Yagami Yue knew, Irisviel is very motherly in front of Illya, but as a woman, she met Aoi directly today, the pimples in her heart, jealousy, etc. It is impossible to say that there is no such thing.

So she subjectively thought that Ber SErker was a boy and immediately proposed to let Yagami go to send bath towels to the boy and finally take a bath together or something.

He's not gay, so he got picked up on soap.

Of course, this presupposes that BerSErker is a man!

It's a pity, it's a pity, the current BerSErker is just a female man, as long as she is a woman, Yashenyue needn't be afraid.

"I can think about it."

Yagami took the yukata and also took another set of her yukata, which looked like "it's good to wash with BerSErker".

"Could it be that I met that dirty inkstone today and changed my temper?"

Irisviel looked at Yagami Yue's calm hand and covered her chin with some doubts.

Could it be that Yagami's sexual orientation has changed?

This is a very serious matter.

ps: Delay two chapters first, otherwise the emotional line will not develop.In a few days, "Naruto: Shinji Counterattack" will be on the shelves, and the tenth update will be released on the same day. I hope you can support me at that time, and I will be grateful.

Chapter 0052 Under the bath one after another (four more please subscribe!

Of course Yagami's sexuality is not a problem!

Ye Shenyue, who was ready for everything, took a deep breath to strengthen herself. After all, he was going to break into the bathroom of a female man who had never seen a real face. There was no doubt about the mighty and powerful woman. It is possible that Ye Shenyue will also put herself on it.Who knows if a female man will be very, very active when he can't find a man and then see a man take the initiative to send it to the door?

If I don't go to hell, who will?

While holding the spirit of self-sacrifice and holding a lofty heart, Ye Shenyue has a kind of pride that a strong man will never return.

I'm helping Saber to survey first, who knows if this BerSErker will awaken the lily attribute of ghosts and beasts because he worships Saber too much?

You must know that this world is not unsafe for a man and a woman to be together, and now a man and a man should be worried about sleeping in the same room.So it's even more dangerous for women and girls to be together!

Filled with the desire to protect the king of knights, Yagami Yue continued to investigate this BerSErker with her righteous and awe-inspiring reluctance that her child could not be trapped by a wolf, using herself as a victim.

So as not to hurt the king of knights, if it is confirmed that the other party is a ghostly lily girl, then Yagami will turn into a ghost and let her break the idea of ​​lily.

All right.Everything is still in the planning process and has yet to materialize.

Ye Shenyue looked around carefully, and found that there was no trace of anyone, and finally felt relieved. After all, this kind of thing is still something that Ye Shenyue has never tried for an "righteous" person. They are all white-hot "bath of mandarin ducks".

So to sum up, peeping in the bath is still a new thing.

People are always full of tension when doing untouched things and Yagami is at this stage now.

The bathroom is huge, there are two doors in total, and the first door is opened slightly nervously.

Here is about ten square meters of space, which is used to change clothes.After all, Einzbern is a noble and it is also a castle, so the bathrooms have various atmospheres.

On the other hand, there is a cabinet that allows the owner to place the obligation to negotiate the price, but the guy who is taking a shower did not put his clothes away according to the etiquette.

Armor can be seen everywhere, protecting the wrists, protecting the chest, protecting the feet, and helmets.

Who's child, why is he throwing things around?

Yagami ignored the armor at a glance and then noticed the long bandages on the ground.

The bandage is a little wet... well, it seems to have a scent on it...

Yagami scratched the bandage tied to her chest with her hands. BerSErker was a female man of that era. There was no such thing as underwear in that era, so in order to prevent the chest and the chest from being rubbed by the armor, female knights usually used bandages. By wrapping the chest around, you can fix the chest so that it will not affect your training.

He used his reputation to guarantee that he never picked up the bandage on his chest on purpose, because his attention was attracted by the fiery red fat next to the bandage. .

Did Armor-kun get wet after seeing Saber?

Ye Shenyue hurriedly expelled the thoughts in his mind that did not conform to his imagination, then took a deep breath and walked to the second door, as long as you open this door, you will see BerSErker.

Putting her hand on the handle, Ye Shenyue felt a nervous heartbeat.

Then, with a click, the door finally opened.

The voice came.

"Wash~wash~take a bath~, there is an Arthur that is indispensable~, rub your hands and feet, my Arthur is really amazing~~" The joyful nursery rhyme like a child sang came out.


Ye Shenyue immediately closed the door.

The way he opened it must be wrong, it must be like this, otherwise there will be no such problems.This painful singing almost made his balls hurt.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Shenyue wiped her forehead to make herself more awake, and then reopened the bathroom door.

"Wash~wash~take a bath~, there is an Arthur that is indispensable~, rub your hands and feet, my Arthur is really amazing~~" It's such a nursery rhyme again, and it's still painful. The voice from the mask.Imagine rubbing the foam with your hands while singing, or rubbing a spoon against a bowl while singing.

It's not an illusion, it's real.Snarling makes people want to go mad.Although the lyrics in it make Yagami Yue very interested... But what's the point of listening to the lyrics no matter how good they are?

Ye Shenyue finally couldn't bear it anymore, opened the door wide and slammed, "BerSErker, please don't insult King Arthur again! This song... it's really..."

"What's wrong with this song? No, my noble I accidentally leaked the beautiful voice... Well, because you are here to deliver the yukata, this king will spare you."

It was still the sound coming through the armor.

This gave Ye Shenyue a momentary illusion. He was looking at the helmet that was thrown on the ground at random. Could it be a fake?

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