Ye Shenyue actually seemed to hear a faint meaning of hating iron not becoming steel.Glancing at Mihara, the other party suddenly turned his head, but pulled Taeko out.

This girl is so weird!

Looking at Miyuan's free and easy figure, Ye Shenyue was a little surprised. Originally, the two happened to kiss each other, which is hard to forget. After all, it was the first time, but this Miyuan did it very decisively.As if this had never happened, he would still talk to him, but there was a little more incomprehensible smell of gunpowder.

However, this little girl, looking at Ye Shenyue's eyes, is very unpleasant!It seems... it seems to look down on him very much!

"Clap clap clap!"

The voice came from outside the door, and Ye Shenyue could only wake up from her thoughts.

As soon as he looked up, a burly man in a black coat came over. The first sentence, without saying anything, just said "I...I want you!"

want him?want him?He is a man, and the other party is also a man!

If you want him, isn't that BL?

Although...even though I already knew that the person in front of me was just a metamorphosis of Megalo, this brain-dead opponent still...will still make the chrysanthemum tense!

"I want you to be mine!"

Seeing the expression on Ye Shenyue's face constantly changing, Megalo added another sentence, in his tone, there was endless longing!

Ps: Please comment, please collect!

Chapter 0013 Gain power to transform?Never!

"Is it BL?"

Ye Shenyue's chrysanthemum couldn't be tighter, and her heart was secretly preparing to open the ban on the human body and kill this Megalo directly on the spot!

At this moment, Haruna's small body suddenly ran in through the window, and along the way, she also brought a sentence that made Yagami go crazy!

"BL your sister!"

Ye Shenyue was also angry, and when Haruna said so, it was even more burning.Who wants BL!Lao Tzu is a pure natural normal orientation, okay?

"Magic outfit... the smell of a girl in a magic outfit."

The tall man immediately transformed, his hands quickly turned into red and powerful... crab claws, and then two claws cut the clothes quickly, revealing a huge lobster head!

"This...this is the vicious King"

Haruna became excited, it was another Megalo, and it was possible that she was given credits again.

"The breath of a girl in a magical costume?"

The King Shrimp also seemed to become excited, and the two giant red pincers he was waving were also fierce and powerful, and at the same time, he seemed to be going forward.

"Humph! Just you crayfish!"

Haruna took out her iconic saw "Misturtine". Under Yagami's surprised eyes, Haruna's small body wearing his shirt suddenly flashed an infinite soft light, and at the same time, after the light, there seemed to be a Pink flashed, and then, a completely naked girl appeared again.

"How... how could this be? I came here when I was full."

Haruna held her chainsaw-shaped magic gear with disappointment on her face.

"You stupid!"

Ye Shenyue directly gave Haruna a shudder, and with a tug at it, she took off her clothes directly to Haruna.This little guy really doesn't know that every time he fails to transform, he will become completely naked!

But where did the clothes you wear when you transform go?Why hasn't it changed?

Ye Shenyue was surprised.

"Idiot step!"

Haruna's face was a little red, but she quickly covered the outer garment that Yagami had taken off.Finally, the continued leak of Guag was avoided.


The Shrimp King waved his pliers and threw his huge pliers directly at Haruna. He was aggressive. He didn't want a girl in a magic costume without magic power!

"Don't blush! If you have time to blush, you might as well hide behind me!"

Haruna didn't have the slightest defensive power at the moment, just like an ordinary weak girl.If she didn't help her, she might have been directly slapped by the huge pincers.

"Idiot step! You, you are amazing!"

Haruna woke up from her daze, and what she saw turned out to be Yagami with one hand, catching the huge crab claws thrown by the vicious King Shrimp with only one hand.Under the control of King Shrimp, the pliers kept moving forward, but they still couldn't go any further!

"How... how is it possible!"

The shrimp king was shocked. The other party caught his pincers with his own strength. When did humans become so powerful!

"Nothing is Impossible!"

Ye Shenyue's face was filled with a calm expression, causing Haruna behind her to be full of little stars, but the real situation in her heart was, what kind of strength, her hands hurt!

Moreover, what the king of shrimp, there is still so much strength!

Do you really want %?Then, wouldn't the hand be cut off!

However, from the corners of her eyes, she caught sight of the surprise and joy on Haruna's face. She didn't know where the confidence came from. Ye Shenyue really went out of her way, so she rushed straight up, and %, %'s strength was also used.

"How... how is it possible!"

Shrimp King was kicked out by Ye Shenyue in surprise and dissatisfaction. How could it be possible, how could a mere human being beat it up?

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