Feng Luoli frowned, and Ye Shenyue's slightly frowned brows relaxed, he would kill anyone or monster who wanted to attack Kagome, but this crow...

Even if you eat the jade of the four souls, you will not become a human being. There is no threat and it is still a female... Well, in this conservative era, you must not be able to understand the true meaning of "lily", so...

This is a harmless crow.Although it is called the corpse dancing crow, but...isn't it just a crow?

No need to pay attention.

"The Jade of the Four Souls!"

But at this time, Kagome called out at 5.8, "Yishenyue, that crow swallowed the jade of four souls!"


Then there was a scream of a child and then a scream of a mother, "Help me... Someone save my child, the child was taken away by a crow!"

The voice was urgent and worried.

ps: Well, since it is proposed that the mother should transform into Sesshomaru... Well, this can be done. After all, if Ling is written to Sesshomaru, it will be a gift for the daughter...

Also, thanks to Naiyuant for reminding me that the author Jun's other book "Naruto: Shinji Counterattack" has given up on the Hokage volume. After all, Naruto has already been written badly and it is difficult to innovate again. The author is also good at writing niche comprehensives. Man, that's why... go straight to the apocalypse of the academy.

The beginning... Well, slap Miyamoto Rei, ntr Jing Haoyong.

If you are sadistic, go see it! (laugh)

Chapter 0010 Under the Jade of the Broken Four Souls (four more subscriptions)

"Yishenyue, the child was taken away by the crow!"

Kagome also discovered the behavior of the crow that swallowed the Jade of the Four Souls. It was so irritating that she actually grabbed the child who was doing farm work with her mother with her claws. It was a little loli, although Not cute but better than young.

It's too much to actually attack this big crow against this little loli!

This is Kagome's first feeling.

And Ye Shenyue was silent.

Ye Shenyue, the child was taken away by the crow.

There is nothing wrong with this sentence, but why does he always think, "Brother Monkey, Master was captured by the monster."

Or "Second Senior Brother, Master was captured by a monster"?

"It is an unforgivable sin!"

Ye Shenyue was furious, yes, it was so furious, other monsters could become super awesome even if they swallowed a piece of the four-soul jade, and the current Raven Lord swallowed the entire four-soul jade Now... but it just got bigger and the claws got bigger and the mouth became sharper.

and then?

No other changes!The only thing that has changed is a little bit of pride.

It is understandable, when the corpse dancing crow didn't swallow the four soul jade to evolve, it ate the flesh of dead people. Now after evolution, it has to eat raw people to change its taste. This is indeed understandable, just like 07. Become a local tyrant and order a bowl of shark fins to pour over a bowl of shark fins.

However, after eating the Jade of the Four Souls, which both Kikyo and Kagome thought were very important, it turned into such a silly and arrogant look.

Is this everyone who will collect the jade of the four souls in contempt?

"Soul Claws!"

At this time, the partner of justice appeared, and a red figure jumped into the air with its amazing bouncing power, and made a knowing blow when the "evolved" corpse dance crow fluttered its wings.

Soul Claw.

The claw prints formed by the condensed scarlet demon power directly flew towards the target crow, which became bigger after the evolution, as if telling "I've grown so big, come and hit me".


There was a tremor in the mouth of the corpse dancing crow, and then the flesh and blood separated.

Without any accident, the corpse dancing crow was immediately hit and torn apart, and the child also fell from the air, just into the water.

No matter how bad Inuyasha is, he is still a half-demon and a monster that can crush ordinary monsters. If he can't even deal with such a crow, which is just a little bigger, then he can't be called as a righteous partner.

"Hey, Inuyasha, why didn't you catch that kid!"

Kagome had already been carried to the river by Yagami, and she was immediately annoyed when she saw the panicked cry of the child who was caught in the sight of the crow, because Inuyasha could jump so high and attack the crow, of course. Live with children, but Inuyasha immediately stopped moving after using Iron Claw.

"I don't like falling into the water. And why should I listen to you!"

Inuyasha turned his head, and his bare feet touched the ground slightly as if he didn't care.

Well, this half-demon is a little arrogant.

"The Jade of the Four Souls is also in the water. The Jade of the Four Souls was swallowed by the Corpse Dance Crow just now."

"What? The Jade of the Four Souls!"

Hearing Ye Shenyue say this, the half-demon, who originally claimed to not like falling into the water, immediately jumped into the water before anyone could react.

"The Jade of Four Souls and the Jade of Four Souls!"

There are words in the mouth.

He is really attached to the Jade of the Four Souls.

"Gao Wei...don't need to go into the water."

However, Inuyasha went into the water because the Jade of the Four Souls saw that Kagome was going to go into the water with a thud to save her, and Yashinyuki hurriedly stopped her.

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