"It's nothing... But, Mordred, I want to tell you something, you have to listen carefully!"

Yagami Yue turned her head and put her hands on Mordred's shoulders. The small shoulders were very petite, giving Yagami the feeling that she was standing with Saber now.


The girl looked puzzled and confused.

"I, Ye Shenyue, probably... No, it should be your father! Good daughter, hurry up and come to your father's arms! I know you were taught badly by that woman Morgan, so don't be afraid that your father will correct you."

While talking, he pulled the girl into his arms, and he finally understood why Mordred had three parents.

Morgan Le Fay was jealous of Saber but couldn't win her, so he did something like this under his twisted mind, combining his own egg with Saber's egg to create a child, but the child did develop a fertilized egg without sperm. The law succeeded, so... hit her idea?

what a crazy woman...

"Eh? Eh! What are you talking about!"

Mordred was dumbfounded by the warm feeling of being held in Ye Shenyue's arms, which made her almost intoxicated, but the shock brought by Ye Shenyue's words still made her sober and scream.

Chapter 0077 Sister Eliya

ps: Tomorrow's new book "Naruto 2 Counterattack" will be updated 10 times, please support, just subscribe to chapter 0001, and I am very grateful.


"So, that's it, to reintroduce, Mordred is my daughter and Saber."

Yagami and Mordred's "half-hour walk" has been completed, and then they returned to Einzbern. Because everyone was still awake, Yagami introduced to you.

Mordred was a little at a loss and Ye Shenyue seemed calmer compared to her. After all, if she was familiar with it twice, it would be numb...

After all, he is the father of N children...

So his face has long been... unusually thick.

Just waiting for the slightly surprised Irisviel, the puzzled Illya, the staring at him, and the frightened Saber's reaction, I don't know why they seemed to be silent for a long time. .

Could it be... what's wrong?

Ye Shenyue and Mordred looked at each other a little nervously. At this time, Mordred was like a twisted and nervous child. He wanted to integrate into this big family but was worried that the other party would not accept her.

Heart up and down.

Ye Shenyue thought about their reaction either rejecting or agreeing, this...what is this silence all about?

"Then... that... Ye Shenyue, are you telling the truth?"

Finally, when they were both nervous, Saber, the most nervous person, spoke up, "Mordred is... um... is it your and my child?"

Saber's tone lost the confidence and awe of the past. At this time, she was like a little girl who was thrown into a labyrinth and lost her way, her brain was about to become muddy.

"In principle it is."

Ye Shenyue nodded, her voice was as gentle as the warm wind blowing with a smell that would not allow others to doubt.

Saber, who was spinning around in the maze at the moment, seemed to have suddenly found the right direction and quickly followed.

"So this is ah……"

Although it seems to be confirmed, Yagami is sure that the current Saber must still not understand anything.

"Saber, the fact is this, I want to confess to you, Mordred's real life experience."

Ye Shenyue knew that Saber would not wake up from the confusion without explaining clearly, so she stated her conjecture with certain reliable basis.

It's about Morgan Le Fay, who is also Saber's sister, so Saber shouldn't doubt it...

Then.Saber, who knew the truth, covered her forehead and tears were about to fall. "I said why my sister had to drink with me and woke up naked the next day, but my sister didn't know where she was going. Maybe that was the time when she got it."


saber, what did you blow yourself up?

Morgan Le Fay stripped you off, didn't it?

And what's the deal with the word "success"?How many bottom lines have you broken through?

The girl with black hair and black eyes appeared in Ye Shenyue's mind... To her sister... How could this girl succeed?

It should...maybe...well, he must help Saber take revenge and see him back, touch it back, do it back...

Things seem to be clear.Everything was made by Morgan Le Fay.

"So... Illya has another sister?"

Illya blinked her piercing eyes and smiled lightly, revealing two lovely pear vortexes. She climbed down from her mother's arms and grabbed Mordred's small hands on her thighs.

"Mordred, you will be called Illya sister in the future~" The flashing big eyes show the pitiful expectation and the color that cannot be rejected. She is so cute like a little angel, her request It's really hard to refuse.

Hard to refuse.

"Eh... eh? Eh!"

Mordred first agreed "unbearable", but when he saw that everyone's eyes were focused on her, he immediately woke up. What did he just say?

No matter how you look at it, she is bigger!She is as tall as her mother but Illya is still a child!How did you just agree to let Ilya be her sister?

But this time Ilya had ignored her and turned to her mother.

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