Everyone is waiting for his explanation 643.

Feeling a little cold sweat.

"Wearing a ring is against school rules. Yoshida-san, give the ring to the teacher for safekeeping, and then come to the office to pick it up after school."

While they were arguing endlessly, when Ye Shenyue was embarrassed, Mr. Xu Lizi also stepped in, making Ye Shenyue more favorable.

Chris is indeed the one who sees the atmosphere the most.He was in trouble and came to help right away.

Just hearing Chris's words, Ye Shenyue was speechless, and she also came to grab the ring.

And the loot is very fair.Sure enough, it's a teacher, and his level of "snatching" is different.To oppress people with his own identity.

"How can this be..."

Yuuki covered her hands, but under the serious expression of the teacher, he lowered his head unwillingly, pulled the ring off his hand, and put it in the teacher's hand.

Ye Shenyue clearly saw the reflection of the teacher's glasses, obviously she was a little proud of her goal.

The ring contest was ultimately won by Chris.

The teacher of the big teacher is different.

Ye Shenyue can be regarded as comprehending the superb point of Chris.

ps: Various requests.

Chapter 0105 Reappearance of Chris

No matter how reluctant the organic is, and how relieved they are, the cultural festival has finally ushered in the final part.


It's another romantic program. Often, men and women dance together. Of course, there will be some physical contact, which will make men and women who are already interested become more sexual.

This is the most favorite part of boys, and they can invite the girl they like to confess.Then make some kind of secret agreement.

Like now.

Under the reflection of the raging flame that seemed to make the heart burn, Ye Shenyue and the lovely Hui Luoluo, who had the demeanor of a boss, held hands together, hugged each other's waist and danced, and Ye Shenyue only felt his The heart beats faster too.

Although he has enjoyed the blessings of being together recently, he is still very obsessed with the body of the vampire ninja chief who is absolutely obedient to him when he is alone.

Eye contact, and the slender fingers of the other party slowly sliding down involuntarily, Ye Shenyue suddenly understood that it seems that he is not the only one who has some kind of need.

Compared with Ye Shenyue's blessing of Qi Ren, it seems that someone's situation is very strange.

"Can you invite Miss to dance on such a beautiful night?"

"Tsk tsk tsk... Miss is so beautiful..."


After walking towards the Nth girl and being ruthlessly rejected, Orido-san couldn't take the blow anymore.

"It goes without saying that you must be too disgusting."

The merciless blow can only be said by Ye Shenyue.Although he didn't particularly look forward to seeing Orito, but seeing such a sad appearance of good oil, Yagami felt that as the task of oil, he still had to remind him.

Although this reminder only made Orido-classmates be hit and even more envious and hated.

Red Guoguo's hatred.

"Xiang... Xiangchuan! A guy like you who enjoys the blessings of everyone... It's like standing and talking without back pain!"

Don't look at Ye Shenyue, who is also alone now, but she has already finished dancing for an unknown number of times, and she has finished dancing with how many girls, and she just stood aside when she was a little tired.

And the members of his Crystal Palace were also very obedient, and he was the only one with him, and the other teenagers didn't even have the urge to take a second look.Even Hiramatsu Taeko, the most cowardly and easily bullied classmate, resolutely refused in the constant pursuit of boys.

And even if her rejection was not strong enough, don't forget that there is a arrogant and indifferent Minako Mihara by her side.She is not a fuel efficient lamp.

According to Yagami, he is the most loyal knight who protects the princess.It's just that she is not a traditional knight but a princess of Yagami.

"Hey... the boy over there!"

Suddenly a low voice came over, and under the blazing fire, a thin figure appeared.

It's their teacher Suguriko.Also Chris.

"Old... teacher?"

Orido students were a little dumbfounded. What did the teacher ask them to do?Now is not the time for free time to find a dance partner?

"There are not enough boys here, come over to make up the number."

Suguriko-sensei beckoned to show his intention, but Orido-san was half-stupidly frightened.

Make up the number of people?No matter how you look at it, there is only one teacher!And the teacher is still standing in the ranks of the girls. No matter how you look at it, the teacher is making up the number of girls! And he also said that he needs to make up another number. Needless to say, it must be the number of boys!

It was actually asking them to dance with the teacher!

sky!Such a big responsibility, it really still has to be handed over to others, such as good oil.

"Aikawa...you go! Mr. Suguriko, Aikawa said he will go immediately, so you can wait!"

Without too much hesitation, Orido-san ruthlessly abandoned Yagami and pushed him forward.

"Orito...don't regret it!"

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