Yuuki turned her head away, and Ye Shenyue noticed that she seemed to be blushing.

Today's Yuki is a little weird.

As an otaku, Ye Shenyue's sixth sense is still very strong.

Especially now, when she turned her head, she took out the dark green scroll from nowhere, as if there was some hidden record on the scroll.

Ye Shenyue wanted to see it, but Yuuki pretended to hide it, it looked really cute.

Obviously guilty of being a thief!

Speaking of which, Yuuki is the most honest and sincere person in his Crystal Palace, and also the least tricky. What is it that makes her panic so much?

"Xiang... Aikawa... This is for you!"

Yuuki hurriedly glanced at the "confession trick" he got from Silas Buddy and finally turned his head and handed Yagami a letter very hard.


Shouldn't it be a confession?

Ye Shenyue looked at the pink love peach painted on the envelope, her heart was a little stunned, why did Yuuki suddenly sound to confess?Didn't she always call herself a campus wife?

Does the wife still need to confess?

Regardless of whether Ye Shenyue was surprised or not, now Youji lowered her head and sent the letter to his hand, waiting a little uneasily, waiting for his reply.

Ye Shenyue took the letter and prepared to open it in front of her.

"No... No, how could it be disassembled in person!"

After speaking, Yuuki disappeared quickly, as if she was shy.

Is there anything in the letter that makes people blush?

Ye Shenyue had some sao in her heart and opened it immediately.I saw that the letter said, "See you at the bottom of Shenmu." About Shenmu, Ye Shenyue still has a memory. Isn't Shenmu a holy place for confession on campus?Legend has it that as long as you confess there, 80% of them can be successful together.

It's just that the Shenmu is only a hundred meters away from here, and this short distance does Youji need to escape?

Ye Shenyue was stunned.

When he walked over, Yuuki was already leaning against the ancient Shenmu, and his hands couldn't stop entangled. Seeing Ye Shenyue walking over, she looked like a frightened deer. With countless confidence added, she must have fled in shame.

Yuuki wanted to run away.But seeing Ye Shenyue approaching, he finally made up his mind, closed his eyes slightly, and suddenly shouted at Ye Shenyue, "Xiang... Aikawa... I... I like... I like... eh?"

"The mother body is abnormal, the countdown starts from self-destruction, 30,29,28,27, [-], [-], [-]..."


This is the first time Yuuki has made such a bold confession, but before the words are finished, his head is in a trance, and he faints.


After all, Ye Shenyue was still a step slower. He suddenly remembered that in the original book, Chris had set a trap to let the dumb Yuuki fall into it, and then summoned a human-shaped magic weapon, which he could wear to suppress it. The magic ring...

At that time, it should have been Yuuki who hit the switch on the tree and dropped the big plate and knocked her unconscious, but now, Yuuki hasn't moved anything, and the big plate still fell.

There is only one possibility, Chris is nearby, she is monitoring Yuuki, or is she monitoring him?


Ye Shenyue was really speechless, feeling as if he was being followed by stealing love.

Ye Shenyue looked around and found no figure of Chris. It seemed that she was remotely controlled.Just looking at the humanoid weapon that was already counting down at the moment, Ye Shenyue's head immediately grew bigger.

Ariel-chan, what are you going to make a fuss about?Since you put this thing on Yuuki, you have to give it something to suppress anyway, right?What if Yuuki ran wild again and again?

"Give her this!"

Like a ghost, just when Ye Shenyue was at a loss, a hand stretched out in front of him, "Ya Shenyue, hurry up and give her this... The weapon I made is still flawed... poof... Seriously too. banned by the doctor."

The blood-sucking ninja, dressed in white and unshaven, spat out a mouthful of blood again, watching Ye Shenyue's heart skip a beat.

Is this blood really worthless?

Seeing that the white clothes were already stained with blood, Ye Shenyue had no choice but to take the golden ring and immediately rushed over to hug Yuuki, who was out of control.

"Xiang? Aikawa? This...is it possible...could it be a wedding ring? Although...even though I'm already your wife...but...but...I will take care of it!"

The first thing Yuuki woke up was not looking at Ye Shenyue, but noticing the mysterious looking golden 2.4-finger ring on his hand. His heartbeat couldn't help but rise a lot, and his mind became confused. Excitedly, he ran away.


Isn't this the same as the original story?

Yuuki, have you misunderstood?

But... Ye Shenyue thought deeply, it seems that they should also buy rings for them, right?After all, the most intimate things have been done.

"This is what Ariel asked me to send... Pfft... Pretending to be handsome is also forbidden..."

Looking at Ye Shenyue's bewildered appearance, the Vampire Baron thought he was thinking about his appearance, and quickly explained that after the previous revolution failed, Chris was turned into a featureless uncle by a wicked queen. , and he was cursed and turned into a strange system where he would vomit blood if he acted handsome, pretended to be cool, and was serious.

Only the guy Ariel survived, and it is not for the black belly, even the queen can deceive it.

"Pfft... Deep thinking is also forbidden..."

In the end, the blood-sucking baron fell to the ground exhausted.

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