangled in the end.

Do you like loli more than the youthful and lively girl step classmates?

"Cough cough cough..."

Almost everyone's eyes were focused, and Ye Shenyue couldn't answer the question from Taeko, do you want him to say that he is actually an all-age control?

They will definitely be despised by Haruna and the others.And now it's not just the girls, but the boys' eyes are all focused, it's a hot, jealous gaze.

No, the girls around Ye Shenyue are either pretty or cute, and they are all people everyone dreams of. In the past, it was difficult to see one, but today I saw many at one time, but they were all famous flowers and they were He was taken away by the same person, or he was taken away by the most inconspicuous person in his class.Can you be pissed off?

With the boy's envious gaze, Ye Shenyue could only pretend to be calm and say, "Since everyone is here, let's start the annual cultural festival as well."

No way, not only Taeko and Mihara were looking at Yuchan and the others, but Yuchan and the others were also looking at Taeko and Mihara.

There seems to be friction between the two sides, and only hope that there is no threat of an outbreak.

In the end, under the multiple eyes, Ye Shenyue had no choice but to change the subject.


Everyone looked at Ye Shenyue with dissatisfaction, and this was not the answer they wanted.

"Okay...Okay...Let's all take your place, the guests can't wait."

It was Tiaozi who was the most likable, who spoke to Ye Shenyue.

"Okay...let's all..."

Even the squad leader said so, what else can others do?Putting envy and jealousy aside first, we started to prepare. The cultural festival is very open, not only for the interaction between students, but also a good time for confession. There are still many young couples born at this time.

"Yu... Haruna and Sera, you guys go play first, I still need to make some preparations here."

Ye Shenyue finally escaped the role of "Dracula's Bride" in the original book, and now he is wearing a Reaper's Rimba costume, looking a little handsome.

He had already received the apocalypse from different girls more than once, and he was busy watching Mihara pulling Taeko away. Could it be that he failed in the "eye war" just now?

Yu and the others are already the closest people to him, and they can't escape no matter how they run, but now Mihara and Taeko haven't got hold of them yet. If something goes wrong, it would be a real loss. I just wanted to let Sera and the others go.

Sera nodded. Just as she was about to leave, she stopped moving. Not only her, but also Yuu. Only Haruna had the most excited expression, as if something good happened.

"It's finally time for Chunna-chan to appear."

As if just when Haruna was excited to rush out, a girl's scream was deafening.

"Following the breath of girls in magical costumes, there are actually so many girls...but you...you are obviously a man...why do you have the aura of girls in magical costumes?"

With the sudden screams, everyone ran outside the window, and a scene of screaming appeared in front of them.

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