The next chapter begins with Kuro Emiya Kiritsugu.If you have leisurely children's shoes, please collect "Naruto: Shinji's Counterattack" and be grateful!

Chapter 0038 Emiya Kiritsugu's Conspiracy!on (one more)

The magician who came to attack the castle of Einzbern was the master of Lance, Kaines, who was praised by Yagami once.

Kainas' family has a long history and has the glory of nine generations of inheritance. This time, the heir of the family participated in the Holy Grail Battle. Kainas originally wanted to summon the King of Conquerors, but because of Weber's intervention, he had to change it. Summon Lancer!

But he still took advantage, he joined with his fiancée Sora, he came to have the spell, but Sora came to provide the magic power that the lancer needed, so that his excess magic power could attack by himself.

It should be known that the power of the magician is less than that of the heroic spirit, and although the overall strength of the heroic spirit is increased, the magician himself has to consume a certain amount of magic power, so the magician's own combat power will decrease.

It's like being downgraded.

But Kainas was different. He asked Sora to provide the magic power needed by the lancer while his own magic power remained unchanged. Compared with other magicians, he was a powerful fighting force.

Others can only let the Servant fight, but he is fighting together with both sides, and the power of the magic that has been passed down from nine generations is far more powerful than ordinary people.

Like cheating.

But it was like this, Kainas, who didn't look like a fool, came to attack him!

Is this killing?

Ye Shenyue filtered the information she had mastered these days in her mind, but he really didn't understand. Although this Kainas was relatively brainless, he wouldn't be so brainless to attack him!

What is the reason.

The dark green clear eyes stared at Ye Shenyue and looked carefully, the strange feeling in the heart of the knight king came up again, she really seemed to have seen this person somewhere.

Just trying to think about it, but I can't figure it out.

"Ah... that's right."

Saber, who was caught in his own fantasy, added another sentence with a slightly hesitant tone, "Emiya Kiritsugu left Einzbern ten minutes ago."

"Emiya Kiritsugu? It should be Ahad who came to him... It seems that they haven't given up on the Holy Grail War..."

Yagami Yue put her finger on the table and tapped. It stands to reason that as long as the master is still there, once a servant is free, he can make a contract with that servant and continue to participate in the war.

Did Emiya Kiritsugu still not give up?

Did not give up?kindness?Emiya Kiritsugu...and the surprise attack of Kainas!

"and many more……"

Ye Shenyue immediately found out that the phone had just been taken out, but three missed calls were displayed on the screen, all of which belonged to Maiya. Judging by the time, he should have been talking with Gaia just now, and he didn't notice that he was out of the body.

Sure enough something happened.

"Hey... Maiya, did something happen?"

Yagami quickly called back, "Yes, there was a serious fire in the hotel sponsored by Kainas half an hour ago, and then the firefighters found a strange silver giant ball after putting out the fire, which looked like A product of magic."

"Well, I see, it's getting late, you should rest first."

Because of the emergency, Yashenyue did not continue to appease the woman who comforted her, and after hanging up the phone, Yashenyue stood up.

He almost understood that in the original book, Emiya Kiritsugu did just that, first dredging the residents, but the Kainas family was missing, and then blew them up with a bomb.

But Kainas is a magician who has been passed down for nine generations after all, and the crystal moon spirit essence of the family's secret technique helped them get through the difficulties.

It's just that he knew that he was tricked by Emiya Kiritsugu, so he's here to take revenge!

Because Emiya Kiritsugu was in Einzbern, he came to Einzbern!

And Emiya Kiritsugu also knew that he was here. It would be best if he could kill Kainas. If not, then he came instead of Einzbern, and Kainas would only come to Einzbern to take revenge!

But the person here now is Ye Shenyue!Emiya Kiritsugu has run away!

"I understand!"

Ye Shenyue stood up suddenly, looking at Saber's face with a puzzled expression, and then explained it.

"Emiya Kiritsugu is going too far!"

Saber was originally dissatisfied with Emiya Kiritsugu, and now it has reached a peak. If she is a righteous knight with dignity and majesty, Emiya Kiritsugu's behavior is like a despicable villain who wants to provoke the relationship between the two sides.

"Saber, let's go out anyway. Go meet Kainas."

Ye Shenyue patted Saber on the shoulder and said.

And Saber was absent for a while, she still felt that this move was very familiar.

This person seems to really know him.


The three words Ye Shenyue... But it's like I've never heard them before...

On the other side, with the family's magic crystal moon spirit essence, that is, the magic mercury, the three-in-one dress of defense, attack, and search, Mercury-kun, who was patrolling and searching for Emiya Kiritsugu, looked at the empty space. The corridor of people frowned slightly. "What the hell is going on? Not only did I not see Emiya Kiritsugu, but I also didn't see Irisviel Einzbern."

"Or...have you been fooled?"

He was very confident in himself, so he didn't bring Lancer. Instead, he asked Lancer to protect his fiancee. This time, the bomb crisis was resolved, but he was not sure that Emiya Kiritsugu would have any crazy and despicable actions.

And he doted on his fiancee very much, so he put Lancer by her side to protect her.


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