"That is to say, Inuyasha's father was an inuyasha and he was very flowery. He was related to both banshees and humans, and then gave birth to a pure demon called Sesshomaru, and a half demon called Inuyasha. There is also a human being called... Kikyo! This, this... What kind of blood is this! It's both monster and human!"

Kagome was stunned, she was thinking that if the child is a half-demon, then the parents must be a monster, and if the child is a monster, then the parents are both monsters, and if the child is a pure human, the parents should be Humans are right!

The blood of the father who can give birth to so many varieties of children is really wonderful...

"It's really a messy relationship...but you just need to remember that the main Inuyasha is your brother. If you want to protect the jade of the four souls, you need his help."

Ye Shenyue also discovered the problem, and immediately thought of an opportunity to remedy it, "Actually, it's not impossible. It seems that I have many bloodlines."

"Many bloodlines?"

A Li looked at Ye Shenyue.

"Now look... I'm human."

Ash nodded.

Then Ye Shenyue looked at A Li's neck, and immediately had the urge to suck blood. A Li was shocked to find that Ye Shenyue's pitch-black pupils had turned into blood-like red pupils, and a pair of wings appeared behind her. !Those were wings made up of tiny dark red bats!

"This is a vampire, a monster of power."

Ye Shenyue snapped her fingers and regained her original appearance. After all, if he continued to maintain the state of a vampire, he would not be able to help but suck blood.

As for the zombie bloodline...

Ye Shenyue didn't even want to mention it.In this world of so many monsters, the Zombie-kun who will dry up when he sees the sun is really... ashamed to mention it!

But looking at Ah Li's stunned expression, Ye Shenyue showed a satisfied smile, "The bloodline thing can be changed at will, if it were me and you XXOO in human form, then the child born would be Humans, but if they are vampires, their children will be half-demon... The stronger the ability, the more difficult it will be to leave children, and the survival rate of sperm will continue to decrease, so... If you want to give birth to children, you have to Do it a few more times..."


A Li was sluggish for a moment, then immediately blushed and screamed in the next second, "Suddenly say something... Who is going to have a baby with you! I'm not saying that I'm... it's just the first time I've seen it. You! Please... please don't say such things!"

"Just talking casually... eh, if it was Kikyo, it wouldn't be so nervous. It seems that even the temperament has changed after reincarnation."

Ye Shenyue showed a wounded gesture.

"Um... this... this kind of thing I can't handle right now... if you really want... um... wait..."

The girl's heart is always the softest. Seeing Ye Shenyue's lost A Li, she wants to comfort her, but she just talks about it, but she finds that she seems to have said something incredible.

What's it called...if you want?

If the other party wants it, can you really do it?

"What? I'm not the kind of man who is in a hurry... Even with Kikyo, I always behave well, but since my personality has changed since I was reincarnated... Well, it doesn't matter, I will adapt to you, Kaede, Bring the quilt, yes, it's best to lay it out first, I want to have a first experience with your sister A Li..."

"Well... no no no no no! Ah!"

A Li was stunned for two seconds and then immediately blushed and erupted, how could this man... how come... he has to make an inch!

"I said it takes time to get used to... not so early... so early..."

Ah Li is a simple high school student. Well, she has always thought so, and now she is trying her best to explain it, so as not to be taken into the adult ladder without understanding anything.

"Eh... I said it earlier, I always said some misleading things, which made me excited for nothing."

Ye Shenyue once again showed a "lost" expression, "But... can you make up for me? Just now... well, when I turned into a vampire, I accidentally got excited and wanted to suck blood."

"Suck...suck blood?"

A Li hesitated slightly, but when he thought that he didn't have to enter the stairs of the adults immediately, A Li made up his mind again.

"Okay, I promise you!"

It shouldn't hurt.

"Well... don't worry, relax... pull up your hair, and show your fair neck..."

Ye Shenyue approached little by little, moving towards the place that made people's blood and pulse spurt.


There was a loud noise outside, and there was a slight tremor in the room.

"Master Feng...youkai! The monsters have attacked the village!"

At this time, the door was also knocked on by the villagers.

You monsters... have attacked the village!

"If that's the case... let's deal with the monsters first!"

Seeing what happened, A Li immediately put down his hair and covered his fair neck, and the beauty disappeared.However, she breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. Ye Shenyue leaned so close just now that she was nervous and her face blushed unnaturally.

"Shit! Don't attack sooner or later..."

Ye Shenyue couldn't see the beauty and scolded her angrily, letting Ah Li and I punch her into the fist, "Deal with the monsters first... If you still want to suck blood at that time, then... I'll suck it for you."

"That's what you said. There is absolutely no way to deny it."

Ye Shenyue stood up and rushed outside.And A Li and Feng also appeared.

It is a monster more than ten meters long. It has countless feet like a centipede, but the upper body is a human body. The black hair and face are still visible, but the pair of heavy chests and breasts are very proud, and the skin is smooth. It seems that the monsters are also very good at taking care of them.

But...well, when I saw that long body, I had no idea, even if the other party didn't wear clothes, he was not interested!

And the current monster... is still a monster that hinders his blood-sucking!

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